ChildofthePast's Profile

Joined: Oct 21, 2015

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All-New Inhumans #1

Dec 4, 2015

This was a great first issue. The art was fantastic and the story is really interesting. I hope they continue to focus on the political aspects of the book.

All-New Inhumans #2

Dec 17, 2015

Great issue. Crystal showing off her political/diplomatic skills was fun to watch. Likewise, I can't wait to see the leader of Sin Cong get what's coming to him.

All-New Inhumans #3

Jan 28, 2016

This might have been my favorite issue so far. Swain being an empath and Captain of the RIV, which is being powered by an Inhuman, is awesome. Panacea is becoming one of my favorite characters. All the other NuHumans are starting to get more fleshed out, which is great. The introduction of the new disembodied inhuman was both sad and eerie. All ending ending with the proverbial s*** hitting the fan. Can't wait for the next issue.

All-New Inhumans #5

Mar 20, 2016

While I enjoyed this issue I really think the art is going to hurt the sales of the book.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #2  
Karnak #2

Feb 24, 2016

Wow he completely recked those guys both physically and philosophically. I really hope the delays don't hurt this book too bad.

Uncanny Inhumans #1

Oct 21, 2015

I feel like a lot of the best moments in this book were spoiled months ago. Beast and Johnny being a part if the series seemed to framed as if to be big reveals and it wouldn't surprise me if the execs at Marvel made McNiven create a cover at the last minute to advertise their roles after Soule had finished writing the story. Any the book has beautiful art and Soule has the characterizations are good as usual. If anything this has me excited to see how they will get back Ahura and what Ahura's powers will be post-terrigenesis.

Uncanny Inhumans #2

Nov 18, 2015

The next issue can't come fast enough. Ahura, what has become of you?

Uncanny Inhumans #3

Dec 17, 2015

This was an awesome issue. I really enjoyed the character drama between Ahura, Black Bolt, and Medusa. Also, Johnny vs. Black Bolt went exactly how it should have gone lol. Can't wait to see how the next issue unfolds.

Uncanny Inhumans #4

Jan 20, 2016

Great ending to this arc. Now I just need to know more about the Quiet Room. Also, the "Kill Yourselves" line was great.

Uncanny Inhumans #5

Feb 18, 2016

I really enjoyed this issue. It did a really good job setting up the Quiet Room and it's various functions. I also like that they are actively looking into the Skyspears while still being very political in how they operate around the world: Medusa being the Face of the Inhumans for the public, Crystal being the leader for global outreach, and Black Bolt maintaining the various volatile components within the Quiet Room.

Uncanny Inhumans #6

Mar 20, 2016

Great issue. I'm glad the Capo is back. The Quiet Room is an interesting concept and I hope it's explored more later on.

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