7.2 |
Overall Rating |
9.8 |
Fantastic Four (2014) | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Fantastic Four (2014) #14
Dec 17, 2014 |
I am as sad as anyone that this title is ending, but I am glad the controversy seems to be bringing readers in. The storyline is a little difficult for any non-familiar reader which can lead to some raised eyebrow moments. Story is deep and thoughtful and everything seems to tie back to a previous event. The art...this may well be Kirk's moment. He has always been a great artist and like a certain Stuart Immonen on Fear Itself seems poised to finally break the bank and hit the big-time. Do yourself a favor and pick this up. If what I have heard about the end of the series hold true, this will be the last you see of the Fantastic Four in this form. |
10 |
Fantastic Four (2014) #645
Apr 30, 2015 |
All the "why's" and conspiracy theories aside, this is the way to end a series when the time comes to put a story to bed. Great art and a dedicated team that gave reverence and respect to the world they had been given charge to. Each character having a moment to shine, as well as a small epilogue was a great send-off. |
9.5 |
Angela: Asgard's Assassin | 2 issues |
10 |
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #1
Dec 4, 2014 |
Storm take note, THIS is how you start a female solo title. Great art, intriguing story with action, drama, wit, and enough mystery to bring you back for issue 2. This is not a standalone issue, it is the start of an storyline and a welcome to Angela for her ongoing. 2 gorgeously illustrated narratives and unique voices. What a wonderful premier. This is the Marvel Wonder Woman. Go preorder and add to a pull list. This book could be big. |
9.0 |
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #3
Feb 5, 2015 |
This is the panther of the Marvel Universe right now and hopefully Marvel can find a way to promote this to a higher degree as it deserves to be read. The dual story-telling in the title just works and having two voices really helps flesh out and move the story along without feeling like there are constant exposition or flashback moments. Not a fan of the new outfit personally as it seems to be one that many artists will have difficulty rendering and having it look as good as Jimenez does, especially the panel bursting wings, but this the caveat of it being more like the Witchblade and adapting and changing could rectify that particular issue. Sera and the twist with the character is handled well (chock another feather for diversity) and to announce that particular twist, and showing Sera has magical abilities as well really elevated the character in the book in my opinion. Since the first issue you can actually see the way Sera is drawn to both play on the announcement but still give the character enough of a natural femininity to not be a caricature. Very well handled in my personal opinion. Here's hoping this is a title that makes it through Secret War unscathed and allowed to continue on its current path. |
9.5 |
Birthright | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Birthright #3
Dec 4, 2014 |
A truly unique story in a vast array of similar titles on the shelves. Beautiful and unique. Buy it. |
9.5 |
Death Vigil (2014) | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Death Vigil (2014) #5
Nov 27, 2014 |
This is the BEST book you are not reading. Thoughtful and laugh out loud moments in storytelling. Art is some of the best in the business. This book gets better and better. The creator has said each arc will be complete with "hopefully" 2 more arcs when this one ends. Pick this series up! It should be noted that the creator is a workhorse. I believe this is one of possibly 3 or 4 titles he works on at the moment as an artist and he still delivers (not including his cover work and constantly updating website). Absolutely amazing. |
9.5 |
Inhumans: Attilan Rising | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Inhumans: Attilan Rising #1
May 29, 2015 |
Hopefully once Secret Wars is all over people start reading the Inhumans (no, I don't think Torch loving Medusa all up will help) but this is an important book, and one of the most episodic titles at Marvel at the moment. It really is like a Game of Thrones type story, and with the mini-reset happening at the moment this is the time to get on board when the reboot begins for the ANMU. |
9.5 |
The Wake | 1 issues |
9.5 |
The Wake #10
Jul 30, 2014 |
As the conclusion to the series it does have everything a reader could want. Ties up all of the loose ends, relates and combines the two arc's into a cohesive package, and gives a commentary on the world the reader is leaving as well as the expectation of the fututre stories we will have to create in our imagination. As always the art is stellar, full of life and energy. The composition of the page draws your eye across the panels and there are no moments of needing to rexamine the page to determine what is happening (but you will want to so that you can abosrb all the nuanced details). This book is as close to perfect as you could want from a finale. This is a series that screams omnibus or complete collection. Very rarely can you have series that changes its tone completely in mid-story and becomes a whole new entity