Michael71's Profile

Joined: Jul 03, 2014

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Angela: Asgard's Assassin #1

Dec 6, 2014

I always liked the Angela character from way back. I like stories about angels and Asgard. I have hopes for this title. The first issue was a little hard to understand at times. The action picks up very quickly but we really do not know why, yet. There is the main story and then there are the flashback stories. Both have their own creative teams, if I understand it correctly. The art of the main story, by artist Phil Jimenez, has a gritty, brutal quality to it. The art of the flashback, by artist Stephanie Hans, is much more elegant and clean. This is likely by design. The reality of Angela is that she is a violent and fierce angel. Her morality is such that everything she does is for a reason, every debt repaid or collected. Balance. Kieron Gillen paints her as an unsympathetic and ugly character. Phil Jimenez does a good job of drawing her this way. Angela's buddy, Sera, has her own take on Angela. This one is still violent but there is an elegant quality as well. Stephanie Hans does a great job with the flashback sequence. In fact, I believe the flashback and the art within saved this issue for me! I am less impressed with the main story art. I would rather see Angela as graceful and deadly than harsh and brutal. Your mileage may vary.

Batgirl (2011) #35

Nov 22, 2014

This is my starting point for this series. I always liked the heroes that can do more with less. I felt this was a good introduction with a decent story. I liked that they tried to incorporate some of the 21st century tech scene. However, those that speak in text speech annoy me! OMG! This Barbara seems a little frivolous and self-involved. I enjoy the art. It is refreshing on many levels with clean lines and strong colour palettes.

Batgirl (2011) #36

Nov 22, 2014

I am not so sure about this issue. I don't know why but I was expecting Batgirl to be a little more edgy. I wish I had started with Gail Simone's. There is an emptiness to this character, and to Burnside. The twin sister assassins were no real threat. More of the book was shopping and bumping into boys on the first day of graduate school. Yikes! I might give this title another month.

Batgirl (2011) #37

Dec 10, 2014

I am still hopeful this will lead to a better story. I am curious to know who is behind all this. Obviously they must know a lot about Batgirl to leave such clues for her. The bottom line is this Batgirl fights hardest to protect her own ego. Then Barbara Gordon has another awkward meeting with a cute guy. My favorite character by far is Dinah. She alone seems to realize just how feckless and shallow Batgirl has become. Plus, her lines are the funniest! The art pops as usual. The coloring is great!

Black Canary (2015) #1

Jun 21, 2015

Good. However, I am going to take a pass on this title. It would be great if I were into the whole music/rock setting. Still, Black Canary has some promise.

Catwoman (2011) #35

Dec 7, 2014

I liked the story, quite a lot actually. It's smart. I did not much care for the gritty artwork. There is too much shadow and not enough definition for my taste. The cover is amazing! This is my jumping on point so I cannot compare it to past issues.

Catwoman (2011) #36

Dec 7, 2014

It's a smart story. I like the historical references. I just don't like the art/inking/colors. It is too dark! Love the cover once more!

Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #1

Sep 23, 2014

It was interesting to read another iteration of Spider-Man. I am not that familiar with the Spider-Verse other than the original Peter Parker. A lot of the primary characters and villains are the same despite being set in 1939. The setting did not do much for me, which I suppose is the whole reason for Spider-Man Noir. Maybe in the future there might be a whole H.P. Lovecraft element to it. I could get behind that. For now, the story and artwork left me feeling rather indifferent as to whether I read another Spider-Man Noir comic or not. I could go either way and not really care. Thus the 5.0 rating. Not good, not bad.

G.I. Joe (2014) #1

Sep 29, 2014

I like political stories and I like the direction of this new series so far. However, there is only so many positions one can be in when talking to someone else. I feel for the artist in this case since most of the book was just that, one person talking to another. Subsequent issues will need more action. That being said, I really do like the story. I don't need G.I.Joe to always be the good guys and Cobra to always be the bad. I hope Karen Traviss continues to develop characters from all sides. The story could always use more ninjas!

Gotham Academy (2014) #1

Nov 22, 2014

There is a lot to like here. It is a well written and well drawn book. I love the facial expressions. The protagonist is a teenage girl and is supposed to be drawn that way, unlike some other heroines out there. I am not sure if I should enjoy this book since it is a teen drama and it's been a long time since I was a teen. Should that matter? I don't care. I love Gotham lore. Highly recommended!

Gotham Academy (2014) #2

Nov 22, 2014

This is one of my favorite titles lately! It has been a long time since I looked forward to a next issue. I hope this creative team can keep it up! They had my curiosity. Now, they have my attention.

Gotham Academy (2014) #3

Dec 4, 2014

I liked this month's issue but it feels like one of those filler issues. You can skip this one and not miss very much. I do still like the story but I hope something big develops soon, especially after this month's conclusion! I love the art style of this book! Characters are drawn well and each one is very distinct and easily recognizable without the need for costumes or masks. Facial expressions are simply wonderful.

Harley Quinn (2013) #0

Nov 22, 2014

I think a part of me wants to like Harley Quinn because she is so popular. I could be rating this higher because low scores might hurt the book's resale value. Still, this book adds nothing to any story arc. It was fun to see the different iterations of HQ. I enjoyed many of the art styles. I do not mind when characters break the fourth wall. I don't really like it when the characters talk to the creators, however. That was a little weird. Did I need to read that Jimmy and Amanda are married? No.

POP #1

Sep 23, 2014

I was not entertained. Pop artists being shallow sell-outs is not really a new concept. This comic might be over my head but I did not enjoy the art imitating life and vice versa aspect of it. Coop, the protagonist, smokes weed and reads comics. More than anything, I think that just made me know I was reading a comic book too, and not a very good one at that. The story did not draw me in, nor did the artwork. It might be cathartic to see bad things happen to obnoxious pop artists but that is not enough for me to continue with this series. I don't want to be too mean. It is not without some merit and certainly better than I can do!

Secret Six (2014) #1

Dec 6, 2014

I am not the least bit familiar with any previous Secret Six titles. So, I have only this one book for the basis of my review. I was hoping for more. I think the story was OK. I usually like Gail Simone. I feel she succeeded in drawing the reader into the setting. The cast has been introduced but little more. Obviously we have to wait for the secrets to be revealed. I did not like the art/inking much. For me it was the worst part of the book. Why does it look like he is wearing a shirt in one scene and not the next? I hate asking myself these types of questions. It takes away from the story which, in my books, is bad. This is not Ken Lashley's finest work. The man has sick skills but this work looks rushed and sloppy. Was it by design? I have dropped this from my pull list for now. It was getting too big anyway!

Supergirl (2011) #36

Nov 22, 2014

I feel as though this is a great jumping on point for Supergirl. It is well drawn and and even better written. I recommend it! I have added this title to my pull list.

Wonder Woman (2011) #36

Nov 22, 2014

I was hoping this would be a good jumping on point for the New 52 Wonder Woman series. I was wrong. What little there was of story was mostly based on past events. I suppose I cannot blame the new creative team for my ignorance. I am on the fence about the art and inking. The lines seemed a little messy to me. Some panels were gorgeous! I felt the coloring was luscious and well done. I would agree with most reviewers that Wonder Woman looks like a pouty, well-endowed teenager. I hope this changes. I was looking forward to this series based on past issue reviews. My image of Wonder Woman was a proud, chin-up, embattled woman. My experience with this book was a lot different.

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