HaydnLeigh's Profile

Joined: Jul 29, 2016

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Overall Rating
Kill Or Be Killed #1  
Low Vol. 1: The Delirium Of Hope

Jul 29, 2016

Beautiful artwork and a fascinating concept, in the back half it felt like Remender wanted to put aside his female protagonist for the sake of her son, who is on a redemption arc. The ending managed to re-center the focus, though I wish it wasn't at the cost of the female characters, namely Stel and her daughter, her spend a lot of time in Princess Leia's shoes as nothing more than objectified prisoners. Looking forward to volume 2, because there's so much to this world that begs to be explored.

Tokyo Ghost Vol. 1: Atomic Garden

Jul 31, 2016

Gorgeously drawn, and so well plotted, after a little bit of disappointment with Low volume 1, this was an incredible winner for me. The main characters are so well rounded and really play off of one another well, flawed because of and in spite of one another. The only downside is that it sounds like volume 2 will be the last (at least for a while)

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