Paul Newton's Profile

Joined: Jul 22, 2016

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Paul Newton reviewed Spider-Man #6 Jul 23, 2016

This was a compelling issue with good characters and an interesting plot. The only issue is the very heavy-handed tie in to Civil war 2. Were this not a Civil War tie in, but another chapter in the Miles Morales story, this issue would be rated higher than an 8.

Spider-Man #6

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Nico Leon
Released: Jul 20, 2016

•  Miles Morales has only been in the Marvel Universe for a few weeks, and he's already finding himself in the middle of a war.
•  Which side will Miles choose?!
Rated T

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Paul Newton reviewed Star Wars: Darth Vader #23 Jul 23, 2016

The beginning of this issue was rather slow, but the implications the ending proposes makes up for any initial problems.

Star Wars: Darth Vader #23

By: Kieron Gillen, Salvador Larroca
Released: Jul 20, 2016

• Vader vs. Morit on the shell of the Executor!
•  Fine: Cylo's secret revealed!
Rated T

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Paul Newton reviewed Black Widow #5 Jul 23, 2016

Feels like a 60's Bond movie, which stars Black Widow.

Black Widow #5

By: Chris Samnee
Released: Jul 20, 2016

•  Using her darkest secret as leverage, the Weeping Lion has pushed Natasha further from the straight and narrow.
•  And Agent Elder of S.H.I.E.L.D. is closing in - is he fellow prey that needs Black Widow's protection, or another predator?
Rated T+

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Paul Newton reviewed Star Wars #21 Jul 23, 2016

Great job taking a calculated risk. Characters are interesting and different.

Star Wars #21

By: Jason Aaron, Jorge Molina
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"The Last Flight of the Harbinger" STARTS NOW!
•  Sgt. Kreel is back with an all-new squad of stormtroopers!
•  Go inside the minds of an elite group of Imperial soldiers!
•  Join incoming artist Jorge Molina for a walk on the dark side!
Rated T

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Paul Newton rated Action Comics #959 Jul 22, 2016

Action Comics #959

By: Dan Jurgens, Tyler Kirkham
Released: Jul 13, 2016

"PATH TO DOOM" Chapter Three: Clark Kent gets caught in the crossfire as Doomsday crashes through the streets of Metropolis! As Lois struggles to keep young Jonathan out of the path of destruction, can former enemies Superman and Lex Luthor stop the monster that once destroyed the city and killed the Man of Steel-or does Luthor have other plans?

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Paul Newton rated Vision #9 Jul 22, 2016

Vision #9

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Jul 13, 2016

• Every family has its share of secrets - skeletons in the closet, kept hidden from the world at large.
•  For the Visions, those secrets are real, actual skeletons.
•  The thing about secrets is they always have a cost... and one of the Visions is going to pay with their life.
Rated T+

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Paul Newton rated Superman #3 Jul 22, 2016

Superman #3

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"THE SON OF SUPERMAN" Chapter Three: In #3, with a touch that means death, the Eradicator proves he's a match for Superman, but his super-powered offspring may be more than anyone can handle-including the Man of Tomorrow.

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Paul Newton reviewed Justice League #1 Jul 22, 2016

Nothing is wrong with Dc Rebirth's Justice League title. But that being said, there is a feeling of something missing when your reading this current incarnation of the Juice League. Hopefully this title regains the wonder and acclaim that Johns and Morison brought to the team.

Justice League #1

By: Bryan Hitch, Sandu Florea
Released: Jul 20, 2016

The oceans rise. The earth quakes. And an ancient power rises to reclaim not just the world, but the universe itself-and not even the combined might of the Justice League can stop it. An all-new era begins with this epic by comic book legend Bryan Hitch (JLA, The Ultimates) and master storyteller Tony S. Dan...

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Paul Newton rated Hellblazer: Rebirth #1 Jul 22, 2016

Hellblazer: Rebirth #1

By: Simon Oliver, Moritat
Released: Jul 20, 2016

John Constantine's lost weekend in New York City was fun, but London's where his heart is-only a pissed-off demon and a curse on his soul stand in his way. Even Constantine's questionable ethics are pushed to the limit when he puts eight million souls on the line to get what he wants....

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Paul Newton rated Green Lanterns #3 Jul 22, 2016

Green Lanterns #3

By: Sam Humphries, Jay Leisten
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"RAGE PLANET" Chapter Three: In issue #3, Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz are trapped in the bloody and monstrous Rage Tower with their rings drained. Now, they must work together if they're going to escape. Can the new protectors of Earth find common ground-or are they doomed to give in to the anger that's growing between them?

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Paul Newton rated Green Arrow #3 Jul 22, 2016

Green Arrow #3

By: Ben Percy, Juan Ferreyra
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"THE DEATH AND LIFE OF OLIVER QUEEN" Chapter Three: In #3, Green Arrow's enemies learn he is still alive when the Emerald Archer-now Emerald Outlaw-breaks into Queen Industries to learn why his entire world has betrayed him. But the deadly assassin Shado-formerly Oliver's ally-is dispatched to finish him before he gets too close to the shocking tru...

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Paul Newton reviewed Batman #3 Jul 22, 2016

King's Batman is one of the strongest titles in the Dc Rebirth lineup. It has the perfect mixture of Frank Miller's Batman, and Snyder's Batman. Hopefully this title continues on the path its on, and becomes a classic run for the character.

Batman #3

By: Tom King, David Finch
Released: Jul 20, 2016

 "I AM GOTHAM" Chapter Three: Batman and Gotham strike out together to get to the bottom of the mysterious attacks against the city. Could this novel and headstrong new hero be everything Gotham City the cost of the Dark Knight?

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Paul Newton rated Aquaman #3 Jul 22, 2016

Aquaman #3

By: Dan Abnett, Brad Walker
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"THE DROWNING," Chapter Three: In issue #3, Aquaman's mission of peace is dealt a devastating blow when Atlantean terrorists attack the surface world in retribution for Black Manta's deadly assault on their embassy.

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Paul Newton added Superman (2016) to their pull list Jul 22, 2016

Superman (2016)

"THE SON OF SUPERMAN" chapter one
The Last Son of Krypton must decide whether to help his young son use his new and rapidly increasing abilities, or hide them from the world.
THE CREATORS: The team supreme that brought fans the adventures of Damian Wayne in "Batman and Robin" returns for the adventures of Superman and his offspring.

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Paul Newton dropped Superman (2016) from their pull list Jul 22, 2016

Superman (2016)

"THE SON OF SUPERMAN" chapter one
The Last Son of Krypton must decide whether to help his young son use his new and rapidly increasing abilities, or hide them from the world.
THE CREATORS: The team supreme that brought fans the adventures of Damian Wayne in "Batman and Robin" returns for the adventures of Superman and his offspring.

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