Caivu's Profile

Joined: Mar 15, 2017

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Batwoman (2010) #22  
Batwoman (2017) #1

Mar 15, 2017

Batwoman (2017) #2

Apr 18, 2017

Batwoman (2017) #3

May 16, 2017

This series continues at a breakneck pace! It almost moves so fast as to be a detriment, but nothing is badly-explained or confusing. There's just very little breathing room. I'd much rather any story be too fast than too slow, so I don't mind this. The Many Arms of Death are looking like the overarching villains of the series, with Knife being well-established as Kate's new archenemy through a variety of comparisons and contrasts so far this arc. Not a lot of flashbacks this issue, which was a pity because of how key Kate's past on Coryana is to almost every element of this story. But there's still two issues left, so I trust that'll be handled.

Batwoman (2017) #4

Jun 20, 2017

Batwoman (2017) #5

Jul 18, 2017

Beautiful art. Some small but needed fleshing out of both Safiyah and the island; not a huge amount in either case, but enough. Safiyah and Tahani's relationship also had a bit more development that gave Tahani a more active role in their breakup, which was interesting to see after the previous issue seemed to indicate she wasn't at any fault. The story went in a direction I wasn't expecting that just opened up more questions, and indicated that the Coryana storyline might not be over. The ending in particular is particularly intriguing, and might tie into the next issue in an unexpected way.

Batwoman (2017) #7

Sep 19, 2017

I loved how this issue messed with the reader's perception a bit. After Kate gets shot down early on, it's not easy to tell what's real and what isn't. Confusing? Sure. But that reflects the same disorientation Kate is going through, even before getting fear-toxin'd, so it works. And while understated, it was interesting to see her thought process in the middle of an emergency. There's also a mystery set up in this issue regarding what exactly is going on in the Sahara, so it's not just weirdness for the sake of weirdness. And there's a bonus in the form of a surprise appearance from a certain character around the middle of the issue. This is a three-issue arc, and seems well-paced so far.

Batwoman (2017) #8

Oct 17, 2017

Batwoman (2017) #9

Nov 14, 2017

Wow. This was probably the best issue of the run so far. A lot of character beats for Kate and even Colony Prime, and their bickering was great. Trippy, creepy visuals, appropriate for Scarecrow. I can't say much more without getting spoilery, but this was highly enjoyable, and any flaws were minor.

Batwoman (2017) #10

Dec 19, 2017

Batwoman (2017) #11

Jan 16, 2018

Batwoman (2017) #12

Feb 20, 2018

Batwoman (2017) #13

Mar 20, 2018

Wow! Creepy atmosphere and twist that, while not totally unexpected, is a big game-changer. It's going to be a bit of a treat to see how that was set up throughout the series.

Batwoman (2017) #14

Apr 18, 2018

Batwoman (2017) #15

May 15, 2018

Batwoman (2017) #17

Jul 17, 2018

Batwoman (2017) #18

Aug 14, 2018

An excellent and heartwarming finale. Kate has weathered the experiences of her mission and come out stronger for it. There are plenty of teases of future stories at the end that I hope we get to see soon.

Batwoman Vol. 1: The Many Arms Of Death

Nov 14, 2017

Catwoman (2018) #1  
Detective Comics (2016) #955

Apr 26, 2017

I wish Christine had been in a few earlier issues, but I liked how she was able to help Cass realize that she's not broken just because she doesn't want to live up to the deadly, evil legacy of her parents. This was a big turning point for Cass, since it's the first time she really believes that not only can shae be good, but that being that way doesn't make her worthless. Seeing her struggle with that over the course of this arc was great to see, and it pays off here. The fights scenes of Cass just wrecking house are the icing here. Can't wait to see the final showdown next issue, including what kind of move the Colony's going to play, since they're a bit of a wildcard right now.

Detective Comics (2016) #958

Jun 14, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #960

Jul 14, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #961

Jul 25, 2017

Very entertaining stuff. An intriguing flashback with Bruce and Zatanna, a great brawl between Batwoman and Orphan VS a possessed Azrael, Jean-Paul having a battle of wills inside his own mind against Ascalon, and an ending we all saw coming based on the next issue's cover, but one that gives a plausible way for Jean-Paul to rid himself of the System for good. Plus, a possible last stand with Clayface staring down a small fleet of Batwing drones. Looking forward to how this one ends.

Detective Comics (2016) #962

Aug 9, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #967

Oct 24, 2017

Completely enjoyable from start to finish, with only a few minor flaws that didn't diminish the experience at all. Great banter between the team, a good story with an exciting cliffhanger, and awesome art as always. A must-read.

Detective Comics (2016) #975

Mar 14, 2018

Detective Comics (2016) #976

Mar 14, 2018

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