Richardinho's Profile

Joined: Sep 05, 2024

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Overall Rating

The best Superman stories, in my opinion, are the Cosmic ones; where he's in outer space fighting against alien beings with powers comparable to his own. This is a good example of this. The world building with an alien race who organise gladiatorial contests involving the peoples who they conquer, is fascinating. There's lot of great moments of selfless heroism by Superman, which is is what every Superman story needs. My only gripe is that this laid on just a little too thickly for my taste, and it's a bit saccharine. The back up story, Lois and Clark, tells what happens when Lois is promoted above Clark and a wedge is driven between them. It's actually an excellent little character study and I'm probably more excited to see how this resolves than with the main story. The artwork is strong in both stories, if a little academic. There's enough in this book to justify the cover price.

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