jorgezade's Profile

Joined: Jul 13, 2016

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DC / Looney Tunes: Batman/Elmer Fudd #1  
DC Universe: Rebirth #1  
Generations (2017): The Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor #1  
Mind MGMT #17

Sep 22, 2017

Increíble cómo Kindt lleva las cosas poco a poco a este bello y mortal clímax. ¡Impresionante!

Omega Men #12  
Vision (2015) #12  
All-Star Batman #1

Dec 12, 2016

All-Star Batman #8

Mar 16, 2017

What an amazing trip! It was amazing how the elements of past stories where brought back and related in a natural and organic way. There might be some questions related on how the Mad Hatter knew this or that but, anyway, the story is very well developed, so good, that it really gets inside your head. Snyder is such a good writer, well paced and profoundly poetic, and you can see how good he knows the story, the characters and the illustrator he's working with. This is my favorite issue in the second arc of All-Star Batman, but I'm still excited about where is Batman heading on #9, hoping it gets even better.

All-Star Batman #10

May 15, 2017

The whole construction of the story is so good, the way it gets you to the very end and then, the twist... it's like saying "read it and get ready... this is about to get crazy".

Mister Miracle (2017) #1

Aug 17, 2017

Así que, finalmente, después de una semana de esquivar cualquier tipo de spoiler o leer cualquier review, hoy leí el #1 de Mr. Miracle, y puedo decir que valió la pena la espera. Desde la primera página, con ese gran close-up de la cara de Scott Free uno puede intuir que esta no será una historia normal y basta con dar la vuelta a la página para confirmarlo. Definitivamente, Gerads vuelve a impactar con su técnica muy original de diseño, y con cuadros que expresan mucho variando muy poco entre uno y otro, vuelve a reafirmar que al lado de Tom King, sus creaciones serán tan cercanas a la realidad, sin dejar de recordarnos por momentos, que esto no es más que un cómic... un muy buen cómic. La historia logra apenas introducirnos a esto que se pinta como una aventura de proporciones épicas, dando pequeños guiños a lo que se vendrá con los encuentros de Scott y Barda, con Orión y el Highfather. No diré más que "léanlo" porque hace falta leerlo para saborearlo de verdad.

Action Comics (2016) #988  
Detective Comics (2016) #950

Feb 8, 2017

It was so good! The character development is impressive and the humanizing factor of the Bat Team is taking this book into another level... a deeper level actually. I read part of the Batman And Robin Eternal and I have to say that I was actually expecting some development based on that story and this was precisely that. The way Cassandra drives the story between her thoughts and her feelings and her reflections of all the things she sees around her was so relatable. Two thumbs up!

Detective Comics (2016) #965

Sep 27, 2017

Justice League (2016) #31  
Batman (2016) #6

Jan 4, 2017

Batman (2016) #12

Dec 12, 2016

Batman (2016) #14

Jan 4, 2017

I think I've always been very intrigued by the chemistry between these two characters and seen them alone, working together, builds a deeper relationship and increases the possibilities with them. Obviously we have seen them many times sharing a future together and sometimes, alterate stories take this relationship in other ways, making this a very playful love-hate game where the cat isn't the one chasing the mouse but the bat is always chasing the cat... or something like that. I really loved seen bruce in love with Julie Madison on the Snyder's run so I guess every Batman run needs some sort of "impossible love" story to be complete and this might just be getting into that area. Good work from Gerads too, I think his technique is very unique. The only thing I didn't actually like too much was the cover, it really doesn't work for me, maybe because Catwoman seems too young or too small... I don't know. Anyway, pretty solid work from King and Gerads.

Batman (2016) #15

Feb 2, 2017

Batman (2016) #24

Jun 8, 2017

I was so thrilled and excited with Snyder's Superheavy story because it gave us a "human" Batman that wasn't really Batman, and we saw what happened when you took all the pain and suffering from Bruce's heart, and let him live and love and just be free of the burden of the cowl. And I have to say that I really loved it. I loved to see Bruce be in love (or something like that) and the way he even considered being with someone as a couple for the rest of his life. And so, now I hope we can get to see this kind of story where Bruce gets an opportunity to evolve, to get to a different level of complexity where he's not just a badass but also a human... because, he's not like the rest of his friends, he doesn't have super powers, doesn't come from another planet, doesn't belong to an acient race or something like that. He's human, he can listen to his heart, take the chance to feel, and even, get confused and fail. So, back to this issue, I'm very interested in taking the new ride to wherever Tom King is taking us, mostly because it's getting very hard to do new things with a character that has a 75 years of history behind. I loved "Rooftops" and I'm loving the way King is telling us his stories, jumping from one to the other trhough time, reminding us that everything is connected, that everything matters and that the decisions Bruce/Batman is taking today, will affect next issues. I also enjoy the fact that King has been delivering one shots that are not really one shots like this one. What I don't like is that the way King has been writing through all the series has been repeated constantly in every story (is that just my perception?). The now/later/now/later jumping style has also been used repeatedly so I only hope this is just for now and that King will evolve his style through the whole series, just like he has shown us in his acclaimed stories. Good... for now.

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #9

Jun 8, 2017

To me, it wasn't the epic I expect it to be, so I won't say anything more than it just wasn't bad (like TDKSA) but it wasn't good neither (like TDKR). But!... if there was something good about the conclusion of this run was the Action Comics #1 companion. Finally! Finally there was an issue that made an effort and a statement about the "gods" adjective comic writers has been using to describe the "heroes". I really hate it when they talk about the characters as "gods", and not just because a religious matter, but also because it creates a void between them and the audience where we are no longer connected to them, we are no longer related and so we tend to not caring for them anymore cause in some way, we know they won't die, they will always win, they won't make mistakes, they will not thrive like we do and that was what I loved about superheroes in the beginning: the way these misfits, these superpowered rejects fought for us but never became more than us. They where stronger, smarter, faster and better than us in so many ways but still they wanted to be like us, they wanted to live like us, not "among" us, but next to us. Anyway, I would buy this book physically just to get and re-read that issue as a thesis, as a revolutionary piece of work in an age where "gods" seem to rule and humans are not really important anymore. Kudos to Miller and Azzarello for the conclusion, the last statement, in this work.

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