Annie Chuu's Profile

Joined: Nov 21, 2021

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Annie Chuu reviewed DC vs. Vampires #1 Nov 21, 2021

The start was pretty good. And I LOVE Otto's art!!

DC vs. Vampires #1

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Otto Schmidt
Released: Oct 27, 2021

The Justice League has long protected Earth from all manner of foreign and alien invaders over the years, always keeping a vigilant eye to the skies for the next threat. But what if the threat was already walking the Earth…hiding in plain sight…watching…waiting for their moment to strike… In the tradition of DCeased comes a terrifying new s...

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Annie Chuu added DC vs. Vampires (2021) to their pull list Nov 21, 2021

DC vs. Vampires (2021)

The Justice League has long protected Earth from all manner of foreign and alien invaders over the years, always keeping a vigilant eye to the skies for the next threat. But what if the threat was already walking the Earth…hiding in plain sight…watching…waiting for their moment to strike… In the tradition of DCeased comes a terrifying new s...

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Annie Chuu rated Robin #6 Nov 21, 2021

Robin #6

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Ding ding ding! Let the tournament begin! The most ruthless fighters in the DCU compete for the ultimate prize: eternal life. To win his first round, Damian Wayne faces two times the danger and two times the trouble: it’s Ravager and Flatline versus Robin!

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Annie Chuu reviewed Robin #5 Nov 21, 2021

Robins united!! I really love how Williamson write Dick and Damian's relationship, how they are the best dynamic duo of Batman and Robin.

Robin #5

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Aug 25, 2021

Robin reunion! Nightwing, Red Hood, Tim Drake, and Spoiler guest-star as they track Damian down with a plan to bring the young hero back to Gotham. Back to his family. But the son of Batman plans to win the Lazarus Tournament and refuses to return. What starts as a happy reunion quickly turns into a Robin rumble!

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Annie Chuu rated Robin #4 Nov 21, 2021

Robin #4

By: Joshua Williamson, Jorge Corona
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Damian Wayne versus his grandfather, the immortal Ra’s al Ghul! For years, Batman’s son avoided learning the ways of the Demon from Ra’s, but now that training may be exactly what Robin needs to win the League of Lazarus tournament.
Plus, Ravager follows the mysterious Respawn into the secrets of Lazarus Island!

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Faster than fate. As powerful as hope. Able to lift us all. For all his great power, Jon Kent can’t save everyone, but that won’t stop him from trying. How much can Earth’s new Superman do before this Man of Steel buckles? And when he does, who swoops in to save Superman?

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Annie Chuu rated Robin #3 Nov 21, 2021

Robin #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Jun 23, 2021

It’s a beach party from hell! Robin’s mission to get to the heart of the League of Lazarus's inner workings has left him once again locked in combat with his fellow fighters, but never did Damian Wayne think it would lead to a beach-blanket cookout. What’s more dangerous than a life-or-death struggle for the all-or-nothing prize of immortalit...

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #4

By: Tom Taylor, Daniele Di Nicuolo
Released: Oct 20, 2021

Kal-El has left, and the weight of the world now rests on his son's shoulders. Powerful forces have been threatened by Jon Kent's first leaps in his father's boots. It's hard to hurt a man of steel, but his loved ones make a much easier target.Jon's world is about to come crashing down.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #3

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Jonathan Kent hasn’t been Superman for long, but he’s upset some powerful people with his heroism. And the underground news source known as the Truth is helping Jon open his eyes to evils in the world that could be more powerful than the new Man of Steel. Continuing the brand-new saga of Superman from Tom Taylor, the writer of Nightwing, and ...

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Annie Chuu rated Robin #2 Nov 21, 2021

Robin #2

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: May 26, 2021

After the shocking events of Robin #1, Damian has learned the deadly rules of Lazarus Island the hard way! Now he must prove that he belongs in the tournament and uncover its secrets! But his only ally is the daughter of one of his greatest enemies: Ravager! In this tournament, only one fighter can get out alive-ready for round two? Fight!

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #2

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Aug 25, 2021

Jonathan Kent now dons his father’s cape, but can he be Superman and still have a normal life? It’s tough in this modern world. Danger is everywhere. The new Superman learns this the hard way on his first day of college, and a deadly attack forces Jon to step from the shadows and into the spotlight-where his identity is exposed to the Truth, an...

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Annie Chuu rated Robin #1 Nov 21, 2021

Robin #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Apr 28, 2021

After learning of the deadly League of Lazarus tournament, Damian Wayne has a new mission: winning the tournament and prove he is the greatest fighter in the DC Universe! But first he must find the secret island where it’s all going down! This brand-new solo Robin series will force Damian Wayne to find his own path away from both sides of his fam...

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #1

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Jonathan Kent has experienced a lot in his young life. He’s traveled the galaxies with his Kryptonian grandfather and lived in the future with the Legion of Super-Heroes, who were intent on training him for the day his father, Clark Kent, could no longer be Superman. There is a hole in the Legion’s history that prevents Jon from knowing exactly...

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Annie Chuu rated Robin #7 Nov 21, 2021

Robin #7

By: Joshua Williamson, Max Dunbar
Released: Oct 27, 2021

It was the smooch heard ‘round the world…and it’s the one thing Damian Wayne DIDN’T see coming his way in the Lazarus Tournament! As Robin battles for the secrets of eternal life against the deadliest killers on the planet, can he-will he-DARE HE-survive…a girlfriend?

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Annie Chuu added Robin (2021) to their pull list Nov 21, 2021

Robin (2021)

After learning of the deadly League of Lazarus tournament, Damian Wayne has a new mission: winning the tournament and prove he is the greatest fighter in the DC Universe! But first he must find the secret island where it’s all going down! This brand-new solo Robin series will force Damian Wayne to find his own path away from both sides of his fam...

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