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Location: ceará , brasil Joined: Aug 29, 2021

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estebanism reviewed Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #5 Mar 9, 2022

eu queria gostar, mas percebi que estava me forçando demais pra algo que não iria acontecer

Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #5

By: Marieke Nijkamp, Enid Balam
Released: Mar 9, 2022

It all comes down to this! Kate, Susan and Lucky have to shut down Resort Chapiteau once and for all, and to do that, they have to follow the Circus of Crime into the very last place Kate ever wants to go: home. Don't miss this fantastic Hawkeye finale - you will have such a good time!


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estebanism rated Defenders #5 Mar 9, 2022

Defenders #5

By: Al Ewing, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Jan 19, 2022

Doctor Strange's ragtag Defenders face their final trial in the Third Cosmos, where the concepts of good and evil are locked in primal, eternal conflict. When the Masked Raider's identity is finally revealed, will the truth be their salvation...or their undoing?

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estebanism reviewed Captain Carter #1 Mar 9, 2022

parabéns the trial of magneto! você acabou de perder o posto de pior hq da marvel comics

Captain Carter #1

By: Jamie McKelvie, Marika Cresta
Released: Mar 9, 2022


A reality where Agent Peggy Carter took the Super-Soldier Serum is turned upside down when the World War II hero is pulled from the ice where she was lost in action decades before. Peggy struggles to find her footing in a modern world that's gotten a lot more complicated - cities are louder, technology is smarter and ene...

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estebanism rated Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #2 Dec 27, 2021

Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #2

By: Marieke Nijkamp, Enid Balam
Released: Dec 22, 2021

Before Kate can fully wrap her head around the fact that her estranged sister Susan has reappeared (what?) and was the one who invited her to Resort Chapiteau in the first place (what??) and that this case is definitely not going to allow much in the way of pool time (ughhh), she gets pulled into something she does know how to handle: a little girl...

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Wastelanders: Hawkeye #1

By: Ethan Sacks, Ibraim Roberson
Released: Dec 22, 2021

Witness the never-before-told story of HAWKEYE'S training with STICK-the man formerly known as DAREDEVIL! Clint Barton's sight may be gone, but his will to avenge is stronger than ever, and with the training and expert guidance of MATT MURDOCK, arrows will fly again! But what is Murdock's actual target? And how will this change...

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estebanism rated Defenders #4 Dec 16, 2021

Defenders #4

By: Al Ewing, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Dec 15, 2021

BEFORE THERE WERE GODS... THERE WERE MARVELS! Doctor Strange and his Defenders land in the Fourth Cosmos – the home of the Archetypes of Good and Evil, primal entities of pure myth destined to echo through every reality to come – as the desperate Dr. Zota attempts to harness their power to rewrite all existence in his own hand! Al Ewing and Ja...

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estebanism rated Defenders #3 Dec 16, 2021

Defenders #3

By: Al Ewing, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Oct 6, 2021

Doctor Strange and his misfit crew land in a world of dark, primal magic - where our world's master of the mystic arts is just a magical morsel for countless hungry sorcerers. The most powerful entity on this plane, the maker of magic itself, already knows the Defenders and their mission. Their paltry abilities ...

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estebanism rated Defenders #2 Dec 16, 2021

Defenders #2

By: Al Ewing, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Sep 8, 2021

The Defenders find themselves in the birthplace of Galactus - but the Devourer is not the man they remember. Meet Taaia, Omnimax and more as Al Ewing and Javier Rodr guez expand the cosmos - and put Doctor Strange's makeshift magical team in extreme jeopardy!

Rated T+

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estebanism rated Defenders #1 Dec 16, 2021

Defenders #1

By: Al Ewing, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Aug 11, 2021

When existence itself faces extraordinary threats, it needs an extraordinary defense! That's when you call...THE DEFENDERS!
DOCTOR STRANGE and the MASKED RAIDER take a non-team of Marvel's weirdest, wildest heroes on a mission that will uncover the hidden archite...

