mylosh's Profile

Joined: Sep 11, 2019

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Batgirl (2016) #1  
Cable (2008) #10

Jan 3, 2021

Cable (2008) #22

Jan 3, 2021

Cable (2008) #23

Jan 3, 2021

good tempo here, very quick read. Bishop story getting old, but we get to see Hope be a bad A$$

Crossover (2020) #2

Dec 10, 2020

decent setup, but this might be better consumed in a trade vs monthly floppies. Got bored upon first read, but after rereading issue 1 and this together, I appreciated it more

Excalibur (2019) #16

Dec 23, 2020

Good post event setup for future of the title. Maggie Braddock is the best. Colours (as with most Hickman X books) are amazing

Ice Cream Man #16

Nov 21, 2019

First my biases: I'm a sucker for Father / Daughter bonds (I got emotional at the end of Stranger Things Season 3 and I hate that show) and this was my first Ice Cream Man. With that mind, this was a perfect one shot comic for me and I think others without my biases might love it too. It had likable characters, good pacing, art that suits the story and tone, and most important: something that gets your emotions going. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE ENDING and teared up. It wasn't until a few minutes after I closed the book that I realized that fact that a psychopathic killer is still alive and ready to possibly wreak havoc on campus. Once again keep in mind my bias. Nothing stronger than family, keep that in mind this Thanksgiving, especially when you see one of your members holding a knife

Joker: Killer Smile #1

Nov 27, 2019

stop making good interesting black label books, its killing my budget

Lois Lane (2019) #5

Nov 17, 2019

The cover is probably one of the ugliest Lois Lanes I've ever seen, something is off with her face, its like in video game where an 8 year old messes around with all the settings in the create a player or character section. Writing is and character building is quality despite some probably not liking the pace. Its a like a middle season episode of a slowburn TV show. Nice moments and good nod to Lois's reporting profession. The explanation off anonymity of sources and how that translates in an article was a nice touch. Would've gave 8 but couldn't get over the cover

Marauders (2019) #2

Nov 21, 2019

Not at all the biggest X-Men historian, but was Kitty, sorry I mean Kate, always like this? The bandage on her nose from Issue 1 makes her just so cool, and she's simply got what the kids call "swag".

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #1

Dec 10, 2020

Marte Garcia is making me really appreciate colors and I hope colorist start to get more shine. Good setup and nice intro to this series, but the art and colors put this about average. This is also a book that I wanted to experience in both digital guided view and with a physical copy, those full page spreads when the 6 began their thing provide a different experience on both formats that is great

X Of Swords (2020): Destruction #1

Dec 16, 2020

perfect example of how artist and colorist can make an ok story , great

X-Force (2008) #11

Dec 16, 2020

No one will find me here, as I'm writing this in 2020 but holy smokes this run was good. So much attention on Uncanny X-force. Nice transition / non-arc issue.

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