but remains as story-driven and visually consistant as this title. The book, while close to perfect, does tend to take another step into change for the final exposition which is where the "close to perfect" score comes into play. The genre elements that had been in the story since the first issue are replaced, seemingly by a new tone and direction, making a long-time reader feel as either they may have missed another tone shift or have been reading the story incorrectly from the beginning. I almost wonder if having read the finale if re-reading the story completed with the final commentary fresh in my mind would give me a new perspective of the whole scope. While not accessible to a new reader or causual browser in the least, a finitie series is not necessarily meant to be. If you are able, read this title in solid chunks. |
9.5 |
Thor: God of Thunder | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Thor: God of Thunder #24
Jul 30, 2014 |
For all intents and purposes this is the finale for the Thor:God of Thunder series. Original Sin has a wrap-up in issue #25, but this book tells the final piece of the story of Asgardia on Earth and it is a fitting finale. Very rarely do books show the repercussions of the hero's actions and quite literally I do not recall a time when the affected characters of the devastation got to directly speak to the heroes regarding their newly created plight. The ending is fitting and it shows a humanity to Thor that is often overshadowed by his bravado and arrogance. His speaking with the child was a great moment, as well as his interaction with Jane Foster, who seems to pop in the most random times as a plot point. The art by Alessio is beautiful as well and compliments Ribic's tone for the book but fleshes out the visuals and gives a distinctive feeling to the whole issue. While not the final issue in the series, this is a fitting tribute to the past 23 issues. |
9.0 |
Chew (20090 | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Chew (20090 #45
Dec 4, 2014 |
Anyone following this title already knows the quality but no one is prepared for the final page...wow. |
9.0 |
Elektra (2014) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Elektra (2014) #8
Nov 24, 2014 |
Another great issue. Shame that the story is coming to a close but it seems to be getting some closure as well before that. Visually there is nothing like it on the shelves. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #10
Nov 24, 2014 |
Great issue. This is how a crossover should be done. While it may get a little thick as they start spinning (no pun intended) into all the various crossover issues this was a great set-up. The art is gorgeous as expected under Coipel's hand and even Spider-Ham and Spider-Sapien do not look utterly ridiculous which is a feat considering the somber tone this carries. To me, this event is getting even more cred as some of the others running currently really seem to be pissing the mark on all counts. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #11
Dec 10, 2014 |
The fact that the "Main Event" in Amazing is basically self-contained is a welcome reprieve from Marvel's current and constant event strategy. You really need not read any tie-in issues to get the main storyline here and as of now, nothing occurring in those books really matter other than to see some of the spider people fighting back or dying. I do think losing Coipel for the next couple of issues (and possibly the finale) will decrease my enjoyment of the arc as he is the major draw for me here (the scene between Peter and Spock with the ready to stab pose...yes please), and while Guiseppe Camuncoli is a fine replacement, he does not have the same sheen and polish that Coipel can execute on panel. |
8.3 |
All-New Captain America (2014) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
All-New Captain America (2014) #2
Dec 17, 2014 |
What a restart. The story is a little heavy but if any art can elevate a book it is the Stuart. He really is an adjective when it comes to what he is able to produce. I was not able to find much fault in the book itself, and I will say, the fact that most all characters in the title, even guest stars, handle the shield better than Sam is funny. My only complaint...what was with the color choices for Misty Knight's outfit. Woof :) Try this title, it will surprise! |
7.5 |
All-New Captain America (2014) #6
Apr 29, 2015 |
The Good: This really was a good arc to set into motion Sam earning his wings as the new Captain America. There was enough of a story to set up some main heroes, villains, and give a "birds eye" view to Sam's world. Of course the art was dramatic and set a wonderful tone that will be hard to match for whomever the incoming artist may be if the title continues past after Secret Wars. I appreciated the way that this issue set-up the incoming Secret War series as it lays the groundwork to seamlessly enter that universe and not be the typical AOA-type setting many of them are apparently taking on. It also goes far enough to give a new status quo to a couple of characters in the MU and insight into how Sam feels working with SHEILD. There are a few loose ends, which honestly may never actually get addressed. They are minimal threads to the story and in typical Remender