DreadFury's Profile

Joined: Aug 06, 2014

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Overall Rating
Avengers World #17

Feb 22, 2015

AWESOME. Characters are written perfectly (Guthries talking about powers like it's normal, Corsair living in the moment, Mentor not believing Sam beat Gladiator! That was funny.) Sam has a problem and goes to an Avenger first, then a former New Mutant, they really got Cannonball right in this issue. I was wondering how they were going to bridge the gap between now and "8 months later". One issue per plotline is the perfect way to do it. Art is good too.

Death Of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1

Oct 31, 2014

This is Deadpool done right. A handful of one-liners had me laughing out loud. The premise is a little weak (what's the difference between cloning live people vs dead people? Why do they care?) And they're supposed to be writing Steve as a 90-yr-old now. He shouldn't go out in the field like this. Believability aside, very entertaining...

Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #2

Sep 19, 2014

art, story, characters, fun. Great book. Also, love the costume design.

Guardians 3000 #1

Oct 4, 2014

This book is better than the current Guardians series. Love the story and the art. Abnett picking up where the Guardians left off a decade ago, with the galaxy collapsing on itself, good action and good humour.

Guardians of Knowhere #2

Aug 10, 2015

Great origin! Why did the critics dislike this book? This is great. Yotat is cool and relateable. The art is great. The guest appearances are awesome. Rocket is funny. Hopefully Yotat finds his way to 616 when (if) it returns. Good book.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #19

Sep 26, 2014

Glad they are finally telling the rich rider story, but disappointed in execution. Story makes sense so far (i am thankful for that at least), but they are just dragging it on and on. Not enough new developments for this to be a 3-part story.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #20

Oct 31, 2014

at least they didn't kill him.

Hulk (2014) #5

Aug 16, 2014

What i like about this series, what none of the reviewers seem to say, is the continuity of the big story. This isnt a "new direction". This is a continuation of the "hulk destroys banner builds" storyline that started in indestructible #1. What is this new personality going to do with the same objective? No idea.

Magneto (2014) #11

Oct 17, 2014

so in the marvel universe, you can just go around rounding up super-villians and you know exactly where to find them and they all agree to help even though they may hate you or have never met you before? And it only takes like an hour because the fight is still going on at the same place? and most of them aren't mutants, which is Magneto's whole thing! Very out of character. Seems like Magneto didn't pick the characters, some writer did based on what would sell comic books. It just seems a little too...I don't know, easy. good concept, poor execution.

Moon Knight (2014) #8

Oct 3, 2014

I love what a change-of-pace it is to read Moon Knight! A story in a single issue. weird humour. He's a super-hero, but he isn't. Keep up the good work Marvel.

New Avengers (2013) #21

Aug 6, 2014

anyone else spend the whole issue trying to figure out who was on the cover? And the wait was worth it. I love love love this series.

New Avengers (2013) #23

Sep 3, 2014

What?!?!?! Awesome.

New Avengers (2013) #24

Sep 26, 2014

Intentional slow start builds to an awesome middle and thrilling finish! This book is epic and so much more than a superhero comic.

Original Sin #7

Aug 14, 2014

I thought original sin was going to give us new perspectives to characters and past stories. Instead its a story about nick fury doing what he always does. Unless #8 has a HUGE surprise, i am disappointed in this event.

Original Sin #8

Sep 3, 2014

I thought this storyline would reveal better secrets. Surely some marvel heroes would have major sins?! Nope, just thor has a sister and nick fury does secret spy stuff. Sigh. Also, after 8 issues, i still have no idea who dr midas is.

Secret Avengers (2014) #7

Sep 3, 2014

When they write deadpool like that, the writer comes across as self-indulgent and sad. As for the other characters, i dont get this book at all.

Superior Iron Man #2

Nov 30, 2014

Wow. Classic super-hero thinking of DD meets the moral ambiguity of Tony. With Cap and Tony, it was personal. With DD, it is black-and-white good vs evil. The problem for DD is that it’s not black-and-white. If Tony has the technology to make lives better, why not use it? And where do you draw the line? Art is awesome in this book too. DD is drawn like it’s still the 70’s. Tony has the latest graphics with glowing and holo-fields. Good contrast. The best part is that this book doesn’t rely too heavily on the Axis crossover event. All Tony needed was a little nudge to go bad :-)

Superior Iron Man #4

Jan 24, 2015

Sooo good. I have no idea why the critics gave it bad reviews. Fun to read, action-packed, progresses the story. Daredevil and Tony are both so relatable, just slightly different morals. I love the moral dilemma because some people could really agree with Tony. So much better than “villains” who destroy for no reason. I love how they explained why he chose San Francisco. I love how he beat him, cuz you know he was just about to swing away. I loved Tony’s “solution” to the violence. Soooo good.

Uncanny Avengers #22

Aug 6, 2014

I appreciate the attempt to make a big epic with lasting impacts, but I'm lost. So, after all of that, who's dead and who's scarred for life?

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