Wildmercy's Profile

Joined: May 13, 2016

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Aloha, Hawaiian Dick #1

May 13, 2016

Welcome return to the Hawaiian Dick universe, BCM fantastic loser gumshoe Byrd. Reads like a 70's detective show. My biggest problem with this issue is i missed Steven Griffin's art, he had a great mood to his art style. Jacob Wyatt was still very good but maybe could have used a colorist, the Coloring was really in your face. Sean Dove Cover is Excellent! The Back up was very good Jason Armstrong has the Tiki Noir feel to his art style. The previous issues in the series had a Blue Hawaii soundtrack theme to me this issue was more Pepper inspired. Cover - 8.5 Story - 8.0 Art - 7.5 Coloring -6.5 Lettering - 8.0 Extras/Backup - 8.5 Pepper - Undone

Aquaman (2016) #1

Jul 20, 2016

Cover A - 7.0 Variant Cover B - 8.5 Story - 8.5 Art - 8.5 Color - 9.0 Lettering - 7.5 Cover A - Brad walker and team did another #1 movie cover, it has all the Aquaman hallmarks in it. Cover B by Joshua Middletown i really like this covers just Aquaman's face but it's like your swimming by and you look to the right and see him standing there staring at you, spooky.. Brad Walker's art is so great every panel has something that catches your eye. The Story is romantic and sweat a little funny with a action packed fight scene, one of the best rebirth issues. I loved it.!!

Aquaman (2016) #2

Jul 21, 2016

Cover A - 8.5 Variant Cover B - 9.0 Story - 8.5 Art - 7.0 Color - 8.5 Lettering - 7.5 Two really really awesome covers there is crazy amount of detail in Brad walkers cover and Josh Middleton cover is just beautiful. I really liked Brad Walkers art in the last issue but Scot Eaton did a good job with all the fighting scenes and panels layouts were easy to follow. Abnett is crafting a a new kind of political super-hero. He has given Aquaman a tremendous amount of responsibility- King, Super-Hero, Lover, ambassador stuck between two worlds. As Manta had Aquaman in a killing strike Aquaman almost seemed relieved. I loved that Aquaman didn't just beat Manta down, good job Sir. Lieutenant Joanna Stubbs is a great addition to the narrative she is strong and smart also open minded with every thing going on.

Aquaman: Rebirth #1

Jul 20, 2016

Cover - 8.5 Variant Cover - 6.0 Story - 7.0 Art - 7.5 Color - 8.5 Lettering - 7.0 The Best of the Rebirth Covers Brad Walker and team did a great job. The first 3 pages are the best art i have ever seen in a Aquaman comic, Oscar Jimenez amazing stuff - But the meat of the book has Scot Eaton who is not bad his sequential story telling is good but after looking at the first 3 pages you just get let down. It's a good rebirth story getting the reader up to speed and showing all the pressure Aquaman has every second of every day. Good start

Batman (2016) #1

Jun 23, 2016

Great start to Tom Kings Batman and Finch was at his best. Cover - 8.0 Story - 9.5 Art - 8.5 Color - 8.0 Lettering - 8.5 Variant Cover - 6.5

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1

Dec 2, 2020

This is not how you write a nonlinear comic book. The cartooning was amazing along with the colors.

Black Panther (2016) #1

Jul 22, 2016

Cover - 8.5 Story - 8.0 Art - 8.0 Color - 8.0 Lettering - 8.0 The Cover, A sleek strong King Black Panther Standing in front of the advanced Gold City the capital of Wakanda. It's traffic. Coates Is world building while keeping the Narrative going strong. Stelfreeze art is some of the best he has done and Martians Colors bring every panel to life. Great 1st Issue.