fashion, he may pull them off the shelf in the far future to add to a long-term plan. The main question that hopefully does get answered is which flying Avenger with the female lips in Captain America #25 is working with Hydra. The Bad: Not having a solid resolution to the arc, due to the break and the change in the creative team may be detrimental to the overall flow of the narrative. While the Secret Wars series does seem to come directly from the conclusion this may be less of a worry, but that series does not appear to continue Sam's story what-so-ever. The other thing that stands out, after all is said and done, nothing truly happened. Even the final cliffhanger statement falls flat as we do not know when/if the character that may have some shaky allegiances with the heroes remains following the refresh. One character may have been changed in a way that will benefit them out in the field, and the one lost is not even grieved for as they know said character is "out there somewhere". I do like the fact that for someone reading this title they could be done with the title following this iss |
8.3 |
Rat Queens | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Rat Queens #7
Jul 29, 2014 |
Not much can be added to a book that is basically perfect issue after issue. Fun, violent, trashy writing that really creates a world. Gorgeous and consistent art from the design, color, depth. This issue does have a more mellow tone than those before and has a slower pace, but it really is a testament to this title that its lowest moment is better than almost anything else on the shelves. |
7.0 |
Rat Queens #9
Mar 4, 2015 |
It is the type of comic that when it is around it is enjoyable but once it is late, you (aka I) found myself not missing it and not really excited that the new issue came out. SS does a great job taking some of the sting away from losing Upchurch, but for me, the art always far outweighed the writing and I am used to Sejic (who is fabulous). Roc brought a fresh design. Perspective to the art and that is now gone and the writing has to lift a heavier load, which it does not seem capable of IMO. While it is not going anywhere for a while I can see the popularity of the book slowly dwindle. |
8.0 |
Spider-Woman (2014) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Spider-Woman (2014) #5
Mar 4, 2015 |
Marvel got their Batgirl. It works for the character, although there is A LOT of talking in the issue. Hopeless writes a pretty good wit for her voice and the new Hawkeye/She-Hulk look and vibe may be a good time for the character. The art is fine. All in all, a decent issue. Other than the costume there does not seem to be a "status-altering" shift, per-say as much as a friend who stops posting all their angst on social media. Could be a fun enough ride and nothing drastic that can not be undone in an issue or two when they decide it is time to have her return to super-hero trappings and not street brawling. |
8.0 |
The Valiant | 1 issues |
8.0 |
The Valiant #1
Dec 10, 2014 |
Company "team-up" books can be very hit or miss, especially when pulling characters from multiple IP's and putting them together as a "team". It did not work so well for Unity, in my opinion, but this one works. You need not know the full backstory of the characters as they are basically easy to summarize in few words(long lived, immortal, a savant, a nanobot-infested killer) and it is setting up a newer player as the main antagonist. The story is well done and sets the tone and momentum which will carry the book toward its conclusion. The art by Rivera is very deftly handled. More clean and comic-like than his past work and every move and emotion on panel is cleanly executed. As an igniter title to the revamping of the line and giving the focused players within a new purpose, this is a great start. Valiant has a very unique way of positioning their titles and the voice of their company. Valiant is another example of how they set themselves and their properties apart. |
8.0 |
Thor (2014) | 4 issues |
7.5 |
Thor (2014) #3
Dec 10, 2014 |
To be honest, I enjoy the new Thor but it still grates on me that they have not explained how the hammer, which was previously bonded to Thor's own life-force, not to mention Odin having enchanted the weapon, can be so easily rendered from them. This is a piece that seems like a glaring omission not to address or even have Odinson mention. This issue did seem to put the brakes on slightly and seemed to meander just waiting for the final page reveal for the next issue as nothing major really occurs. It does show though that there is a limited time Thor can be away from the hammer without losing her façade so that piece was interesting. As fun as it is, I am already over the mystery piece though. It makes me feel disconnected from the character as if she is someone we know as a reader, her identity would do nothing but make us root for her success more. Right now she seems like a thief of the title, though she obviously cares about the true Thor. Art is great as Dauterman grows with every issue and will be putting his mark on the title just like others have before him. All in all, a good story and a great continuance to the previous Thor volume. It would be nice to see this resolved or laid out sooner than later as this "mystery" may end up dragging this title down. Waiting to see: Will Thor Odinson become Thorr in this title also or is that limited to the Avengers titles? |
