Superplexor's Profile

Joined: Oct 13, 2016

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4001 A.D. #1

Oct 18, 2016

4001 A.D. #2

Oct 18, 2016

4001 A.D. #3

Oct 18, 2016

4001 A.D. #4

Oct 18, 2016

All-New Wolverine #13

Oct 13, 2016

Not a fan of the art in this one. Maybe I'm one of the hold outs but I'm still struggling with Laura as Wolverine. Maybe that is keeping me from really enjoying this title. I still think they should have just gave X-23 her own book and called it something else. As fun as Gabby is, I just have a hard time having her as a sidekick and then Jonathan as their little pet. None of it gives a Wolverine vibe except that Jonathan is actually a wolverine. I think this book would have had more of an impact, for me at least, if Logan had actually killed Gabby.

Conan: The Slayer #1

Oct 13, 2016

Conan: The Slayer #2

Oct 13, 2016

Conan: The Slayer #3

Oct 13, 2016

I'm really liking this cover and the art, and I'm liking where the story is going.

Death of X #1

Oct 18, 2016

I'm a big fan of Lemire but not a fan of the art in this book. Like another reviewer said, its strange that they're releasing this story now. Most fans already know what's going on. Plus, $4.99 for this?

Kingsway West #1

Oct 13, 2016

Kingsway West #2

Oct 13, 2016

Great characters and awesome setting. They've done a great job fleshing the world out and I agree that Kingsway is the man. I hope they keep it up, this is one of my favorite titles right now.

Nighthawk #1

Oct 13, 2016

Nighthawk #2

Oct 13, 2016

Nighthawk #3

Oct 13, 2016

I really hate Nighthawk's tech. It looks ridiculous and non-functional. I know they're trying to bring a lot of race issues up but it really isn't working for me. Like I read in another review, his operator is really annoying. She says the same thing over and over again. Nighthawk would be so much better on his own.

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #1

Oct 13, 2016

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #2

Oct 13, 2016

Seven to Eternity (2016) #1  
Spider-Man (2016) #7

Oct 13, 2016

I tried to really like this title. After this issue, I decided it was time to drop it. Such a boring plot, I'm not finding Miles very interesting of a character. This was my last Spider title since I feel that Marvel is doing such a bad job with Peter Parker. I don't like how Bendis writes Miles as some overly powerful character. To be fair, all I know about has been within the last seven issues. I don't know what happened with Ultimate Spider-man and I heard that one was very good. Maybe I'm missing something.

Uncanny X-Men (2016) #14

Oct 13, 2016

I want this book to do really well but so far I'm unimpressed. None of the other X titles had any kind of draw for me and this is the only one in my pull list. However, I got this issue and I suddenly realized that absolutely nothing has really happened in this story. I'm dropping my Marvel titles like crazy and for such a big fan favorite, I can't believe that Marvel is doing such a poor job with one of their most popular franchises. I'm going to keep it around for a little while longer but I might have to drop this title too.

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