Saiyan2814's Profile

Joined: Feb 27, 2019

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Overall Rating
Dial H For Hero (2019) #2

Apr 24, 2019

This issue was great! As a manga fan, I really lived the Dragon Ball reference similar art style! Heck, even the Thunderbolt Club may be a reference to the Red Ribbon Army! This was truly a fun issue!

Green Lantern (2018) #1

Feb 27, 2019

Green Lantern (2018) #2

Feb 27, 2019

Green Lantern (2018) #3

Feb 27, 2019

Green Lantern (2018) #4

Feb 27, 2019

Green Lantern (2018) #5

Mar 6, 2019

Although it was kinda predictable as to what Hal was doing, this series has been very good. I understand if some don't like it because of how weird it is, but that's just how Grant Morrison is. His writing is like a tangled set of headphones, slowly, but surely it'll be unraveled. Can't wait for more!

Green Lantern (2018) #6

Apr 3, 2019

A pretty solid end to this first arc with mysteries and wonder still to be explored. The next arc definitely catches my interest and I can't want to keep going.

Green Lantern (2018) #7

May 1, 2019

This seemed like a bit of a filler issue, but honestly, it was so well-written that I don't even care! If anything, it established a deeper relationship between the ring and Hal that goes deeper than what we've ever seen before. On top of that, the art by Liam Sharpe is always a win to see! I LOVED this issue. Probably my favorite of this entire run!

Man and Superman #1  
Shazam! (2018) #1

Mar 6, 2019

Shazam! (2018) #2

Mar 6, 2019

Shazam! (2018) #3

Feb 27, 2019

This issue was primarily set up, but I'm liking where Johns is going with the Magiclands and the hinting of a future family member. However, I'm still curious as to what's going on with Billy's birth father. One thing that I am hoping for is whether or not each member of the family has a tie to a specific magicland. Definitely will continue reading!

Shazam! (2018) #4

Mar 28, 2019

Shazam! (2018) #5

May 8, 2019

A very well written issue! Johns' has definitely set this arc up as the possible story to adapt in the Shazam sequel, but that doesn't hinder from the story. The Magiclands have a lot of lore that goes into them and Johns is slowly exploring them equally. Can't wait for next month's issue!

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