Geekarious Tony's Profile

Joined: Mar 19, 2021

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Daredevil (2019) #28  
Nightwing (2016) #78

Mar 19, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #87

Dec 24, 2021

This is the book. Redondo as per usual is doing amazing work. He makes this issue soar. This book is a great example of how to test out and push boundaries of how to make a comic flow. Taylor and Redondo are gold together. Taylor keeps the script simple which does this issue all the favors. It’s fast paced and breezy, but with an honest quality that has made this one of the strongest incarnations of Nightwing. I loved all the small details of the people living in this city. Redondo and Taylor have such a good understanding, and I hope they keep on working together and making that good trouble they have brewing in Blüdhaven. What a damn good single issue. One for the books for sure. Let’s keep this act soaring as well as it has over the last 10 issues.

Marvel's Voices: Comunidades #1

Dec 11, 2021

While there was some cheese factor going on in this issue. I absolutely loved it. Getting to see the different types of food, the different characters. It is always cool to see about bunch of Latin characters get together and kick some butt. I think the Eva/Strange Academy story was one of my favorites, along with the Miles and Black Panther story. Was hoping to see some Miguel O’Hara, but maybe next time!

Devil's Reign (2021) #1

Dec 11, 2021

Solid start for this event. Fisk is full on unhinged, and always happy to see Luke Cage get the spotlight. I too am thinking the Tony Stark for mayor stuff is smoke and mirrors. While I see how people say it resembles the Registration Act, this one appears to just be straight up outlawing capes. Curious to see how Fisk’s corrruption will take hold. Those last few panels were infuriating in all the right ways. Hope the event continues to shine!

Captain America (2018) #30  
Ms. Marvel: Beyond the Limit (2021) #1

Dec 26, 2021

Ms. Marvel is finally back! This first issue built up some solid ground for where this mini series is going. I think Samir’s Ahmed has a unique story that is going to unfold. I think she laid down. Some solid dialogue for Kamala and Genolet’s art style matches this Bollywood style in some really cool ways. Shout out to the book starting off in Chicago. Can’t wait to see what trouble our Embiggening hero gets into. I am so happy she is back! Solid Issue #1!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #80.BEY

Dec 11, 2021

Bit of an odd issue. Some of the May and Ock stuff didn’t hit as authentically as I would have liked it. Couple of “surprise” endings there, that I did enjoy! Outside of this one issue, I have been fully digging this run of Spidey.

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