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Joined: Sep 11, 2019

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The beginning of the Next Batman is like the beginnings of Batman without the death of his parents mixed a bit with the problems of the mutants in X-Men, that is, it is an exciting but trite beginning, which is good because it fulfills the function of entertain, however personally there is nothing that tells me to stay and buy me, much less when it is a jumble of stories that follow or summarize, more

Future State: The Next Batman #1

By: Paul Jenkins, Nick Derington
Released: Jan 6, 2021

Gotham City has always been dangerous-but now, it’s downright deadly! Following the tragedy of “A-Day,” the mayor allowed the private law enforcement group known as the Magistrate to take over policing so-called mask crime-and that has given rise to a new Dark Knight! What is this mysterious crime fighter’s connection to former Batman weapo...

mylosh rated Cable #10 Jan 3, 2021

Cable #10

By: Duane Swierczynski, Ariel Olivetti
Released: Jan 7, 2009

WAITING FOR THE END OF THE WORLD CONCLUSION Cyclops. Emma, and Beast versus Bishop! Plus, hundreds of years in the future, Cable learns a terrible secret!

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Ryan rated Cable #10 Jan 24, 2019

Cable #10

By: Duane Swierczynski, Ariel Olivetti
Released: Jan 7, 2009

WAITING FOR THE END OF THE WORLD CONCLUSION Cyclops. Emma, and Beast versus Bishop! Plus, hundreds of years in the future, Cable learns a terrible secret!

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mylosh rated Cable #22 Jan 3, 2021

Cable #22

By: Duane Swierczynski, Gabriel Guzman
Released: Jan 6, 2010

PRELUDE TO “X-MEN: SECOND COMING” EVENT! The penultimate chapter in the X-Men saga that began with “Messiah CompleX” continues here! Now that Hope’s told Cable that she’s ready to join the X-Men in the present, Cable risks it all to repair his busted time machine. Finally, after years of being stuck in a one-way trip to oblivion, Cable ...

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mylosh reviewed Cable #23 Jan 3, 2021

good tempo here, very quick read. Bishop story getting old, but we get to see Hope be a bad A$$

Cable #23

By: Duane Swierczynski, Gabriel Guzman
Released: Feb 3, 2010

PRELUDE TO “X-MEN: SECOND COMING” EVENT! “HOMECOMING, PART THREE” The penultimate chapter in the X-Men saga that began with “Messiah CompleX” continues here! As Cable and Hope fight their way back to the present, Bishop closes in on their trail, determined to stop them using the deadliest weapons at hand, be it a Prohibition-style tommy...

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mylosh rated Batgirl #1 Jan 2, 2021

Batgirl #1

By: Hope Larson, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"Beyond Burnside" Chapter One: The Batgirl you know and love is going global with Eisner Award-winning and New York Times best-selling writer Hope Larson (A Wrinkle in Time, Goldie Vance) and all-star artist Rafael Albuquerque (AMERICAN VAMPIRE). In order to up her game, Babs travels to Japan on a quest to train with the most elite modern combat ma...

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WhistleBlower reviewed Batgirl #1 Jul 26, 2016

Strongest start to a Batgirl book post-Flashpoint so far.

Batgirl #1

By: Hope Larson, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"Beyond Burnside" Chapter One: The Batgirl you know and love is going global with Eisner Award-winning and New York Times best-selling writer Hope Larson (A Wrinkle in Time, Goldie Vance) and all-star artist Rafael Albuquerque (AMERICAN VAMPIRE). In order to up her game, Babs travels to Japan on a quest to train with the most elite modern combat ma...

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mylosh reviewed Excalibur #16 Dec 23, 2020

Good post event setup for future of the title. Maggie Braddock is the best.

Colours (as with most Hickman X books) are amazing

Excalibur #16

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Dec 23, 2020

The team is left changed in the aftermath of X OF SWORDS... and some things lost cannot be replaced.  
Rated T+

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Onomatopoeia reviewed Excalibur #16 Dec 23, 2020

It's difficult to pick up where an event left off, but I think Excalibur is on the right track. Extra points for including Blob, it was a nice call back to X-Tremists.

