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Joined: May 06, 2018

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Batman (2016) #50

Jul 4, 2018

This needs to be returnable. DC lied to us and betrayed our trust. The same goes to King. No story can change that.

DC / Hanna-Barbera: Nightwing/Magilla Gorilla #1  
Heroes In Crisis #4  
Nightwing (2016) #44

May 6, 2018

"You Will Be Hearing Old a Lot" Score: 7.2/10 Pros: -Art was very old school. This comic is for those 90's fans and kids. Do you 'member 90's kids? -Very dark and intelligent story -Has the capacity to question the dangers of technology -It also questions our loss of privacy -Nightwing was charmingly fun -So was his old time friend in Gotham Cons: -Nightwing is an old man... and Superman (phone booths?!)... -Did Batman train Nightwing when he was Robin in technology? Then he should at least have a good grasp at technology. -Felt too slow with numerous storylines introduced. I like numerous storylines, but for the first issue I would like to be hooked first. -No hook... The coolest part was the first panels. The next panels felt like reading a novel. I won't call the last page as a hook. More of a cliffhanger. I am looking forward to the next issue with realistic pessimism. I hope the storylines get lessen the next issue and for some answers to be given. In reviews there will always be the "Floppies Vs. Trade" argument. Right now, it is better to wait for the trade; but remember this is the first issue only. Thanks for reading.

Nightwing (2016) #45

Jun 7, 2018

“Changes and Novel Ideas” Score: 6.2/10 Pros: -Art is still good. Some people might not like it since it may look outdated. But I find it unique and perfect for the story. -Connects with the last issue brilliantly. Imagine you are reading a novel, then this is Chapter 2. -Story is still asking the hard questions. Cons: -I would read this if it was a novel, but less so as a comic book. It loses so much nuances as a comic book. -The writer is having a hard time balancing worldbuilding and Nightwing. -DickBabs ship does not work in Rebirth. They don’t have the history, situation and relationship their pre-Flashpoint selves had. Oracle was a way superior partner to Nightwing than Batgirl. -The characterization of Dick Grayson is a 50-50. The training scene was 100% Dick Grayson moment, but the other scenes felt like a cardboard cutout of the titular character. This issue was okay, but I expected more from the last writer of Green Arrow. This doesn’t feel like a Nightwing story. It felt more of a Green Arrow or Batman story. It was also boring. The only action in it was watching Nightwing get his ass beaten (again). Honestly, Nightwing has looked kinda pathetic the whole Rebirth run. He was way more competent in King’s Grayson run. Even Seeley was allowing him to get beaten by forgettable villains of the week. Robin Damian could best him right now. Just wait for the trade. It’s better read as a trade. Have a nice day.

Nightwing (2016) #46

Jul 4, 2018

“Finally Speeding Up in Bludhaven’s Hyper-Loop” Score: 8.5/10 Pros: -The art is amazing. It’s not perfect, but I prefer grit in my art. It mixes well with the story. A Cyber Horror unleased upon Nightwing and Bludhaven. -The flow of the story is back. I was annoyed at the past issues because of slow plot progression. This issue is a constant adrenaline drive. You can finally see where the story is heading. -The partnership of Nightwing and Batgirl was good. I’m not a fan, but I like how there is no soapy drama involved. They were past lovers and there were flirting, but the mission always come first. Cons -Why did we have to put a lot of pages past issues for this Cloke guy? He slowed down the story without any immediate payoff. -Not the best characterization of Dick, but not bad. We need more smiling daredevil who can kick the villain’s ass. After the average past issues, I’m glad this issue is different from those. It has that Dixon feel in it. Maybe even some Higgins. Nightwing is more than Seeley’s Silver Age inspired run. Nightwing looked bad-ass especially with the helmet. I love how he escaped Wyrm. Dick Grayson always find a way. He might not be Batman, but he finds his own way. Dick way. You can start with this issue, since the past two issues can be summarized in a few sentences. That’s all. Thanks for reading this review.

Nightwing (2016) #47

Aug 1, 2018

“A B Horror Movie Stuffed with All the Fellow Kids Material” Score: 3.0/10 Pros: -Nothing. This issue will make you cringe, be confused and cry once you realized you bought this. Cons: -The art sucked this issue. It used to have a lot of details, but now most of it look like rough sketches. It doesn’t have the amount of care it had before. -Percy, we get it you’re old, but young adults don’t talk like a tech marketer. The only ones who talk like that are those bullied kids bragging how much RAM their PC has. -Nothing gets resolved. Nothing gets answered. Cloke’s character development is given, not earned. You can skip this issue. You can skip this whole arc. Percy's run has been mediocre so far, which is depressing after a legendary Green Arrow run. If this is what we will get the next months, all those double shipped issues should not be in your pull list. The only bright side with two issues a month is maybe Percy’s run can finally move faster than a glacier. Thanks for reading. This issue is a big pass. Just read your friend's copy.

Nightwing (2016) #50

Oct 3, 2018

The best issue Percy did was his last. What a waste...

Nightwing (2016) Annual #1

Aug 29, 2018

This comic is so stupid! But it's so good... Why do I like this?! Wtf?! How can a comic be so equally stupid and good at the same time?

Titans (2016) #23

Jul 11, 2018

Titans (2016) #24

Aug 8, 2018

Titans (2016): Special #1

Jun 25, 2018

“Holy Babysitter, Batman!” Score: 6.3/10 Pros: -Art is the major good point of this issue. There are a lot of artists. It’s amazing how each art style fits their respective characters. -A slight good is Nightwing has finally grown a part of a backbone. -I love this team composition. It fills the team roles perfectly. Kind of reminds me of the New Teen Titans. Cons: -The Justice League are still jerks who act like they never made a mistake in their lives. Martian Manhunter seems cold and untrusting of anyone. -The story moves so slow. This is basically the team hiring montage in 40 pages. -The Fab Five are disrespected again by DC. It’s amazing the founding Titans isn’t as loved compared to the founding members of the other teams. They are shown as a failure. A very mixed issue. But I’m giving this series renewal sometime to gather my interest. It could either be a great series in the upcoming months. Or Titans Rebirth 2.0, then expect me to drop this series halfway again. Abnett’s Justice League will continue subtracting 1 to 2 points from my review as long as he continues writing them in this way. Why can’t the Justice League act like the Justice League?! There is no trade argument, because if the individual issues are bad then it will suck in trades too. This doesn’t have Percy’s complexity.

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