Saiyan2814's Profile

Joined: Feb 27, 2019

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Saiyan2814 reviewed Shazam! #5 May 8, 2019

A very well written issue! Johns' has definitely set this arc up as the possible story to adapt in the Shazam sequel, but that doesn't hinder from the story. The Magiclands have a lot of lore that goes into them and Johns is slowly exploring them equally. Can't wait for next month's issue!

Shazam! #5

By: Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham
Released: May 8, 2019

In the latest chapter of "Shazam and the Seven Magic Lands," the kids visit the Gamelands, a colorful world of races and games where all that matters are your high scores! But as good as Pedro and Eugene are with their arcade cred, can they score high enough to survive it?

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Saiyan2814 reviewed Green Lantern #7 May 1, 2019

This seemed like a bit of a filler issue, but honestly, it was so well-written that I don't even care! If anything, it established a deeper relationship between the ring and Hal that goes deeper than what we've ever seen before. On top of that, the art by Liam Sharpe is always a win to see! I LOVED this issue. Probably my favorite of this entire run!

Green Lantern #7

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: May 1, 2019

After sacrificing himself to save the entire universe from a cosmic WMD, Hal Jordan finds himself trapped inside his own power ring! And he discovers an entire universe lies inside it, populated with souls whose lives are threatened when his ring runs out of power! Can Hal save yet another universe one issue after saving the last? Only Grant Morris...

Saiyan2814 reviewed Dial H For Hero #2 Apr 24, 2019

This issue was great! As a manga fan, I really lived the Dragon Ball reference similar art style! Heck, even the Thunderbolt Club may be a reference to the Red Ribbon Army! This was truly a fun issue!

Dial H For Hero #2

By: Sam Humphries, Joe Quinones
Released: Apr 24, 2019

On the road (in a food truck full of mayonnaise!) with the amazing H-Dial that gifts the user with a new superpower every time they place a call, teenage runaways Miguel and Summer come under attack by others who crave the power the dial offers. With cryptic calls from the "phone zone" and no one to turn to for help, the adolescent adventurers come...

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Saiyan2814 commented on this:
Briton reviewed Mera: Tidebreaker #1 Apr 7, 2019

It must have been quite a difficult task. To take a classic heroine with a powerful and well established back story. And to make it so dull. So bloodless. So very average.

Vey disappointing, and further evidence that DC have no idea when it comes to Aquaman and Mera.

Mera: Tidebreaker #1

By: Danielle Paige, Stephen Byrne
Released: Mar 27, 2019

Princess Mera is teenage royalty and heir to the throne of Xebel, a colony ruled by the other no-so-lost land under the sea, Atlantis. Her father, his court, and the entire kingdom are expecting her to marry and introduce a new king. But Mera is destined to wear a different crown....
When the Xebellian military plots to overthrow Atlantis and b...

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Saiyan2814 - Apr 9, 2019

You do realize that this is apart of DCInk, right? An out of continuity line for younger readers.

Saiyan2814 reviewed Green Lantern #6 Apr 3, 2019

A pretty solid end to this first arc with mysteries and wonder still to be explored. The next arc definitely catches my interest and I can't want to keep going.

Green Lantern #6

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Apr 3, 2019

Hal Jordan's final initiation test to join the Blackstars? Kill Adam Strange! In this issue, Controller Mu and his Blackstar goon squad have invaded and occupied the planet Rann, and its protector is at their mercy! When planet after planet has fallen to the Blackstars-and these monsters are at Rann's gate-does the galaxy have any hope to survive?

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Saiyan2814 rated Shazam! #4 Mar 28, 2019

Shazam! #4

By: Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Mar 27, 2019

"Shazam and the Seven Magiclands"continues as Billy Batson and the other foster kids are lost in the dangerous Wildlands! A realm where animals walk like humans...and where humans live in zoos! When Freddie and Darla are captured and paraded around like oddities, it's up to Billy and the others to rescue them from the greedy Crocodile Men! Plus, th...

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Saiyan2814 rated Man and Superman #1 Mar 22, 2019

Man and Superman #1

By: Marv Wolfman, Claudio Castellini
Released: Feb 6, 2019

"This is the best Superman story I've ever written." So says living legend Marv Wolfman, and when you've written hundreds of Superman stories as he has, it means a great deal. This gem of a tale - written and drawn from 2006-2009 for the SUPERMAN CONFIDENTIAL series - explodes from the DC archives as a triumphant tale of Clark Kent's fateful first ...

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Saiyan2814 commented on this:
myconius rated Green Lantern #5 Mar 6, 2019

Green Lantern #5

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Mar 6, 2019

"Blackstar at Zenith!" Hal Jordan has abandoned the Green Lantern Corps to join the Blackstars! But to do so, he'll need to convince their leader, Countess Belzebeth, and pass an initiation test. Which means he must survive a series of trials on the vampire planet Vorr, whose entire population wants to feast upon him! It's cosmic goth at its bloodi...