Chum #1

May 21, 2016

Just look at the cover! Fast paced noir tale with a location that hasn't been used to death in Pulp/ True crime stories. CHUM has an original narrative with fresh dialogue and outstanding by Sami Kivela. Cover - 10 Art - 8.5 Story - 8.5 Color - 8.0 Lettering - 7.0

Civil War II #0  
Cyblade #1

Jun 7, 2016

Basic.. they took a Cyblade and made blah, And i really like Fialkov maybe the art was just to much, Mays used his best Amanda Conner aping. Cover - 4.0 Art - 3.5 Story - 4.5 Lettering - 5.0 Color - 3.5

Danger Girl: May Day #1

Aug 29, 2016

Cover - 6.5 Art - 6.5 Story - 5.0 Coloring - 7.0 Lettering - 6.0 What a let down for Danger Girl Fans. The cover is really good back to the camera arms crossed with huge knives, Then it turns into boring action with characters we don't know that look like characters we know with a opening scene we have seen before. The art is really detailed and the backgrounds are fully rendered. The Panel lay outs were above avenge and the coloring was top notch . The script is really bad and needed to be flushed out more.

Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child #1

Dec 12, 2019

I can't believe I purchased variant covers for this garbage. The colors looked amazing so great work Jordie Bellaire.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1  
Doctor Strange Season One #1

Jan 17, 2017

Cover - 7.0 story - 4.0 Art - 5.0 coloring - 4.0 Lettering - 5.5 This was a mess of a book.. Could be the worst thing i ever read from Greg Pak.. On paper this book has an all-star team, Something very wrong happened here.

Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1

Jul 28, 2016

Cover A - 7.0 Variant Cover B - 6.5 Story - 8.5 Art - 8.0 Color - 8.5 Lettering - 8.0 Not my favorite rebirth covers, the main cover buy Karl Kerschl is the better cover. JW puts a lot into this issue and adds supporting characters.I really like how we saw Barry doing Hero multitasking duties while waiting for his crime equipment to catch up to him, Brilliant. J w has a good handle on Flash and trust what he has planned. Carmines Art is Fresh and fluid with great panel layouts. The Colors are bright and give life to Carmines Art. Steve Wands has done a great job lettering this book there are a lot of words on these pages every good balloon placements.

Green Lanterns #1

Aug 2, 2016

Cover A - 7.5 Variant Cober B - 7.0 Story - 8.0 Art - 8.5 Color - 8.0 Lettering - 8.0 Cover A is the better of the the two covers - Rocha pencils are very good with a lot of emotions in the characters faces. His panel layout also fits the story beats flow - Sam Humphries shines in this book he has a lot of moving parts and everything feels organic, Jessica and Simon's voices are distinct, these characters are different and are going through personal growth in a lanterns story full of emotions. Colors were fantastic and the Lettering was placing prefect with in the page , this is a very good team working on this book. The only issue i had was ARGUS just showing up out of know where. I really didn't like ARGUS having their Guns fixed on Simon And Jessica - I wouldn't mess with two Lanterns pointing guns and threatening them.

Helheim #1

Jul 30, 2016

Cover - 7.5 Story - 7.5 Art - 9.0 Color - 8.0 Lettering - 7.0 All star creative team - A different kind of story from Bunn who has became one of the best Writers in the medium and always brings some thing new to the table . Joelle Jones art is beautiful her women are all amazing looking and sexy. Jones is style is unique and brings life to Helheim. Colors Nick Filardi is a prefect partner to Jones and gives the feel of the cold north in every page. Ed Brisson gives a simple but sold lettering job -- Helheim is something different and enjoyable.

High Rollers #1

Aug 28, 2016

Cover - 5.5 Art - 3.5 Story - 4.5 Clouring - 3.5 Lettering - 5.0 The Best thing about this book is the cover. Sergio Carrera just not ready for professional work, There are some of the worst panels i have every scene in company comic book. The story starts off pretty good and goes know where fast. This book is a mess the colors are boring and give nothing to help the art. I guess everyone one starts some where. BOOM your better then this for real not good stuff..