Excalibur #16

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Dec 23, 2020

The team is left changed in the aftermath of X OF SWORDS... and some things lost cannot be replaced.  
Rated T+

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Psycamorean reviewed Strange Adventures #7 Dec 1, 2020

This was fine. I feel like this series is so turbulent. Sometimes it's good and interesting, other times it's kind of a slog. I didn't find myself gripped by the reveal here. It's a thing that's happening.

Strange Adventures #7

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Dec 2, 2020

Adam Strange was right! In this issue guest-starring Batman, the Pykkts have come to Earth, and they plan to claim the planet as their own. Earth’s greatest heroes have faced alien invasions before, but they’re about to learn that the Pykkts are more formidable, more determined, and more deadly than any invading force they’ve faced before. On...

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mylosh dropped Ice Cream Man from their pull list Dec 16, 2020

Ice Cream Man

    Chocolate, vanilla, existential horror, drug addiction, musical fantasy...there's a flavor for everyone's misery.
ICE CREAM MAN is a genre-defying comic book series featuring disparate "one-shot" tales of sorrow, wonder, and redemption. Each installment features its own cast of strange characters, dealing with their own ...

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mylosh dropped Action Comics (2016) from their pull list Dec 16, 2020

Action Comics (2016)

PATH TO DOOM Chapter One
Superman returns to Metropolis just in time to meet the city of tomorrows newest protector: Lex Luthor. But its not long before these dueling titans meet someone unexpected the new Clark Kent! DONT MISS: ACTION COMICS returns to its original numbering with this issue! NOW SHIPPING TWICE MONTHLY!

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mylosh dropped Detective Comics (2016) from their pull list Dec 16, 2020

Detective Comics (2016)

An unknown predator begins outdoing Batman, taking down dangerous threats with military precision. Its up to the Dark Knight and series costar Batwoman to rally and train the young heroes of Gotham City to end this mysterious threat!WHAT NOW: Batman and Batwoman begin training Spoiler, Red Robin and Cassandra Cain...

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mylosh dropped Batman's Grave from their pull list Dec 16, 2020

Batman's Grave

The World's Greatest Detective must try to inhabit the mind of a murder victim to solve a case-without filling the empty grave next to those of his parents. Can Batman imagine the life of a corpse with a half-eaten face without dying himself?
Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch, one of the most legendary creative partnerships of the modern age, reunit...

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mylosh reviewed X Of Swords: Destruction #1 Dec 16, 2020

perfect example of how artist and colorist can make an ok story , great

X Of Swords: Destruction #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz
Released: Nov 25, 2020

The wheel of fortune turns. The unfortunate fall.
A sword against the darkness.

Rated T+

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mattcole15 reviewed X Of Swords: Destruction #1 Nov 25, 2020

Pepe Larraz holy shit

X Of Swords: Destruction #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz
Released: Nov 25, 2020

The wheel of fortune turns. The unfortunate fall.
A sword against the darkness.

Rated T+

mylosh reviewed X-Force #11 Dec 16, 2020

No one will find me here, as I'm writing this in 2020 but holy smokes this run was good. So much attention on Uncanny X-force. Nice transition / non-arc issue.

X-Force #11

By: Craig Kyle, Alina Urusov
Released: Jan 28, 2009

The return of Selene, the Black Queen! Plus, the origin of the mysterious man who betrayed the Purifiers.

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Avanvolk - Feb 22, 2023

I found you! I agree, I loved Uncanny X-Force like most people, but unlike most people apparently, I'm also loving this series. This run got such an undue amount of hate, and while it may not be as good as Remender's run, it is still top notch in my opinion.

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BloodyNinja reviewed New Mutants #14 Dec 16, 2020

Pretty okay issue. Way better than Brisson's stories about Beak's father or Glob Herman and his chickens preaching sermons.

New Mutants #14

By: Vita Ayala, Rod Reis
Released: Dec 16, 2020

On the edge of Krakoan society, the NEW MUTANTS are loose in the Wild Hunt! Going big, blowing things up, and combining powers to see who gets crowned king of the mountain. But something lurks in the trees -- something old... and HUNGRY... and its favorite prey is young mutants...
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
mylosh - Dec 16, 2020

comment deserves a 10 rating hahaha

mylosh commented on this:
Swift Planet reviewed Crossover #2 Dec 10, 2020

So let's break it down:

Are the characters likable? No.
Is the story good? Not thus far.
Is the art good? It's average.
Is it really Image's Watchmen? Big no.
Does it pander to general comic fans? Yes.
Is it written like a Netflix pitch? Yes.
Is it really closer to the comic equivalent of Ready Player One? Yes.

