aceraxon's Profile

Joined: Jun 02, 2018

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Overall Rating

Jul 17, 2018

Not sure what there is to be excited about. I mean, the artwork is pretty good, but not amazing. The gore is over the top and un-appealing. Works better in the black-and-white frames of The Walking Dead. Full color it just becomes overwashed everything doused in tomatoes. The writing was just poor. Nothing I liked about it. The story felt very uninspired. I feel like it was just Robert catering to an idea he had with Scott Gimple. And not a very entertaining one, just a gruesome one. Bleh. No thanks.

Farmhand #1  
Immortal Hulk #1

Jul 17, 2018

The art was ok, the rest, just awful.

Immortal Hulk #2

Jul 17, 2018

The first issue was total shit, but this issue was actually pretty good. I liked it all around. I was the interior artwork was just a tad darker, but overall pretty nice.

X-23 (2018) #1  
X-Men: Red (2018) Annual #1

Jun 2, 2018

The art is uneven, Jean Grey half the time looks like she has a man's body, I just don't understand what's going on there. The dialogue is about the most awful garbage I've ever seen. I mean, seriously, stop and read it out loud. Read the interaction between Logan and Jean and see how awful it is. It makes no sense, she just comes off like a jerk. The story is about as boring as possible, the artwork is bad, why was this printed? Just so we could get that, "Tastes like mustard and bigotry!" line? Oh, such witty dialogue. Is Dan Slott one of the few decent writers left at Marvel???

Reviews for the Week of...


