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Joined: Jan 10, 2019

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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6

By: Tom Taylor, Juan Cabal
Released: May 8, 2019

• The neighborhood, and the planet, is doomed. Spider-Man is powerless to stop the end of the world. Only Earth's Newest and Mightiest Hero, Spider-Bite, can save the day.
•  Wait, WHAT?!
Rated T

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #3

By: Saladin Ahmed, Javi Garron
Released: Feb 20, 2019

• CAPTAIN AMERICA guest-stars!
•  Miles and Cap try to get to the bottom of the mystery of the missing kids, but it's not quite that simple.
•  A new villain has our heroes' number, and you won't believe how they get out of this jam!
Rated T+

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Michu rated Amazing Spider-Man #14 Feb 4, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man #14

By: Nick Spencer, Chris Bachalo
Released: Jan 30, 2019

• You know what's annoying? Having to save J. Jonah Jameson's life.
•  Sure, he's been on Spidey's side for a little while, but that's after YEARS of him making Spider-Man's life a living heck.
•  I feel like this amount of responsibility should come with even more power.
•  Anyway,...

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Linkush reviewed Venom #10 Jan 16, 2019

This was just great!

The twist about Eddie's past was great and that ending really caught me off guard. All of that made even better with Ryan Stegman's magnificent art.

Just get it, it's really worth it.

Venom #10

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: Jan 16, 2019

• Eddie Brock takes a walk down memory lane and revisits San Francisco for the first time in years.
•  The homecoming is anything but pleasant, though, as he comes face-to-face with his estranged father and a little brother he never knew he had...
•  This while the Venom symbiote remains silenced, per...

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Afre reviewed Venom #10 Jan 16, 2019

Holy moly venomoly.

Pure awesomeness.

Venom #10

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: Jan 16, 2019

• Eddie Brock takes a walk down memory lane and revisits San Francisco for the first time in years.
•  The homecoming is anything but pleasant, though, as he comes face-to-face with his estranged father and a little brother he never knew he had...
•  This while the Venom symbiote remains silenced, per...

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Psycamorean reviewed Venom #10 Jan 16, 2019

Amazing issue and really emotional too. This is probably the definitive Venom run. I can't praise it enough. The writing, the art, everything.

Venom #10

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: Jan 16, 2019

• Eddie Brock takes a walk down memory lane and revisits San Francisco for the first time in years.
•  The homecoming is anything but pleasant, though, as he comes face-to-face with his estranged father and a little brother he never knew he had...
•  This while the Venom symbiote remains silenced, per...

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Michu rated Hawkeye Vol. 4: Rio Bravo Jan 17, 2019

Hawkeye Vol. 4: Rio Bravo

By: Matt Fraction, David Aja

Reeling from recent events, even Hawkeye wants to know his new status quo. Who's with him? Who's against him? Who's trying to kill him, and why? And just when Clint's rock bottom couldn't arrive fast enough, his brother shows up. After a lifetime of bad decisions, Clint and Barney Barton have to realize that they are brothers - and, ultimately, the...

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Michu reviewed Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #4 Jan 10, 2019

I finally made peace with tragic events from Spider-Geddon. Don't remember when I cried so much reading a comic book.

Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #4

By: Seanan McGuire, Rosi Kampe
Released: Jan 9, 2019

In the aftermath of SPIDER-GEDDON, Gwen Stacy has a unique ability all her own - one that will set her apart from other Spiders for years to come. But with that unique power, there will also come a unique - and grave - responsibility. One that Gwen will have no choice but to bear alone...
Rated T

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