9.0 |
Thor (2014) #6
Mar 11, 2015 |
This is one of my favorite Marvel books at the moment. While this current run is much slower than the God of Thunder, it really does keep the same flow and style as the prior volume. While some decry that Odinson is not the lead Thor in the book, in the last volume he shared the lead with 2 other characters (future, younger) and well as much of the stories were focused on the family and villains as the lead. This is really no different. I do feel like the identity of Thor is way too obvious as this point, as I did when they made such a "rabbit out the hat" move with the possible choice in the final arc of GOT as well as her importance of naming a river after her. There may be more backstory to discover or a maybe a valid reason they did not have time to explore when they had to push out a new #1 but all in all, personally I have not cared enough about the character to care about her as Thor. I am looking forward to seeing her growth though. I absolutely do not a "Batgirling" of Thor to happen when the creative team returns to the title after Secret War, but I have some good authority this is a title that will continue on its current path once the "refresh" is done. RD and the art team. Not much needs to be said, stellar as always. Now that they will have time to front-load issues with the hiatus we should hopefully see a long, unbroken arc with the same visual power. |
9.0 |
Thor (2014) #7
Apr 16, 2015 |
This is how an action comic is done! This and All New Captain America are the only 2 comics from Marvel I buy on day one release now (Thor because of the overall quality and ANCA because of the art). While I like the flow of this story it has had some pacing issues as not a lot of forward momentum has happened (technically the first 4 issues were all the same first 1/2 hour or so of her getting the hammer). Russell Dauterman kills it on the art and not enough can be said about Matt Wilson, his coloring straight up leaps the page. So many shots in this book are poster worthy. No one draws Thor and her face/helmet as well as RD (most forget the black eyes too). While the secret identity is either fully given away without the actual reveal this issue or that is the silliest red herring ever, it will be fun to see the reaction. Sad that it is set to be the last page of the next issue and then the 4-5 month hiatus for Secret War and Thors. This may hinder the progress of the title and make it forgettable by that point. This is a book I cannot wait to buy, forget about it, and then get all excited again on release day. The fact that the preview for issue 8 released the same day as this issue, and looks absolutely stunning was smart...I cannot wait for the finale! |
6.5 |
Thor (2014) #8
May 13, 2015 |
This issue was both enjoyable and disappointing so giving it an honest review is going to be difficult. On one hand I was expecting a big bombastic battle issue with the Destroyer which, for all intents and purposes was wholly shown in the previews from a month ago. This was the biggest letdown, but it did give me the chance to see Russell and Matt flex their creative muscles. The first 9 pages of this comic are brilliant. The bad, there is a lot of talking and exposition in the book with no real resolution to any of the story. While we do get the last page reveal of Thor (fully spoiled online), having it be in the last page is a cop out, especially since it has been confirmed by Marvel writers that when the series (or any) return after Secret War they will be new #1 issues. This leaves this arc/run completed with more dangling threads than a cat playing with a knitted sweater. Writing was good. The interactions sounded clear and human and for the most part, natural. Art. Nothing can say enough about how great the book looks, just that, yet again, almost all of the panels and sequences were worthy of being a poster. Overall, if this was a middle issue it would have rated highly. Knowing that there is at least a 4 month wait between this and the next issue, that there is no resolution to this run, and it is coming back as a new #1 with possible a new art team leaves with a much lower rating than normal. |
7.8 |
Uncanny X-Men (2013) | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #24
Jul 30, 2014 |
Bendis is a master at dialouge, there are not many that could argue that point. As the title jumps between the two X-men factions, the conversations they have and the natural way most speak to one another reads true. The big revelation is of course held off until the final pages of the book so there is no immediate pay-off to the big reveal, but it does go a long way to tie what some considered bad characterization in All-New. You can see the coming together of all the threads begin here. The story does feel padded and I am convinced this is going to be a story arc that could have been done in 3 issues which will be stretched out over 5-6 for the trade. The art is decent. Anka is a complimentary style to Bachalo so his fill-in issues are much less jarring than what has come before (not that those were bad). He does lack the finer details in areas such as expression and backgrounds but you can see growth in his ability with each issue. The colors and the shadows were a little off for my taste in this issue as they are muted but at the same time bright and neon-like (I realize this does not make a lot of sense but it is how they come across when I view them). All in all, it is another solid issue of the title, nothing earth-shattering, but the story is moving forward and other than the reveal at the end, nothing is out of place from the tone set since issue #1. (I would like to note, while Dazzler is the main cover-girl here, there is very little of her "transformation" in the book. Most of what occurs regarding this had been shown in the preview). |