I have liked the majority of Donny more

Crossover #2

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Dec 9, 2020

"KIDS LOVE CHAINS," Part Two-The event continues to unravel as Ellie, Otto, and Ava rise from the ashes of their comic shop to begin their four-color odyssey to find the truth beyond the dome. Meanwhile: super-prisons! Magic guns! Mysterious government agents! And other stuff, too!

+ LikeComments (5)
mylosh - Dec 11, 2020

cool thank you. I don't watch much streaming other than sports or doctor who lol so i didn't get it. Thank you

mylosh - Dec 11, 2020

"when she spits in the man's face and says they later fall in love" felt that part was corny

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the_comic_book_club reviewed Marauders #16 Dec 9, 2020

Volume: 1, Issue: 16

Publisher: Marvel @marvel
Writer: Gerry Duggan @digduggan
Artist: Stefano Caselli @stefano_caselli_art
Colors: Edgar Delgado @delgaduck
Letters: Cory Petit
Cover Artist: Russell Dauterman @rdauterman & Matthew Wilson

The time has come for the ladies of the Hellfire Trading Company to deliver more

Marauders #16

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Dec 9, 2020

The Black King did wrong. Now he must pay.
Rated T+

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雨人点雪 reviewed Marauders #16 Dec 9, 2020

The whole storyline is shallow, just like three kids fighting each other, or three Donald Trumps since they also run a country.

Marauders #16

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Dec 9, 2020

The Black King did wrong. Now he must pay.
Rated T+

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AdmiralWhiskers reviewed Origins #1 Dec 4, 2020

Another "after the world collapsed" dystopian book. The vibrant color scheme - a rarity for a genre that lives in variations of earth tones - draws strong comparisons to the new We Live series, but the story couldn't be more different. Rather than race toward an escape as We Live chronicles, this is more of a hiding in the shadows and trying not to be killed by "the Network". There's much more more

Origins #1

By: Clay Mcleod Chapman, Jakub Rebelka
Released: Nov 4, 2020

* A thousand years after humans are killed off by artificial intelligence, one man is brought back to life - David Adams, who created the technology that destroyed his people.
* Now with the help of the android Chloe who revived him, David will try to restore humanity - and stop the AI overlords he created.
* David embarks on the greatest b...

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the_comic_book_club reviewed S.W.O.R.D. #1 Dec 9, 2020

Vol. 2, Issue: 1

Publisher: Marvel @marvel
Writer: Al Ewing @al_ewing
Artist: Valerio Schiti @valerio_schiti
Colors: Marte Gracia @martegraciacolor
Letters Ariana Maher
Cover: Valerio Schiti & Marte Gracia

S.W.O.R.D. has officially been reinstated with the Peak space station being outfitted with Krakoan technologie more

S.W.O.R.D. #1

By: Al Ewing, Valerio Schiti
Released: Dec 9, 2020

The Mutant nation of Krakoa has quickly become a major force on the world stage... but why stop there? Krakoa has relaunched the Sentient World Observation & Response Directorate - a fully independent organization dealing with all things extra-terrestrial on behalf of all of Earth. Al Ewing and Valerio Schitti, th...

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Toonstrack reviewed S.W.O.R.D. #1 Dec 10, 2020

This is basically like Star Trek, but with X-Men.

As someone who isn't familiar with at least half of these characters, it introduces and sets them up quite nicely. Nice to see Manifold getting more leave since Wakanda. Lots of interesting faces to see here, can't was sit to get to know them.

For our first mission we quite literally have a journey into mystery, like I said, more

S.W.O.R.D. #1

By: Al Ewing, Valerio Schiti
Released: Dec 9, 2020

The Mutant nation of Krakoa has quickly become a major force on the world stage... but why stop there? Krakoa has relaunched the Sentient World Observation & Response Directorate - a fully independent organization dealing with all things extra-terrestrial on behalf of all of Earth. Al Ewing and Valerio Schitti, th...

