Detective Kiwi's Profile

Joined: Dec 05, 2019

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Overall Rating

I like the family being all together and getting along. Their foster parents are pretty amazing to adapt to all this. Talky Tawny was great in this too.

Excellent issue. Seeing all the combined heroes of Earth 32 was cool. My favourite was Dr Fatestorm, best name ever. The reveal was handled well, but Miguel's reaction to it was a bit tropey and not really realistic.

A good issue, but a little slow. The team is pretty much at their most desperate now, not worrying about what their actions are going to cost them. Plus, Circe ressurected a Dragon, so that's cool.

I was glad to see Silencer popping up again, but I feel the writer didn't actually read her book. She's written very out of character, with different abilities and a much harsher, more heartless attitude. The Silencer from her own book and Wonder Woman would probably get on great, but here they get in each other's way for no real reason. The issue is one long fight scene, and not a very interesting one at that.

It seemed like a strange spot in the story to be introducing a new character, but I quite liked Gamma Knife. The ship graveyard is pretty cool too, I hope we spend some more time in it. Cyborg's evil design is great.

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