7.5 |
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #28
Nov 25, 2014 |
The slow burn of the series has started to get to me to be completely honest. Of all of the titles in the X-line I feel this has the most "weight" of any and the events within seem to matter, but the snail's pace of actually getting to that point is draining. Some more momentum on the part of Cyclops but the narrative seemed to be slightly quickened and out of character...although it could be part of the overall story as. Anka is a polarizing figure in terms of art. Some people really enjoy his work, others will find it lacking in areas. I personally am not a fan of the lack of detail and the X's on faces but it does still convey the story and is clear so that is a benefit. Overall, the series is still one of the strongest in the line but it is teetering on the edge of becoming just "good". |
7.0 |
Armor Hunters: Harbinger | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Armor Hunters: Harbinger #1
Aug 1, 2014 |
The one thing I appreciate in regard to the Armor Hunters storyline is that in all the various titles the event is crossing over into they truly are stand-alone and do not need to be read to understand the event as a whole. Harbinger is very much a side story in the whole Armor Hunter arc and does not need to be read to understand the event and vice-versa. The art is well-done and remains consistent throughout the issue. It is a little slower in the pacing but allows for a reader, whether familiar with the whole backstory or not to get caught up in the event quite quickly. The best part about Valiant titles as a whole as they do tend to be very reader-friendly. It is really by choice whether you want to go and track down the previous issues to find out more about the characters involved (and for the most part, you should). |
7.0 |
Saga | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Saga #24
Dec 10, 2014 |
Very solid issue. While this series is a major hit or miss for me in regard to having one issue making me salivate until the next one and others leave me with dry mouth (which has happened more lately unfortunately). This issue revisits past characters, sets up the future arc, and while I did not think the cliffhanger was all that amazing, I thought it was a very television approach to the hiatus (clever). The art is as good as ever, nothing brilliant, nothing lacking, just a solid visual(although the seal and Sweet Boy need to be a plush figures asap!). This is a title you will either love, feel nothing for, or dislike. There is a lot of hype on the title and that can lead to disappointment for some. The critics seem to find a new religion with every issue and I know of quite a few readers that have not gone further than the first trade when they do not think they have found the next volume of the Bible. Saga is one of the most fleshed out worlds in comics today. |
6.0 |
Saga #26
Mar 4, 2015 |
The feeling I had when issue 25 arrived carries over into this issue and I hope I am wrong but it feels like this series is starting to lose it's luster. During the second storyline, while the same formula carried from issue to issue...moving plot, angst, funny line, shocking action scene, sex, cliffhanger, the time off between 24 and 25 really deflated the series for me and issue 26 seemed to really take the storyline nowhere. The art is still good, but this has been the "sketchiest" issue since the run began. Otherwise, solid issue, but the sheen has started to wear. I wonder if all the hype and love from the first couple of years have dulled the creative and they are getting just a little to heady and "big time". |
6.0 |
All-New X-Men | 1 issues |
6.0 |
All-New X-Men #34
Dec 18, 2014 |
With the extended wait between issues, this was a disappointment. Not much happens to move the book forward in the storyline, but it is appreciated that each member gets a page or 2 as a spotlight. Hank seems to be slowly turning into the self-pitying younger version of his older self which is a came as this is one of the redeeming qualities of this younger cast. There were a few "ugh" moments within also, such as Miles being in love with O5 Jean already. I get this could be a future set-up for when he inevitable becomes a permanent fixture in the 616 but for as slow as much of the storylines and issues are, to have this as a telepathically proven unspoken truth after a whole 6 hours of them meeting seems silly The challenge Iceman overcomes by way of a car air conditioner, which I think was supposed to be