trusake's Profile

Joined: Apr 11, 2021

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Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2022) #1

Mar 12, 2023

Previews of the artwork caught my interest right away. I bought this without knowing who wrote the story. Once I read it I thought "well, that was weird" but weird in a good way. Once I realized who Taboo was, then I thought "oh, yeah that makes sense". Can't wait to keep reading to see where this story is going.

Sabretooth & the Exiles (2022) #5

Jul 25, 2023

Being that Sabretooth is one of my favorite characters I'm looking forward to the Sabretooth Wars!

Sabretooth (2022) #5

Sep 12, 2022

Great mini-series all around. And I'm so glad to see a character that has always been the bad guy, remain a bad guy. Nowadays they all make amends, e.g. Apocalypse, Magneto, Juggernaut... I mean, I'm all for finding new ways to tell a story, but some classic characters you leave alone. I'm also glad to see Sabretooth's story will continue with another mini-series, which I'm sure to collect.

Wolverine (2020) #6

Apr 11, 2021

The story is fine, but it continues on X-Force. This story could've very well continued on the next issue of Wolverine, and I'm sure Percy wanted this, but the higher-ups decided to continue on X-Force so we could purchase another title. This is why I despise crossovers. I only collect Wolverine and for the next two issues, unless I read ALL 22 PARTS, I won't understand what the heck is going on. No thanks. IMO, the next two issues never existed.

Wolverine (2020) #7

Apr 11, 2021

Unless you read all X of Swords issues, you'll be like me, completely lost on the plot. This issue is obviously an X-Force story with a Wolverine cover. X-Force #13 should've been Wolverine #7, since it follows what happened on #6. If you do not care for this crossover is not even worth a read. Skip it. IMO this issue and the last, never happened.

Wolverine (2020) #9

May 21, 2021

Amazing story! Gave me a 90s vibe and I LOVE IT! Wolverine's hand being sold at auction? Only time I can remember his hand being cut off it's in AoA storyline. What could that mean?

Wolverine (2020) #13

Aug 23, 2021

Garbage. Yet another crossover issue that has nothing to do with Wolverine, unless you read the whole story arc you won't understand anything (I sure didn't). Reminds me of issue #7, Wolverine was hardly in it and it was really a X-force story. It feels like every 5 issues there's a crossover now. I'm sure Percy is forced to go along with it, but it doesn't seem like he puts much effort on crossovers to make it a Wolverine story. Moving on.

Wolverine (2020) #17

Jan 10, 2022

The real star of this issue is Bannister. This guy is so good he can have his own series! Percy's writing shines a lot more whenever he's present. Hopefully they're both here to stay.

Wolverine (2020) #18

Jan 19, 2022

Percy does not disappoint. I like his continue use of past characters for building up new stories. As cliche as the ending seems, it was still unexpected and well done!

Wolverine (2020) #19

Feb 3, 2022

Feels like the main staff went on vacation and gave the issue to a 12 year old to draw it.

Wolverine: Patch (2022) #1

Oct 29, 2022

Wolverine: Patch (2022) #2

Nov 14, 2022

Wolverine: Patch (2022) #3

Nov 28, 2022

Plot is heating up to a showdown between all factions, Wolverine sure knows how to make his presence known. Just didn't see a point of having Jean Grey in the story, she talked and talked and did what exactly? You can just about skip that part and the outcome is the same.

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