ProfessorZoom93's Profile

Joined: Feb 21, 2017

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Action Comics (2016) #975  
Batman (2016) #16

Feb 23, 2017

This has to be my favorite issue of all the Batman rebirth issues so far. I just loved everything about this book, the restaurant meeting with Bruce and all the Robins was pure gold, the Batman/Catwoman meeting was great and the book ends on a crazy cliffhanger! Easily Kings best work and the art was great too.

Batman (2016) #17

Feb 24, 2017

Another great issue from King! Excited for the showdown between Batman and Bane.

Detective Comics (2016) #950

Feb 24, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #951

Mar 8, 2017

This was definitely a huge improvement from the oversized annual issue. Duce's art in this issue is just top notch! Can't wait to see how this story unfolds in the upcoming issues.

Detective Comics (2016) #952

Mar 16, 2017

Shiva is such a badass!

Flash (2016) #16

Feb 22, 2017

I gotta start off by saying I haven't been the biggest fan of the artwork in this book, but this has to be some of Giandomenico's best work easily! The book dives into Barry's relationship with the rouges and how he believes they still might have an ounce of good inside them still. I'm definitely interested to see what happens next issue which I believe is the end of this amazing arc.

Flash (2016) #17

Mar 6, 2017

Flash (2016) #18

Mar 13, 2017

Great book, I definitely prefer this art compared to the main artists work. We got a cool Amanda Waller cameo and looks like we get a Flash/Captain Boomerang team up next issue which should be fun!

Flash (2016) #19

Mar 27, 2017

Green Arrow (2016) #16

Feb 21, 2017

Percy continues to impress with each Green Arrow issue he writes! I'm glad he's gotten away from the whole monster looking creatures and focused more on human enemies and political issues. Glad to have Emi (I mean Red Arrow oops) back, Black Canary does take the back seat in this issue but doesn't hurt the story at all. Overall great issue and can't wait to see what happens in #17.

Green Arrow (2016) #17

Feb 22, 2017

Green Arrow (2016) #18

Mar 6, 2017

Super excited to see Ollie and Roy teaming up again, but looks like we're gonna have to go through a few obstacles before we get that!

Green Lanterns #17

Feb 22, 2017

Not that I have a big issue with this but Batman does seem to takeover this story should've been titled "Batman ft. The Green Lanterns" lol. Simon Baz is featured a lot in this issue and we actually get some great character progression since he is finally gonna start relying on his willpower and not carry his gun around to bail him out. It'll also be interesting to see why Bruce is wanting to team up with him in the future, just another thing to look forward to I assume!

Green Lanterns #18

Mar 10, 2017

Pretty cool back story on Volthoom, it really paints the guardians as the bad guys since they forced him to stay around so they could experiment on him by destroying his travel lantern. You almost feel bad for Volthoom. The artwork is decent too, I'll be ready to get back with our heroes next issue.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #14

Feb 23, 2017

This arc is definitely off to an amazing start. The whole Green Lantern/ Sinestro Corps team up has definitely got me intrigued to see how it plays out. The artwork in this book is phenomenal! Favorite moment of this issue has to be Kyle poking fun at Hal. Amazing issue overall and excited for next issue!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #15

Mar 9, 2017

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #16

Mar 14, 2017

The Guy Gardner vs Arkillo fight was the highlight of the issue. Loved the flashbacks of Gardners abusive childhood and how he used it as motivation to keep getting up from all the blows he was taking.

Justice League (2016) #14

Feb 26, 2017

SPOILERS! Justice League vs the Death Star! The book is essentially just a big pep talk between the League (Jessica thinking she doesn't belong, Pre new 52 Superman's credibility and this league even finds out Batman has a contengency for each of them in case something wrong happens) Batman making a Star Wars reference was pretty cool not gonna lie. Overall the book is decent. I'd dropped it 2 issues in when it first came out but decided to hop back on after reading JL vs SS. The art has gotten a little better from what I remember too. I'll stick around and see what happens this time.

Justice League (2016) #15

Feb 27, 2017

Really liked this issue, seems like we're going to be getting a interesting threat towards our heroes, the girl who claims to have been around for all the league's battles and even remembers crisis and flashpoint also intrigues me.The art in this book was pretty good but there were a few panels that didn't look the best. I'll be checking out #16 when it comes out.

Justice League / Power Rangers #2

Mar 7, 2017

The battle between both teams was so epic! I'm also digging the team up of Lord Zedd and Brainiac. Can't wait to see the league and rangers teaming up next issue.

Nightwing (2016) #14

Feb 25, 2017

Great wrap up to this arc. This book leaves us with an interesting cliffhanger that I assume will be explored in the next issue.

Nightwing (2016) #15

Feb 25, 2017

This was a really great issue, I loved all of Dicks interactions with his friends and even past lovers (that talk he had with Barbara is so sad if you're a huge fan of their relationship). Shawn's talk with her dad right before he leaves was also done very well. We are left again with another crazy cliffhanger that'll have you wondering what's gonna happen next!

Nightwing (2016) #16

Mar 7, 2017

Solid start to this new arc! It was funny seeing Damian crying about everyone online saying Dick is is the best Robin and future Batman. I am also interested in seeing more of this new for on the last page of this book. Definitely worth picking up!

Superman (2016) #18

Mar 1, 2017

Solid issue, I'll be picking up Action next week to continue this story

Wonder Woman (2016) #16

Feb 26, 2017

Solid issue and a great start to the arc!

Wonder Woman (2016) #17

Mar 9, 2017

Good issue, just wish Diana would come out of this phase and start kicking ass and taking names again. Should be interesting to see what comes out of Barbara Ann becoming Cheetah again.

Wonder Woman (2016) #18

Mar 13, 2017

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