bstoi's Profile

Joined: Apr 18, 2019

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A great issue! It's always impressive when a one-shot issue movies the narrative of the entire run forward. It's great to have Peter front and center again.

A blast! I could very easily see Loki becoming my most anticipated book each month.

Loki's real fun.

Loki is absolutely the book I look forward to most each month. The art is kinetic and colorful. The book has a rollicking sense of adventure, lots of great humor, and each week feels like it's moving a larger, mysterious narrative along. I LOVE this comic.

Kibblesmith and Bazaldua knocked it out of the park again. This book is so much fun. The combination of moment-to-moment fun and an overarching plot that constantly hints at something bigger is, to me, an extraordinarily rare gift. I really hope the book is only skipping December and not actually getting canceled.

War of the Realms #1 Apr 18, 2019
War of the Realms #3 May 2, 2019

I'd been getting pretty sick of the book continually re-treading underdeveloped ideas about humanity and A.I., but this issue meaningfully moved those ideas forward. Suddenly I'm looking forward to a full arc exploring them (though I do hope that by the end of it Tony has come to a conclusion that he feels secure in and can move beyond). I didn't love the art, which was fine but too much of a dramatic departure from the rest of the series for me.

War of the Realms #2 Apr 18, 2019

I've enjoyed all the tie-in stories in Hunted, but this one seems to have the potential for the largest impact on the main storyline.

I liked this one. It was very different than the other tie-ins in that it's not a backstory or a prequel. It felt more like a non-.HU issue, except for the lack of Spider-Man. Also, the art was great and really made Arcade seem more menacing and less like a big ol doof.

It's a perfectly good issue, but it's held back by an event that's now starting to feel simultaneously overstuffed and stretched thin. We've spent too much time in Central Park. I'm still looking forward to reading the conclusion, but I'm also looking forward to the event wrapping up.

A bit weird, but overall really fun!

I've been following TS:IM since issue 1, which was my first Iron Man comic. It feels like a lot of issues, including this one, rely heavily on previous Iron Man lore, and don't do a great job explaining it as they go (as opposed to, say, Nick Spencer's current run on Spider-Man, which almost over-explains its own lore). That being said, if I just sit back and except the things I don't understand, it's a really fun issue. Also, can we just step back and appreciate that Iron Man consistently has some of the best covers in comics right now?

I haven't been the biggest fan of the "Stark Realities" storyline, but I thought this issue was a perfectly good wrap up (especially considering the story's climax was in the last issue). I'm also looking forward to seeing what happens with the human drama they cued up.

Tony Stark: Iron Man #16 Sep 23, 2019

I feel like Spidey hasn't really been the focus of this book since before Hunted. I really hope he comes back to being front and center. That isn't to say I haven't been enjoying ASM, I just wish Peter was more of a focus. At least we have Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man for that.

The trade only includes two actual issues, and they're both unfocused collections of smaller stories.

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