funny, came off as a little clunky and not the comedic "break" this character typically provides. Asrar had a good couple of follow-up issues following Immonen where you could see his breaking in period start to be overcome. Again, a serviceable issue, but the delay and knowing it was due to the art was a disappointment as it does not reach the level of his predecessor nor what he has produced in the book up until now. The scene between the Jean's but well done, and actually, most of the scenes with Jean Grey, when squinting, could have been mistaken for Immonen or even Pichelli, but the others seem scratchy and rough. This is still an enjoyable book but it will need to pick up the pace and start having some "wow" moments again or readers may lose interest. This is surely not a title that can take a month or 2 off and come out with just a standard read, especially when a top-tier artists is not attached. |
6.0 |
Guardians Team-Up | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Guardians Team-Up #1
Mar 12, 2015 |
Decent story, decent art (which is not something I thought I would ever say about Art Adams), he is usually the best around. This is the same as Alan Davis in the upcoming Ultron Unlimited. There is something about the way they are being inked and colored which is hindering the work. |
6.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #11
Feb 5, 2015 |
Personally I enjoy the book but I do think it is somewhat (ok, highly) overrated. The story has meandered for quite a while now, and although "cute", the character has not progressed much since the first arch. The art as always is astounding but for me, Wilson may have run her time as the author and a fresh voice may be needed to move this character forward. The book was not meant to last past the first trade and it is starting to show. I fully understand the diversity factor and the media darling reasons Marvel has for keeping this book on the shelves but Secret War may be a good time to let this character move onto a team and take a reprieve from her solo for a hot minute. While I fully understand the review sites for not wanting to score the title lower for fan outrage or getting labeled due to the main character, creators, or topics, I feel that the fear of being harsher on this title has allowed it to get a higher score than possibly earned. |
6.0 |
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl | 1 issues |
6.0 |
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1
Jan 9, 2015 |
I guess this is a title WAY out of my wheelhouse. I am blown away at the reviews this is getting. The story is ok, but very juvenile. The art serves the story well but it does seem like it is trying too hard to be "indie" but the character and the speaking seem like they are trying to make her "special" and not in the mutant way. It is a fresh type of Marvel title but...just not my thing. |
5.5 |
Black Canary (2015) | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Black Canary (2015) #1
Jun 17, 2015 |
If you go in realizing this is not the Black Canary you once knew (in name only) and that she had the Batgirling done to her it is entertaining enough. This is one of the comics that benefits from the whole "history means nothing, it is all about the current story". Decent and serviceable art, a story that is easy to read and basic. Style made for Tumblr and cosplay. DC has another winner. Comic fans and fans of the character at least have a book on the shelf called Black Canary. |
5.0 |
Infinity Gauntlet (2015) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Infinity Gauntlet (2015) #1
May 29, 2015 |
This is a book that, while decent, overall has the feeling on one of those "What-If" titles this crossover is churning out. It allows Marvel to continue with the big diversity push yet as many of us have already seen by the FCBD issue, Nova is a character left unchanged (if any actually have a big status shift). I am not sure why they didn't just allow this title to continue with Sam as the lead as he still meets some of the initiatives. To me that makes reading this comic not necessary or worth the time investment. It is interesting, but again, also not game-changing, unless they have a multi-verse effect after SW, and based on the upcoming previews for this title it gets a little "busy" with a number of ideas being thrown in (dog-nova...). The art, as always from Weaver is very good, both simple and complex, but I would much rather have a finished SHEILD series than another mini-series based on the Secret War event. |
3.9 |
Storm | 7 issues |
5.5 |
Storm #1
Jul 29, 2014 |
