X Of Swords: Destruction #1
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X Of Swords: Destruction #1

Event\Storyline: X of Swords Writer: Jonathan Hickman, Tini Howard Artist: Pepe Larraz Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 25, 2020 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 78
7.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The wheel of fortune turns. The unfortunate fall.
A sword against the darkness.

Rated T+

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - CJ Nov 25, 2020

    X of Swords: Destruction #1 provides the grand finale to theX of Swords crossover, tying a neat bow on an otherwise bloated crossover event. Overall, I feel thatX of Swords had a great crossover and set up plenty of challenges for the X-Men, but was twice as long as it needed to be. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 25, 2020

    X of Swords: Destruction is a great end to an incredible event. This issue perfectly wraps up everything X of Swords: Creation started and then some, setting forth a new direction for key characters, the entire X-Men line, and the expectations of readers with future superhero events. X of Swords: Destruction is a towering achievement of gripping drama woven into an intense battle sequence. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Comic Watch - Ross Hutchinson Nov 25, 2020

    X OF SWORDS: DESTRUCTION #1 is a fitting final chapter filled with the spectacle of any great finale from start to finish but never loses sight of what the story has ultimately been about: Family. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Major Spoilers - Christopher Rondeau Nov 29, 2020

    In the end, I think the X of Swords event was a huge success. I'm happy to see that most of the plot lines were concluded and feels like a new chapter for the mutant nation of Krakoa. I'm curious about Mister Sinister and his role in the future and how some of our heroes will cope with the trauma of this event. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ryan.L Nov 25, 2020

    Overall this chapter and 'X of Swords' altogether reins triumphant! It's a thrilling ride from start to finish that defies expectations. It's the first massive crossover in 'Dawn of X' and leads the way to many more as it succeeds in everything it promised and then some. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - Dispatchdcu Nov 25, 2020

    Overall, this was an extremely powerful way to end the event. However, I cant help but wish more of what we got in X OF SWORDS: DESTRUCTION #1 was layered throughout each of the prior 21 issues. Giving this issue alone a grade, it was rock solid and packed with enjoyment. Sure, it had its magical twists that emerged from nowhere BUT the story still flowed well and ended with dominance and authority. Nonetheless, my feelings towards this entire event are certainly a mixed bag. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Jamie Lovett Nov 25, 2020

    It's hard to imagine a more fitting end to an X-Men epic at this grandiose scale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    You Don't Read Comics - David Harth Dec 1, 2020

    X Of Swords: Destruction is a good ending to a remarkably uneven event. The creative team pulls out all the stops in this one, presenting an ending that opens up some possibilities that are intriguing. That said, the events ultimate place in history depends more on how those events play out than anything else. The ending of X Of Swords saves the story from many of its more unfortunate excesses in the first half. Its not perfect, but its a lot of fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Jake Palermo Nov 25, 2020

    X of Swords Destruction closes out this event by completing Apocalypse's character arc. An arc that shows a more humble lover ready to support his colleagues. Even if he does steal the show from the rest of the cast and distract the reader with plot holes. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Nov 27, 2020

    Hickman, Howard, and Larraz find their hero in Apocalypse only to abandon all of the other characters who have been a part of this story. There's just simply not enough room for them here even if most of them show up in a background of a panel or two. It's not that this is a disappointing end to the larger story but it is disappointing that they had to sacrifice so many of the elements and characters that sustained the previous 21 issues of this event. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 28, 2020

    X of Swords ends with a lot of pomp and circumstance, but it's more style than substance, in my opinion. Some great art and some cool moments, but nothing that really sticks or resonates. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Nov 30, 2020

    X Of Swords: Destruction #1 delivered all of the hype moments fans expect from an ending to the final issue of a big crossover event. Jonathan Hickman and Tini Howard wrapped things up in a way that creates a lot potential future stories that fans can be immediately invested in for all the X-Men titles. Unfortunately, the length of this crossover ended up being the biggest enemy of X Of Swords as the conclusion did not feel like a completely satisfying end to how long we spent with this story. Cutting out a few plot developments would've helped make this a much more better story when all was said and done. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Bleeding Cool - Hannibal Tabu Nov 27, 2020

    It's time for the crossover to end. That's a good thing. The crossover itself? Not so much. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Multiversity Comics - Robbie Pleasant Nov 27, 2020

    A solid conclusion to a mixed event, but visually impressive if nothing else. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Crusaders - Lucas Fashina Nov 27, 2020

    There was a lot of exciting build-up for it to just end this way. What is left, is a bunch of open ended questions, that probably won't get answered. It feels like Hickman, had a bunch of great ideas but simply ran out out page space. Read Full Review

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