Dylan1978's Profile

Joined: Dec 15, 2017

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Cable (2017) #152

Dec 15, 2017

At some point you have to start wondering why this comic is being made. 90's nostalgia? The plot is simple but also rather pointless. Characters being plucked out of points in time where it's not clear if they should even exist yet. And let's get to the art. It goes at it's best of being inconsistent to at times making you have to squint at the page to figure out what's going on. Characters at times look like nothing more than colorful blobs with arms and legs. The apeing of Liefield's style is unapologetic but also laughable since I don't see many people screaming "I want more Rob Liefield comics!"

Fall of the House of X (2024) #4

Apr 22, 2024

Regardless of what you think of the Krakoan age it deserved a better ending than this. Duggan's ADHD mess of a script for this issue falls completely flat when providing any emotional resonance. Huge, consequential parts of the story happened off the page? Seriously? Add inconsistent and muddled artwork and it defies logic as to why Marvel can justify the now regular $4.99 for these issues. Do better Marvel, from the outside it appears the wheels are starting to come off.

Luke Cage: Gang War (2023) #3

Jan 13, 2024

This....this steaming pile of crap. The problem with most event tie-in series is that they have to justify their existence and this series has quickly demonstrated that it's completely pointless. Add in the fact that the craft involved in this comic is god awful and it ends up winning the prize as one the worst comics Marvel has ever published. I don't know what other comic book work Rodney Barnes has done before but for the sake of all humanity he should be kept far, far away from making any more in the future.

Luke Cage: Gang War (2023) #4

Feb 23, 2024

Another horrible entry in what has been a dreadful series. Event tie-ins can be hit or miss but this series seemed completely pointless and added nothing to the Gang War story. Heck, it didn't even add anything to Luke Cage's story. Add in paint by numbers art, dull dialog and a rushed plot and you get one truly epic dumpster fire of a comic.

Marauders (2022) #9

Dec 23, 2022

After nine issues this series is a absolute mess. Plots that keep jumping from place to place with little sense of logic or pacing. Dialog that is either cringe worthy is or out of context to what is happening in the panel. Characters disappearing off page with no explanation? What happened to Kitty? She's just gone now? The artwork, while energetic looking is also hard to follow. Unless there's a extreme closeup everyone ends up looking alike and it can be difficult to follow the action or even have a sense of what's happening. This book needs to be thrown into the garbage, set on fire and put out of it's misery. Truly a pathetic attempt at comics.

New Mutants (2019) #33

Jan 8, 2023

This is what happens when representation matters more than actual storytelling. A three issue run that spent most of it's time beating you over the head over why these characters should matter so much while not delivering a fleshed out story. It feels rushed, there are some odd transitions between panels that hurts the flow of the book and the writing at times feels like something from a nineties after school special. There's no meat on these bones so to speak which makes this a utterly disposable and forgettable end to this series. No matter how much you want to be inclusive and progressive it absolutely can't overshadow poor comics. And in the end that hurts representation more than it helps.

War Of The Realms: New Agents of Atlas #4

Jun 28, 2019

As a big fan of the Agents Of Atlas this final issue of their War Of The Realms tie-in was a major disappointment. Pak's new iteration of the team is largely forgettable, which doesn't say much for the new characters introduced for this series. I was looking forward to reading a book with Silk and Shang-Chi but they largely remained in the background with little to no character development. It's all made the worse by inconsistent art from a trio of artists. There are some pages that a character looks so different then they did from just a few panels before that it was jarring. Overall this was a event tie that I was looking forward to but ended being forgettable and killed my enthusiasm for the upcoming miniseries.

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