JBrownBear's Profile

Joined: May 20, 2015

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Overall Rating

Best Truth issue so far.

Story is great but the art is just amazing. I'm new to this flash but this artist is probably the best at drawin Flash out of all I've seen.

This was very good first issue but I wish it was a bit faster.

Great read. The story felt on a grand scale.

Everything I was hoping from a MM book and more.

The ending had me like "whaaaaa"

Good issue but I felt it had too much dialogue, if there is ever a thing.

Great horror.

One of the best issues this week.

I think I can sorta see what they are telling with this new Truth series, and that excites me.

Gruesome but awesome.

I couldn't be more excited for the rest of the series. Geoff is really taking his time to expand the DC comics. And you can see that.

Pisces #2 May 29, 2015

Satisfying end to the Convergence run!

One of my favorite stories ever. And it's only 4 issues.

Batman (2011) #40 May 23, 2015

A great setup for the final issue.

This is up there with Convergence: Superman as on of the best tie-ins. It's filled with heavy interesting dialogue and probably one of the best fights in all of the tie-ins. The art is also flawless giving detailed view of the surrounding and multiple creative angles on every scene.

Reviews for the Week of...