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estebanism added Defenders (2021) to their pull list Dec 16, 2021

Defenders (2021)

When existence itself faces extraordinary threats, it needs an extraordinary defense! That's when you call...THE DEFENDERS!
DOCTOR STRANGE and the MASKED RAIDER take a non-team of Marvel's weirdest, wildest heroes on a mission that will uncover the hidden archite...

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Superman: Son of Kal-El Annual: 2021

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Dec 8, 2021

Jon Kent’s first days as Earth’s new Superman have been a trial by fire. His actions have already put those he loves in harm’s way. He has stood strong in the path of constant attacks, but the immovable object is about to meet an unstoppable force. Lex Luthor-the man, the myth, the menace-returns to Metropolis.

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Captain America / Iron Man #1

By: Derek Landy, Angel Unzueta
Released: Dec 8, 2021

A government agent turned Hydra provocateur stages a daring breakout on her way to prison, attracting the attention of both Iron Man and Captain America. When Steve and Tony realize they both have a connection to the slippery fugitive, they team up to track her down-only to discover she's not the only player on the board with big plans and sinister...

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estebanism added Captain America / Iron Man (2021) to their pull list Dec 8, 2021

Captain America / Iron Man (2021)

A government agent turned Hydra provocateur stages a daring breakout on her way to prison, attracting the attention of both Iron Man and Captain America. When Steve and Tony realize they both have a connection to the slippery fugitive, they team up to track her down-only to discover she's not the only player on the board with big plans and sinister...

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estebanism rated Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #1 Nov 24, 2021

Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #1

By: Marieke Nijkamp, Enid Balm
Released: Nov 24, 2021

Kate’s heading home! Or at least, back to New York. And as much as she wants to go back to where her friends – her chosen family – are, she’s changed since she was last on the East Coast. So she’s picked up a pit stop case first. A confidence-booster, to prove to herself she’s making the right decision and not going to backslide int...

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estebanism added Hawkeye: Kate Bishop (2021) to their pull list Nov 24, 2021

Hawkeye: Kate Bishop (2021)

Kate’s heading home! Or at least, back to New York. And as much as she wants to go back to where her friends – her chosen family – are, she’s changed since she was last on the East Coast. So she’s picked up a pit stop case first. A confidence-booster, to prove to herself she’s making the right decision and not going to backslide int...

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estebanism rated Nightwing #86 Nov 18, 2021

Nightwing #86

By: Tom Taylor, Robbi Rodriguez
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Nightwing and Babs have fought through the fear-stricken Gotham streets, but now their fight takes them to the skies above Gotham, with the Batgirls and Tim Drake (Robin) in tow! Now aboard the Magistrate’s Skybase-01, they have made it their mission to bring the airborne leviathan down, prevent Seer’s disinformation from being broadcast, and s...

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Faster than fate. As powerful as hope. Able to lift us all. For all his great power, Jon Kent can’t save everyone, but that won’t stop him from trying. How much can Earth’s new Superman do before this Man of Steel buckles? And when he does, who swoops in to save Superman?

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estebanism reviewed Darkhold: Wasp #1 Nov 17, 2021

a tale of liberation

Darkhold: Wasp #1

By: Jordie Bellaire, Claire Roe
Released: Nov 17, 2021

INTRODUCING THE IRREDEEMABLE WASP! Renowned colorist and writer Jordie Bellaire makes her Marvel writing debut with a story that will make you shrink in fear! Bidden to draw forth five archetypal heroes, the Scarlet Witch chose Janet Van Dyne as “the artist” — the hero whose ingenuity and strength of will could prove the lynchpin in the comin...

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estebanism rated Pennyworth #3 Oct 12, 2021

Pennyworth #3

By: Scott Bryan Wilson, Juan Gedeon
Released: Oct 13, 2021

Continuing the hit spy series that tells the tales of Alfred Pennyworth's pre-Gotham years! As Alfred fights his way through the tunnels below the North Pole base-without wrinkling his suit-he searches for information about the Soviets' bizarre weapons. Finding himself trapped in the belly of the operation, he discovers threats more terrifying than...