Hillbilly #1

Jan 6, 2017

Cover - 9.0 Art - 10.0 Story - 8.0 Coloring - 8.0 Lettering - 7.0 Eric Powell has created An Appalachian Folktale that showcases his art and story telling in all it's glory,Powell is a master at work witch Witches and giant beast. Hillbilly gives more in this first issue then some comics do in 6 issues. There is one panel where a grumpy old man is sitting with his huge beast mutant dog and his sword while smoking a pipe is one of the best single panels i have ever seen. Hillbilly redefines the word. Great Job Mr Powell

James Bond (2017): M #1

Jan 9, 2022

Shalvey Gave this New M Layers. Cover - 8.0 Story - 8.5 Art - 7.5 Coloring - 7.5 Lettering -7.5

Jean Grey #1

Jun 27, 2017

Cover 1A - 7.5 Cover 1B - 7.5 Cover 1D - 8.5 Cover 1E - 7.0 Cover 1k - 7.0 Cover 1M - 8.0 Art - 8.0 Story - 8.5 Coloring - 8.5 Lettering - 8.0 What a fun surprising first issue, Denise Hopeless does a great job combining internal dialogue and spoken word dialogue along with some action. I like this Jean she dealing with a ton of stuff along with trying to figure out who she is.visuals and panel layout are masterful and the coloring is brilliant! Jean Grey has a voice and tone of her own and nothing like anything i have read before from her character.Issue one had some amazing covers i picked up 6 of them -- The JSC is my favorite

Kill Or Be Killed #1

Sep 4, 2016

Cover - 8.0 Art - 9.5 Story - 9.5 coloring - 10 Lettering - 10 Another brilliant start from the best team in comics. I wanted to give this 1 issue a 10 so bad. but with in the first bloody pages . Dylan protagonist kills a few guys and the last last he gets real hands on. As Dylan makes his exit and heads home he has none of the victims blood on his clothes, that kind of drove me crazy... As great as the cover is, on the comic racks it doesn't stand out at all, just fades with the rest of the hundreds of books that come out every week. I feel of NYC is all over this book and can't wait to read the next issue. The back matter if the this issue is really good .

Origin II #1

May 27, 2016

Cover - 7.5 Story - 7.0 Art - 8.0 Lettering - 8.0 Coloring - 7.0 I give it to Marvel for bringing something different and sad, but puts you in a place you may not be ready to go.

Savage Dragon (1993) #193

May 27, 2016

Malcolm story line Cover - 4.5 Story - 6.0 Art - 7.0 lettering - 7.5 Colors - 7.5

Savage Dragon (1993) #194

May 28, 2016

Savage Dragon (1993) #195

May 28, 2016

Sex Criminals Vol. 1 Hardcover

Jul 13, 2017

Cover - 7.5 Story - 9.5 Art - 9.5 Coloring - 9.5 Lettering - 9.5 Big Hard SEX Criminals VOL 1 is the first season of one of the must creative comic books ever made!! its funny,sad,sexy and has beautiful art. These characters are deep and have major issues which makes their narratives feel real world with in a fantasy that that would make any one reading this question what would they do if they had theses powers!!! Matt has made himself his wife and Chip characters in this meta world and i love it.!! The Hard Cover has a funny but less stimulate cover then some of the single issues which are in the back, so you can read this book in public with out some one looking act you judging (Comic book Freak). -

The Umbrella Academy: The Apocalypse Suite Vol. 1

Jul 25, 2017

Cover - 7.0 Story - 7.5 Art - 8.0 Coloring - 9.0 Lettering - 9.0 Umbrella Academy - is fun and creative and at the same time feeling i have read this story or parts of this story before - Gerard created some really original characters with powers i have never read before. There is a ton of world buildings and Ba brings a textile gritty feel to this world with amazing colors by Stewart.