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ohhaimark - Mar 6, 2019

Abby… Normal! Ha! Great reference!

myconius - Mar 7, 2019

thanks. :)

Saiyan2814 rated Shazam! #2 Mar 6, 2019

Shazam! #2

By: Geoff Johns, Marco Santucci
Released: Jan 23, 2019

"Shazam! and the Seven Kingdoms" part two! The acclaimed team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Dale Eaglesham continue the first all-new ongoing SHAZAM! title in decades!
Billy Batson has uncovered a secret deep within the Rock of Eternity that sends him on his most personal mission yet-one that threatens to tear apart his family! Meanwhile, t...

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Saiyan2814 rated Shazam! #1 Mar 6, 2019

Shazam! #1

By: Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Dec 5, 2018

The superstar team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Dale Eaglesham reunite to launch the first all-new SHAZAM! monthly title set in the DC Universe in almost 20 years! (What took you guys so long?!)
Teenager turned super-hero Billy Batson struggles to balance school and superheroics! (Guess which one is more fun?) But when Shazam unlocks a sho...

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Saiyan2814 reviewed Green Lantern #5 Mar 6, 2019

Although it was kinda predictable as to what Hal was doing, this series has been very good. I understand if some don't like it because of how weird it is, but that's just how Grant Morrison is. His writing is like a tangled set of headphones, slowly, but surely it'll be unraveled. Can't wait for more!

Green Lantern #5

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Mar 6, 2019

"Blackstar at Zenith!" Hal Jordan has abandoned the Green Lantern Corps to join the Blackstars! But to do so, he'll need to convince their leader, Countess Belzebeth, and pass an initiation test. Which means he must survive a series of trials on the vampire planet Vorr, whose entire population wants to feast upon him! It's cosmic goth at its bloodi...

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Saiyan2814 added Grant Morrison to their creator watch list Feb 27, 2019
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Saiyan2814 added Geoff Johns to their creator watch list Feb 27, 2019
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Saiyan2814 added Shazam! (2018) to their pull list Feb 27, 2019

Shazam! (2018)

The superstar team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Dale Eaglesham reunite to launch the first all-new SHAZAM! monthly title set in the DC Universe in almost 20 years! (What took you guys so long?!)
Teenager turned super-hero Billy Batson struggles to balance school and superheroics! (Guess which one is more fun?) But when Shazam unlocks a sho...

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Saiyan2814 reviewed Shazam! #3 Feb 27, 2019

This issue was primarily set up, but I'm liking where Johns is going with the Magiclands and the hinting of a future family member. However, I'm still curious as to what's going on with Billy's birth father. One thing that I am hoping for is whether or not each member of the family has a tie to a specific magicland. Definitely will continue reading!

Shazam! #3

By: Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Feb 27, 2019

"SHAZAM! AND THE SEVEN REALMS" continues! Billy Batson's world is turned upside down by a figure from the past while Mary, Freddy and the rest of the Shazam Family enter a realm of endless amusements, candy factories and friends in the Funlands! But what's the catch? Plus, a shocking development within the Library of Eternity!

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Saiyan2814 rated Green Lantern #4 Feb 27, 2019

Green Lantern #4

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Feb 6, 2019

In a bar on Rann, two shrouded strangers recount two blood-chilling narratives-one in which a Blackstar heavyweight demands access to a secret vault on planet Weirwimm, threatening its gruesome annihilation with Sun-Eaters; and the other about maverick Hal Jordan and his small cadre of GLs struggling to destroy those same Sun-Eaters. And the cliffh...

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Saiyan2814 rated Green Lantern #3 Feb 27, 2019

Green Lantern #3

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Jan 9, 2019

When the Earth goes up for sale on the alien black market, it's up to the Green Lantern Corps to bust up "The Slave Lords of the Stars" in the latest space saga from Grant Morrison (MULTIVERSITY) and Liam Sharp (WONDER WOMAN)! With the Justice League frozen by Gamma Gong tech, Earth ends up on the auction block, and Volgar Zo hosts a menagerie of t...

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Saiyan2814 rated Green Lantern #2 Feb 27, 2019

Green Lantern #2

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Dec 5, 2018

Someone is transporting a mysterious cargo out of the Great Void, and it spells trouble for the universe at large! Hal Jordan interrogates a member of the Spider Guild for answers and uses his pheremones as an interrogation tool, but can he extract the info in time?! Meanwhile, Volgar Ro makes a play for Earth while its emerald protector is off-wor...

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Saiyan2814 rated Green Lantern #1 Feb 27, 2019

Green Lantern #1

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Nov 7, 2018

Superstar writer Grant Morrison (Batman, All-Star Superman) returns to DC alongside red-hot artist Liam Sharp (The Brave AND the Bold, Wonder Woman) to launch a new, ongoing series: THE GREEN LANTERN!
In this debut issue, when Earth's space cop, Hal Jordan, encounters an alien hiding in plain sight, it sets off a chain of events that rocks the...

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Saiyan2814 added Green Lantern (2018) to their pull list Feb 27, 2019

Green Lantern (2018)

Superstar writer Grant Morrison (Batman, All-Star Superman) returns to DC alongside red-hot artist Liam Sharp (The Brave AND the Bold, Wonder Woman) to launch a new, ongoing series: THE GREEN LANTERN!
In this debut issue, when Earth's space cop, Hal Jordan, encounters an alien hiding in plain sight, it sets off a chain of events that rocks the...

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