Umbasa's Profile

Joined: Sep 25, 2016

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All-Star Batman #1

Sep 25, 2016

Very new take on Batman, makes me think of something Tarantino-ish and i totally dug it! Now, i am not the biggest fan of J.R jr's art a lot of the time but i did think it was good enough this time, there were one or two awkward sketches but over all did not feel rushed or "please stab me in the eyes" worthy like a lot of his stuff can look. Also i thought the color was perfect with his art and really gave it that dirty west grind house tone to it. Story has me and i can't wait for the next one. (which is already out but i just made this acc) Go Buy!

Detective Comics (2016) #940

Sep 25, 2016

Between this and Sups i strongly feel they are the best Rebirths and WOW this one is epic!

Detective Comics (2016) #941

Oct 3, 2016

Enjoying this story so far but damn did the art drop the ball this time, i feel like i should have enjoyed this issue more and i really do feel it was the art that held it back for me.

Green Arrow (2016) #7

Sep 25, 2016

I have been loving this run so far but for some reason felt like it came to a halt of me feeling that that way about GA due to this issue, it just felt lazy and i am not sure if its due to writing the art did no justice in visually selling me on a few things like how fast clock man (or whatever) gave up, it just felt rushed and the art was ho-hum.

Harley Quinn (2016) #4

Sep 25, 2016

This was my first Harley arch starting with Rebirth and yes i knew it's out of fun and whatnot and yea the first arch was solid in that sense even though the art was all mixed in each book. This issue has art from one person from start to finish and that's a plus, the writing in this one again starting with a new plot drags ass the first few pages but comes around and basically if your into this and have been reading you all ready know what to expect with a Harley book. This one was meh, had a little fun up to this point but i think ill get off here.

Moon Knight (2016) #6

Sep 25, 2016

I am starting to wonder at this point what would happen if i eat a bunch of shrooms or drop some acid, wait for it to kick in and then read through it again? Would it somehow make better sense to me? The answer, no... And that's the best thing Moon Knight has going for it, you can be completely lost the whole ride and not even care cause it's just so damn good!

Raven #1

Sep 25, 2016

Not bad so far, looking forward to the next one. We shall see if i stick around for all six and even though the cover art is not to my liking the art inside is nice as hell!

Saga #37

Sep 25, 2016

Great to have it back! Seems like a nice start going forward again!

Saga #38

Oct 3, 2016

Well that sucked! In a good way i mean. Id rather not say anything about this issue and just leave a score cause anything would ruin everything.

Saga #50

Apr 24, 2018

Superman (2016) #7

Sep 25, 2016

Loving it!

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