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Joined: Mar 27, 2019

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Inknight033 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #9 May 29, 2019

It's not that bad guys........but it was disappointing.

Heroes In Crisis #9

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: May 29, 2019

The most-talked-about miniseries of the year reaches its stunning finale! The mystery behind the murders at Sanctuary is solved, but the mind behind it is one the heroes never expected. With their deepest secrets exposed, the Trinity has to consider how to carry on. Should the tragedy cause them to redouble their efforts to help their hurting comra...

+ LikeComments (3)
AdmiralWhiskers - May 30, 2019

How can anything "disappointing" be worth an 8.5 score?

Inknight033 - May 31, 2019

I agree with you but I don't find it bad but utterly disappointing. I even reduced my rating after a second read. liked this:
Michaelbn reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 30, 2019

I don't want to sound rude because this is a nice issue but I think I need to say it: Look! we have a series named doomsday clock! It's kind underrated and unpopular; it's like it doesn't get the attention it deserves which is a sad thing *sigh*.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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bucswin611 reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 30, 2019

This issue is an absolute feat - it deals with continuity without getting too self-referential/self-absorbed. Johns' conceptualization of the DCU is brilliant. I like everyone else have a comment about the delays - this makes the books that HAVE to come out biweekly/monthly more impressive, because a lot of work goes into that schedule, regardless of ultimate quality. AND it makes Watchmen seem ev more

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:

Everything I wanted from this series. I love that last page!

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Mohammad robin reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 30, 2019

How awesome it is😍!

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:

We are witnessing something very special

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
MiGi reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

It's the best comicbook issue i read in a while..

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Another Nerd reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

There's a panel paying homage to the cover of new 52 Action #5. Damn, that put a smile on my face. Doomsday Clock gets wonderfly meta this issue.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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MyNameIsNotJohn - May 29, 2019

“It begins...AGAIN!!” liked this:
aigo117 reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

What a great issue

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
gusresm reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

Maybe the bes issue yet. The story is amazing. Johns is at his best here.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Comix4fever reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

Purchase the variant cover it is superior to the main one.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:


Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Ken b reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

This series has been hitting on all cylinders, well worth the wait.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
axdn reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

This was breath-taking

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Grifter reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

Absolute masterpiece.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Talon1load reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

That’s how a comic should be written. Loved it.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Inknight033 reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

No words can describe how amazing this issue is!!!

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Nihilist reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

There's a lot to comprehend here, and as much as I loved this comic, I feel like I should start with an honest warning - it's dense and in order to fully understand it, you should know a thing or two about DC Comics. Not that a comic newbie wouldn't be able to read and enjoy it, but it really helps if you've read Watchmen (if not, what are you doing with your life?!), heard of JSA before, or are f more

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Linkush reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019


Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Tony reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

Oh man, what Johns does with this issue is just beautiful, I mean, first, Superman fans have to be happy because in this issue Johns places Superman at the center of the DC Universe and I like that because he deserves that type of attention and fits very well with the story and second, well, the way Johns begins to explain the new 52 reality and all other changes is just awesome. Gary Frank artwor more

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:
Danny reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 28, 2019

Spoiler-Free Review

Wally West said--in the DC Rebirth one-shot special--that "there's going to be a war between hope and despair. Love and apathy. Faith and disbelief." The last three issues of Doomsday Clock, I think, are going touch on that war, that conversation (finally). After the epic battle that took place in Doomsday Clock #9, it seems fitting now to tackle the very essence of more

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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Superheroes for Hire - May 30, 2019

I seriously was worried when Doomsday Clock was announced that we were going to get a Watchmen vs Justice League fight. But then Geoff Johns promised that we were instead going to get a philosophical war of words between Manhattan and Superman. This issue set the field for that confrontation. liked this:
Darkseid24 reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

Definitely worth the long wait. In this issue Dr. Manhatten‘s motivations& how he changed the DC universe finally gets fully explained& it makes a lot of sense for his character. Johns does a great job writing his character (I don’t understand why he doesn’t always with other characters. If Johns respected all characters like he did with Watchmen characters he would be a top writer) & there more