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mylosh reviewed S.W.O.R.D. #1 Dec 10, 2020

Marte Garcia is making me really appreciate colors and I hope colorist start to get more shine. Good setup and nice intro to this series, but the art and colors put this about average. This is also a book that I wanted to experience in both digital guided view and with a physical copy, those full page spreads when the 6 began their thing provide a different experience on both formats that is great more

S.W.O.R.D. #1

By: Al Ewing, Valerio Schiti
Released: Dec 9, 2020

The Mutant nation of Krakoa has quickly become a major force on the world stage... but why stop there? Krakoa has relaunched the Sentient World Observation & Response Directorate - a fully independent organization dealing with all things extra-terrestrial on behalf of all of Earth. Al Ewing and Valerio Schitti, th...

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mylosh reviewed Crossover #2 Dec 10, 2020

decent setup, but this might be better consumed in a trade vs monthly floppies. Got bored upon first read, but after rereading issue 1 and this together, I appreciated it more

Crossover #2

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Dec 9, 2020

"KIDS LOVE CHAINS," Part Two-The event continues to unravel as Ellie, Otto, and Ava rise from the ashes of their comic shop to begin their four-color odyssey to find the truth beyond the dome. Meanwhile: super-prisons! Magic guns! Mysterious government agents! And other stuff, too!

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Hellblazer reviewed Crossover #2 Dec 9, 2020

This comic is a novelty that is setting up the stage for something unique. Donny Cates and his team are doing a fantastic job. Also, that little reference/homage to SPAWN in the prison was great.

Crossover #2

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Dec 9, 2020

"KIDS LOVE CHAINS," Part Two-The event continues to unravel as Ellie, Otto, and Ava rise from the ashes of their comic shop to begin their four-color odyssey to find the truth beyond the dome. Meanwhile: super-prisons! Magic guns! Mysterious government agents! And other stuff, too!

mylosh reviewed Joker: Killer Smile #1 Nov 27, 2019

stop making good interesting black label books, its killing my budget

Joker: Killer Smile #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Oct 30, 2019

Everyone knows The Joker doesn't have the most promising history with psychotherapists. In fact, no one's even been able to diagnose him. But that doesn't matter to the confident, world-beating Dr. Ben Arnell; he's going to be the one to unravel this unknowable mind. There's no way The Joker could ever get through the therapeutic walls Ben has buil...

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ohhaimark reviewed Joker: Killer Smile #1 Nov 1, 2019


-Holy fuck, this was good.

-I mean, Andrea Sorrentino may be my favorite artist of all time. His work just appeals to me so much. I can't really put my finger on it, but it just scratches that itch unlike anything else.

-Jeff Lemire's dialogue is fantastic here. I'm currently reading some of his older stories, and it's clear that he has really grown as more

Joker: Killer Smile #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Oct 30, 2019

Everyone knows The Joker doesn't have the most promising history with psychotherapists. In fact, no one's even been able to diagnose him. But that doesn't matter to the confident, world-beating Dr. Ben Arnell; he's going to be the one to unravel this unknowable mind. There's no way The Joker could ever get through the therapeutic walls Ben has buil...

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Simon DelMonte reviewed Action Comics #1017 Nov 27, 2019

Almost missed this because of the stupid logo-free cover. I am really not digging the Year of the Villain stuff at all, and I think BMB would have preferred to skip it as well. The stuff with the Invisible Mafia and Leviathan is a lot more interesting, anyway.

But what kills the issue is the usual subpar work from JRJr, who hasn't drawn a comic I like since the 80s. Why did DC poach h more

Action Comics #1017

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Nov 27, 2019

"Invisible War" part one! It's one of the biggest creator reunions in years as writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist John Romita Jr. join forces for the first time since their blockbuster turns on Avengers and Avengers Vs. X-Men. In this issue, it's all-out war on the streets of Metropolis-and at the end of this epic there will be a huge change to...

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mylosh - Nov 27, 2019

the cover thing is very annoying, i feel like the year of the villain is annoying to writers too

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