The Walking Dead: The Alien #1  
Uber #0

Jul 5, 2016

Giant issue #0 - Kieron Gillen's Uber is something, Its not Super Heroes it's Not True life War. -- It's sci-fi beats through An Avatar press horror filter and it's brilliant. The Art by Cannaan White fits the story, his Avatar house style and Kieron's words fit wonderful. Cannaan makes the Ubermensch feel intimating. I love the way Kieron has true life events mixed with his story and what would happen differently, we almost never see this side of WWII. This is a thinking man's book can't wait to see what happens. Cover A - 7.5 Story - 9.0 Art - 7.0 Color - 6.5 Lettering - 7.5

We Can Never Go Home Vol. 1

Aug 25, 2016

Cover - 9.0 Art - 9.5 Story - 9.5 Colouring - 9.0 Letters - 8.5 Amazing 1st Vol - Every one involved in this book was on their game. The main covers designs are some of the most interesting covers ever created. A cross between a movie poster and an album cover. All the Variants are brilliant also. Josh hood's panels are special you don''t see panel design like these pages makes the characters pop with all the facial expressions. The Story i smart funny violent and like the best movies makes you uncomfortable. we can never go home has music beats in the dialogue. The colors they give you a bold feeling of the moods of these characters, Tyler Boss is a pro and works great with Hoods art. The lettering is in the right spots in the panel boxes, the story flows that much better with go lettering. Cheers to one of the best new Female lead characters created in years Maddie is a breath of fresh air.

Witchfinder: City of the Dead #1

Sep 23, 2016

Cover- 9.5 Art - 9.0 story - 9.0 Coloring - 9.5 Lettering- 9.0 Amazing painted cover by Julian Totino Tedesco, i sat and stared at it for 10 mins... Mignola books always feel lived in and characters have deep history and great dialogue. The set-up to this WitchFinder story has film beats and dialogue that reads like a script. The art team is outstanding! Everyone is on top of their game. If you are a fan of Sherlock-homes or Penny Dreadful you will love this series. I think i would like to see Gerard Butler play Sir Edward Grey.

Wolverine Noir #1

Jul 27, 2016

Cover - 6.0 Story - 7.5 Art - 7.0 Color - 6.5 Lettering - 7.0 A shocking Noir story with Wolverine as a a down on his luck loser detective. Moore has given a legit Noir Narrative and i enjoyed it. C p Smith Art is really dark and dirty prefect for this story ..

Wonder Girl (2021) #2

Jul 11, 2021

Wonder Girl #2 - 8.0 Cover B - 8.5 Story - 7.5 Art - 7.5 Color - 8.0 lettering - 7.5 I wish Joelle did the art for the whole issue. It's Issue 2 with Dc's Hottest New Character that looks amazing and all ready has a fan base. Dc should have had the same artist do at least 3 issue's even if it wasn't JJ. Issue #1 was a 10 this issue#2 was of a little let down but i'm still all in.

Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jul 13, 2016

Cover - 8.0 Variant Cover - 9.0 Art - 8.0 Story - 8.0 Color - 8.0 Lettering - 8.0 WW issue #1 2 amazing covers, I love the Frank Cho one its beautiful. the Liam sharp cover is like a movie poster gives you the whole story on one page. Rucka is taking to Rebirth banner and running with it. This is a New WW with some old school story telling - The art is Awesome some of the panels have so much detail i can't believe there is not a inkier on this book - The color is wonderful and buts you in the Banakane Rainforest, The dusk fight panels are where the color steals the show, This book is made by Pro's !!

Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

Jul 12, 2016

Cover - 7.5 Variant Cover - 8.0 Art - 7.5 Story - 6.5 Color - 6.0 Lettering - 7.5 WW Rebirth Rucka is doing something here that i wasn't expecting, taking every thing we know about WW and making a definitive origin Rucka is an amazing writer but this issue was a little ridiculous - I personally enjoyed being lied too in the new 52 - I understand WW needs a origin that people can understand " I remember when i first learned she was created out of clay and sand and love" i was like What the....? But i was young and didn't understand what that meant, not having a man involved WW is a pure Amazon. Still trying to explain that origin to my Wife i get the What... Clay & Sand? The Art is really good and clean page 3, last panel the women hostage has no eyes unless the coloring just messed up also on page 4 last panel still unexceptionable on a flagship book.

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