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe. liked this:

It looks promising. I liked it; this Bruce Wayne seems much more caring and light-hearted than the usual Bruce Wayne throughout decades and he is starting to grow on me, but there are some things that I didn't understand like what was the purpose of those baby GLs? they've felt out of the place. Wonder Woman becoming an apocalyptic-punk leader with a mohawk doesn't suit her. The way they disgraced more

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: May 29, 2019

Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. Young. Sane.
And...he was never Batman.
So begins this sprawling tale of the Dark Knight as he embarks on a quest through a devastated DC landscape featuring a massive cast of familiar faces from the DC Universe. As he tries to piece together the mystery of his past, he must unravel the cause of this t... liked this:

Parts of this are a 10, parts are more like an 8. An important thing to know is this is in NO way a Batman/Joker buddy issue like it has been marketed.

The most enjoyable part was the Snyder/Capullo pairing is so immersive and it brought me back to the New 52 days, where you lose a sense of time just being drawn into their story. Pros: Utterly disorienting in the best way, loose connec more

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: May 29, 2019

Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. Young. Sane.
And...he was never Batman.
So begins this sprawling tale of the Dark Knight as he embarks on a quest through a devastated DC landscape featuring a massive cast of familiar faces from the DC Universe. As he tries to piece together the mystery of his past, he must unravel the cause of this t... liked this:

Issue was great. So this is kinda like the "Logan" and ending of snyder's batman saga huh. This issue alone already tells me that I wont be disappointed to this conclusion of Snyders batman :)

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: May 29, 2019

Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. Young. Sane.
And...he was never Batman.
So begins this sprawling tale of the Dark Knight as he embarks on a quest through a devastated DC landscape featuring a massive cast of familiar faces from the DC Universe. As he tries to piece together the mystery of his past, he must unravel the cause of this t... liked this:

Snyder writes hella good Joker dialogue.

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: May 29, 2019

Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. Young. Sane.
And...he was never Batman.
So begins this sprawling tale of the Dark Knight as he embarks on a quest through a devastated DC landscape featuring a massive cast of familiar faces from the DC Universe. As he tries to piece together the mystery of his past, he must unravel the cause of this t... liked this:

It's Capullo and Snyder was destined to be amazing!!!

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: May 29, 2019

Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. Young. Sane.
And...he was never Batman.
So begins this sprawling tale of the Dark Knight as he embarks on a quest through a devastated DC landscape featuring a massive cast of familiar faces from the DC Universe. As he tries to piece together the mystery of his past, he must unravel the cause of this t...

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Ken b - May 29, 2019

yep liked this:

If I could give a book an 11/10, I would give this a 14.

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: May 29, 2019

Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. Young. Sane.
And...he was never Batman.
So begins this sprawling tale of the Dark Knight as he embarks on a quest through a devastated DC landscape featuring a massive cast of familiar faces from the DC Universe. As he tries to piece together the mystery of his past, he must unravel the cause of this t... liked this:

What a fantastic first book. The story is great so far and the art is fantastic. It sets up everything perfectly and is basically everything I liked about Snyder and Capullo's run and more. The highlight for me was the Joker, the way Snyder utilized him in this was such an awesome idea. There are still some parts where some things are still unclear to me but it adds to the mystery so I'm cool with more

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: May 29, 2019

Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. Young. Sane.
And...he was never Batman.
So begins this sprawling tale of the Dark Knight as he embarks on a quest through a devastated DC landscape featuring a massive cast of familiar faces from the DC Universe. As he tries to piece together the mystery of his past, he must unravel the cause of this t... liked this:
Danny reviewed Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1 May 28, 2019

This shit is bonkers.

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: May 29, 2019

Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. Young. Sane.
And...he was never Batman.
So begins this sprawling tale of the Dark Knight as he embarks on a quest through a devastated DC landscape featuring a massive cast of familiar faces from the DC Universe. As he tries to piece together the mystery of his past, he must unravel the cause of this t...

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