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Joined: Sep 10, 2020

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Steve reviewed Captain America #26 Dec 16, 2020

Another great Coates comic, we saw that his writing took off in a while, and now he finds himself on an increasingly accurate path in the character's script. We had a lot of action, speech about cycles of death and rebirth (something Marvel has a lot of) and all this done with great art. We also see Steve Rogers talking about the importance of his friendships, the thing he is most proud of, showin more

Captain America #26

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Dec 16, 2020

Rated T+

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Steve reviewed Captain America #25 Nov 20, 2020

Captain America #25 is another magazine where we see Sharon Carter narrating and starring. And that is tremendously good. Anyone who doesn't understand what Coates is doing is probably thinking that this is the worst Captain America magazine.

But all the men who innovated something were severely criticized. Coates is not writing an action comic. He's writing a novel, a real book with dr more

Captain America #25

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: Nov 18, 2020

To rescue the Daughters of Liberty trapped in Madripoor, Captain America and his closest allies marshal their forces - but waiting in the wings for them is the reborn Red Skull! Plus, the debut of the all-new Agent 13!
PLUS: A second celebratory story by Michael Cho!
40 PGS./Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
DDJamesB - Nov 24, 2020

Thats fine then write a novel. His storytelling overall isnt bad but its just not good for a monthly comic book in my opinion.

Steve reviewed Captain America #24 Oct 14, 2020

A very well-written and designed magazine that continues to address more of Sharon Carter's potential as she always deserved, and her great relationship with Steve Rogers, witch needs to continue with that beautiful approach, drawing an incredible parallel of the couple of heroes they are, against the couple of villains Alexander and Alexa are, showing that the Lukin couple still maintain their th more

Captain America #24

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Daniel Acuna
Released: Oct 14, 2020

ALL DIE YOUNG! Continues!
The Red Skull lives...!
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
Criminology. - Oct 14, 2020

I can agree with a lot of what you said. Even tho i don't like this issue as much as you do, i can appreciate what Coates brings to the series, especially those last few issues and the creative choices he makes.

Fury - Oct 15, 2020

I agree with your comments. Thought dialogue was good, art fabulous, set up for next issue with the Daughters. Coates and Acuna provide a nice working collaboration.

Steve commented on this:
allenquanobi reviewed Captain America #23 Sep 16, 2020

Really bad. Some of the cringiest dialogue/inner thought bubbles I've read in modern comics. Plot is borderline nonsensical, art is middling at best. I've tried to defend this series since I love Captain America and am a fan of Coates' writing. But Marvel if this isn't a sign to relaunch the title, idk what is. Iron Man got the relaunch, please give Cap the team he deserves.

Captain America #23

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Bob Quinn
Released: Sep 16, 2020

"All Die Young" continues! A restoration! A resurrection! A bit of redemption! And the return of Cap's number one foe!

Rated T+

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Steve - Sep 16, 2020

If you are reading the Coates run, you know that the plot makes sense and it's being developed since the begging with this idea. There is nothing cringe in the dialogue bubbles. It's a very good and inspiring reading, as well as extremely satisfying for those who were waiting for an end to the plot of this story. We all know that the issue with Coates is the delay in developing the narrative. The comic is good.

allenquanobi - Sep 16, 2020

That's ur opinion man, I thought this book sucked. Glad you enjoy though

Steve reviewed Captain America #23 Sep 16, 2020

Finally Sharon Carter gains space she deserves in the Captain's America comics! an action-packed magazine from start to finish, with extremely beautiful and exciting dialogues to see, about the story of the most important female character in the Captain's stories. The magazine is messing with many men who are unable to see a woman claiming victory, but you can be sure, these people need to underst more

Captain America #23

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Bob Quinn
Released: Sep 16, 2020

"All Die Young" continues! A restoration! A resurrection! A bit of redemption! And the return of Cap's number one foe!

Rated T+

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Steve reviewed Captain America #22 Sep 10, 2020

Captain America #22 seems to finally start walking, after 22 extremely dragged magazines. And with that, he finally highlighted Sharon Carter, a character who has always been with Steve Rogers, and was unable to act until then. Coates keeps the villain Selene and his plan standing, as well as the essence of Steve Rogers, Captain America, is alive, which is good. What the magazine must do now is to more

Captain America #22

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Bob Quinn
Released: Aug 19, 2020

"All Die Young" continues! For Peggy Carter to live again, must Sharon Carter pay the price?
Rated T+

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