This is a standard issue in almost all aspects. While there is no denying Storm is a fan-favorite character this issue will do nothing to bring in new readers to want to explore her world. Internal dialogue is well written but she still comes off as unlikable and arrogant when speaking to others around her, especially Creep with whom she addresses with flared nostrils and actually attacks with lightning. The fact that she gets involved with the political struggle in another country is a unique aspect of the book but needs to be explored further and not just her dropping in, causing more damage and destruction and then leaving again. The ramifications of her actions needed to be explored further if this was meant to have a long-term impact. The art was a mixed bag. Ibanez draws a realistic looking Storm. She has weight and a realistic body and her face is not drawn as super-model gorgeous which is appreciated but it is very posed and flat. He does a stellar job on the scenery and the smaller details of backgrounds and the like. The color is muted and flat which sets the tone for the story so it works although a little too dark and muddled in print. Overall this was a one-shot book. It does not set up an overall tone, give any kind of cliffhanger and is written as a simple story. Fans will love the book and obviously create deeper meaning in the package. Non-fans will not find much within to want to continue onto. |
3.5 |
Storm #2
Aug 20, 2014 |
Take issue #1, add a make-out session with Logan and you have issue #2, with Callisto added. Even the clean-up near the end is similar. Story: This issue gives no clear direction to the series than Ororo lamenting her past, getting involved in something not in her sphere of influence, apologizing, and helping to clean the mess. The revisit with Callisto was fun to see, as was her ability to not get immediately trounced by Storm. There were parts of their interaction that seem to indicate they had not seen one another since roughly the Mutant Massacre Redux during the Joe Mad years which would be erroneous. There were a few moments of "Hell yeah" and "bad girl" comments that even for a character running through a regression and progression as Storm is seemed out of place verbalizing. The art was well done. Ibanez has some panel to panel issues and consistency issues with rendering but his Storm still has a real-type of body and Callisto looked just as natural as Ororo. There is a grunge factor to his lines which is both within the house style and a little skewed from the norm which is appreciated. The inking is a little inconsistent with heavy and thick lines making some panels seem muddy and the coloring is a little muted and flat. Colors appear as if each tone is mixed with sepia. All in all this is not a horrible issue, but for so many beats to be repeated in issue 2 and for there to be no real lack of future forward motivation this series seems to be in trouble already. If you are not a fanatic of Storm you can easily pass on this series, or you can wait for the first or second trade and get the entire series once it wraps up. |
4.5 |
Storm #4
Dec 4, 2014 |
4.0 |
Storm #5
Nov 24, 2014 |
This comic really does not have a voice on the shelf at the moment and it is really too late to try and develop one. This really was a case of a story better told in the team book or as a mini-series than trying to make Storm happen as a solo. The artist has now left the book (this is his final issue) and we are reaching a issue 6 with no clear direction. Story was very generic and by the numbers, the art was good as it typically is under Ibanez's hand and with a different inking and coloring style it actually made the work look cleaner. I am not one for scoring a book higher than it deserves because of the lead character but I did give the book an extra point for the homage cover. |
3.5 |
Storm #6
Dec 17, 2014 |
Well, they say all things created have a purpose. Art: Better than I could draw but not great compared to previous issues (he does try his best to channel Ibanez though and Storm looks pretty consistent). Story: If you liked the previous issues not much will be a surprise. If you have not, not much will be a surprise, but the dialogue is a little worse. And what was with the "and know you know" PSA moment on the plane with the nurse. Storm:"Wow...that's a lot of heroes". The fact that this title may stay though issue 12 is a miracle in and of itself. I do realize this review is slightly harsh but on the same note, many reviews have been over-inflated. Even now there is a review giving it a 10, stating the story is weak and the art is no where near as good as previous issues, but it is "the first lady of the X-men" and she deserves to stay in the sky...10 #savestorm. Due to either the love of the character or the #savestorm campaign there does need to be a balanced approach, inflating scores does not help the cause nor give the creators incentive to increase the quality of the book. |
3.5 |
Storm #7
Feb 5, 2015 |
3.0 |
Storm #11
May 29, 2015 |
Gave it an extra point because it is the final issue. The covers on this series were gorgeous...next time, just do a pin-up series. |
3.0 |
Wonder Woman (2011) | 1 issues |
3.0 |
Wonder Woman (2011) #37
Dec 18, 2014 |
2 issues in and I think it is safe to say that the concerns over the new creative couple are confirmed. The story seems more beginner fan-fiction than a thought out storyline, and the guest-stars, and the big spoiler...where did the Wonder Woman from issue 34 go? The art...you will either love Finch or not and while some pages are highly detailed, the cheesecake factor, and the odd tween-aging of Diana stand out as odd choices. I can see why this ay not have been re-launched as a new #1...I fear for the title now. I will say "Yay!" for the spoiler return, I just hope a different book picks this character up pronto and uses them in a stellar way as it seems here the character is going to be used as a foil. |