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estebanism added Pennyworth (2021) to their pull list Oct 12, 2021

Pennyworth (2021)

Spanning the years between the hit TV show and today, Pennyworth tells the continuing adventures of Alfred Pennyworth as an MI6 counterintelligence agent-this time in Cold War-era Soviet Russia. When Alfred and his partner receive intelligence that nuclear weapons are being manufactured near the Arctic Circle, they’re off to infiltrate the remote...

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estebanism rated U.S.Agent #3 Oct 8, 2021

U.S.Agent #3

By: Christopher Priest, Georges Jeanty
Released: Feb 24, 2021

Having abandoned his mission to assist the skeleton crew guarding a long-abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. facility in Appalachia, JOHN WALKER heads to Washington to confront the politicians who engineered his firing. Meanwhile, the ruthless and enigmatic new U.S.AGENT has arrived to take over Walker's mission and is willing to destroy anything and anyone who...

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estebanism rated U.S.Agent #2 Oct 8, 2021

U.S.Agent #2

By: Christopher Priest, Stefano Landini
Released: Dec 23, 2020

"American Zealot" Chapter 2 of 5: The former USAgent's routine mission becomes complicated by revelations from his past while an enigmatic new threat moves to intercept him.
Rated T+

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The Death of Doctor Strange #1

By: Jed MacKay, Lee Garbett
Released: Sep 22, 2021

Doctor Stephen Strange is the world's greatest neurosurgeon and Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. He defends our planet from the supernatural and interdimensional threats no other hero is equipped to handle. But what would happen if he unexpectedly died? Who would protect Earth and keep the mystical evils at bay? A...

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estebanism added The Death of Doctor Strange to their pull list Oct 3, 2021

The Death of Doctor Strange

Doctor Stephen Strange is the world's greatest neurosurgeon and Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. He defends our planet from the supernatural and interdimensional threats no other hero is equipped to handle. But what would happen if he unexpectedly died? Who would protect Earth and keep the mystical evils at bay? A...

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estebanism rated Justice League #68 Sep 30, 2021

Justice League #68

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Godlewski
Released: Sep 29, 2021

THE TOUR! The Justice League has some new members. And those members get a tour of the Hall of Justice from the legends who helped build it while they learn about the people who have dedicated their entire lives to its higher calling. Merlin and his army of the aquatic dead have taken over Atlantis! Can Zatanna handle him and the horror she is hid...

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estebanism rated Harley Quinn #7 Sep 30, 2021

Harley Quinn #7

By: Stephanie Phillips, Riley Rossmo
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Heya, folks, Harley Quinn here! In case you all haven’t noticed…things have been a little wild lately. Hugo Strange, out-of-control orderlies, kidnapped clowns, and a new villain named Keepsake…it’s a lot for any one former villain turned antihero turned real hero with impeccable fashion sense to handle. I’m talkin’ about ME if that was...

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estebanism added Harley Quinn (2021) to their pull list Sep 30, 2021

Harley Quinn (2021)

Ahem! You better read this closely, ’cause we’ve got a red-hot relaunch on our hands here-and I should know! Harley Quinn here to let everyone know that I got a brand-new monthly series here with a brand-new status quo. I’m coming back to Gotham City to make up for the sins of my past, and help the city recover from “The Joker War”!

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estebanism rated Detective Comics #1043 Sep 30, 2021

Detective Comics #1043

By: Mariko Tamaki, Dan Mora
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Fear State grips Gotham City! When Mayor Nakano’s city hall office finds itself under siege, the only hero who can help the embattled local official is the man Nakano pledged to rid from Gotham: Batman. The top vigilante in the city must protect the man who’s fought so hard to put an end to masked heroes in an action-packed car chase that culmi...

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #3

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Jonathan Kent hasn’t been Superman for long, but he’s upset some powerful people with his heroism. And the underground news source known as the Truth is helping Jon open his eyes to evils in the world that could be more powerful than the new Man of Steel. Continuing the brand-new saga of Superman from Tom Taylor, the writer of Nightwing, and ...

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estebanism rated Robin #6 Sep 30, 2021

Robin #6

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Ding ding ding! Let the tournament begin! The most ruthless fighters in the DCU compete for the ultimate prize: eternal life. To win his first round, Damian Wayne faces two times the danger and two times the trouble: it’s Ravager and Flatline versus Robin!

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