Tim Beck's Profile

Joined: Dec 03, 2014

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Overall Rating

Felt too forced.

Dept. H #1 Apr 22, 2016

Portrayal of Danny & Jessica Jones is very poor. Story is borderline uninteresting. I was incredibly excited for this book, but it has been a major let down for me.

Can we please exile Comic Bastards from reviewing.

Empty Zone #1 Jun 20, 2015

Only Jason Aaron can cleverly mix cop drama and elements of Thor/Asgard. This issue contains a great balance of that. It reads like both a cop CSI episode, and a Thor God of Thunder book. All whilst still being an important Secret Wars tie in with refernces to many aspects of Secret Wars. Aaron does a great job of performing this difficult task. The art is also very well done.I absolutely loved this issue, and without a doubt will be adding to my pull. Side note: Thor Groot is awesome.

Solid issue here. Clever twist and solid art. Middle of the pack Secret Wars tie-in. The Maestro has potential to be a great character. Would love to see him brought in the main story.

Secret Wars (2015) #3 Jun 3, 2015

Having not read the original Old Man Logan, I went into this with a completely open mind, not knowing what to expect. The art is nothing short of amazing in this issue, the best looking Secret Wars book if you ask me. it's so good that I feel like I could get lost in the gloomy and glowing atmosphere. Story was a bit shaky and confusing. For example, what caused Banner to do what he did? I must have missed it. There were some parts that I felt just flew over my head. I did like the Ultron plot though. this issue was definitely good enough for me to be interested in buying the next issue. This is not the best SW tie-in, however it is not nearly the worst, as I did enjoy it.

This is one of those issues that I kind of want to wait until the second installment to truly judge it. It serves its purpose as an enjoyable introduction, but not much else. I really loved the art in this book, as it is quite unique. Very much looking forward to issue #2 to see what happens next.

This issue is my favorite Secret Wars tie in this far. Has somewhat of a basic story, but it just works. It contains humor, action, and fantastic art. The characters are awesome, especially G-man. I enjoyed just how much of a direct tie in this was, even having Doom and Strange make cameos. This was a great issue, and a very strong SW tie-in.

This tie-in (if you can even call it that) is very meh. Doesn't need to be here, doesn't really serve a purpose to the Secret Wars story. In fact I just read it, and barely even remember the plot. Its really not even that good if you consider it a standalone. There were some humorous parts, but for the most part, the script was very bland. The art was enjoyable however. Overall, This issue, in my opinion, is the epitome of average. Much better Secret Wars tie ins can be found in Inhumans: Attilan Rising, Planet Hull, Infinity Gauntlet, and A-Force.

Not quite sure what to say about this issue besides the cover is extremely misleading. It very abruptly switches stories, and doesn't even tell the reader why it does so. There is not even a "to be continued..." at the end of the first sub story. The stories were decent, However it's just hard to figure out why they are stories, if that makes any sense. Still debating on wether to pick up issue #2.

Does anyone else just wait for the guy with the Pug avatar to come around and troll/hate on these issues? Get a life dude.

I thought this was a terrific issue. You can almost instantly tell that this story is on a much bigger spectacle. The idea of the "Thors" being the law enforcement is fascinating. Love the incorporation of "The Shield" also. Overall, this was an incredible issue, and I have already read it twice and will read it a third before #3.

I am thoroughly enjoying this series so far. I am a recovering addict, and the way that Swierczynski juggles the addiction aspect along with the story is totally spot on. There is not much to dislike about this series. The art perfectly fits the tone of the story in my opinion, and is a very unique style. Will definitely keep reading. Bring it on.

Is this series for real? With all of the great Marvel titles being released week in week out, this series is the glaring weakness. Tired of me trolling? Wasn't aware that I couldn't give my opinion. Just thought it was bad, and apparently I'm not the only one.

Highly enjoyed this comic. The art was fantastic. The two different styles of art (one for the sub story and one for the main story) were both beautiful. Action scenes were great. Although we did not find out much about Angela's background, the story was intriguing and left me wanting more. Will definitely be adding this to my pull. Can't wait for #2.

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