Knox's Profile

Joined: May 04, 2013

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Overall Rating
Batman and Robin (2011) #18

Aug 21, 2013

Batman and Robin (2011) #23

Aug 21, 2013

While this arc of Bruce dealing with Damian's death has definitely had it's flaws, there's no denying it has been a powerful experience. The resulting final installment is everything it should have been. The best issue of the series since Issue 18, this story has more plain human moments than anything we've seen in this story so far. The perfect ending to a flawed but powerful story that every Batman fan should read.

Hawkeye (2012) #10

May 4, 2013

Completely different but completely on par with the rest of the series, Fraction and Francavilla create an absolutely beautiful issue.

The Private Eye #2

May 9, 2013

Improves on what was already a fantastic first issue of an amazing looking series.

Wolverine MAX #6

May 4, 2013

The absolute pinnacle of what a setup issue should be. The art has never been better, and this is by far the best portrayal of who Logan is: Simple, just wanting to live his life with one canine companion, and it is ripped away from him. Brilliant issue.

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