Alec Callahan's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Daily Fandom Reviews: 13
8.6Avg. Review Rating

Wonder Woman #754 was a bit of a disappointment. As I stated previously, the threat of Ultraa never felt legitimate. There was never a feeling that Diana and Princess Maxima may fail, in fact, there wasn't even a struggle to accomplish their goal. The overlapping story of the Four Horsemen has been interesting to follow in the issues. I am looking forward to seeing what Orlando does with them in future issues. O also hope that the disappointment on this issue is a one-off.

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Between finding Mazikeen and getting back to The Hunted God in time, I'm not sure even Satan can manage that task. Who am I kidding? I'm sure Lucifer knows exactly what he is doing.

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I have faith in Orlando to pick things up in the coming issues. With no doubt, the stories will get more intense and questions will begin to get answered. I look forward to the coming issues. Wonder Woman #751 and #752 were a solid pair of books for the start or Orlandos' run and hopefully he can keep it going.

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With Dan Watters behind the wheel, we can expect a few surprises along the way as we move towards the finish line of the story. What happens next is exciting to think about. What's even more exciting is to see how whatever happens next happens and why. If I had to bet, I would be willing to believe the story will only get better.

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Wonder Woman #750 is a celebration for everything Wonder Woman is. Full of fun stories articulating her most prominent characteristics. Any fan of Wonder Woman and its history should be sure to pick up a copy of the book.

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Lucifer #16 is another great issue in this incredible run. The build-up to the Wild Hunt has been entertaining and I am looking forward to seeing the climax. The contrast between the sarcastic and witty Lucifer and the serious Odin has been a fun pairing. It was good to see Mazikeen return to the book, especially with the changes to her dialogue. Dan Watters' run has been magical and continues to grow with each issue. Lucifer #16 continued to create hype for the big hunt that is on the horizon. I am looking forward to seeing how the story picks up even more in issue #17.

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If you are a fan of action and fight scenes you will enjoy Wonder Woman #83. The whole issue is one big battle scene between Diana and Cheetah. It will be interesting to see what role The Silencer plays in the rest of the story if any at all. This issue was not as comprehensive as the preceding few have been and, hopefully, the team can get back on track in the next one. With the big arrival on the final page, things look like they will start to pick up which gives us some hope.

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It just doesn't feel like they went as big as they could have. In my opinion, the team spent to much time trying to follow the “rule book” of The Watchmen and Alan Moore. Of course, they had to respect the original story and team but, I would have liked to see them make it more of their own. Doomsday Clock was an interesting series and one person will talk about. There will be people who love and people who hate it. After two long years, it is finally over. We can now go back and reread it all at once and see if it comes off any different. Maybe without the delays leaving sour tastes in the mouth it will be more enjoyable. How will the series be remembered? Ask again in a few years.

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Lucifer #15 is yet another spectacular book by Dan Watters and the team; a book full of thrills and comedy relief. The love for the character Lucifer grows with each passing issue. The witty sarcasm and smug carelessness of others make the devil a character that will always be able to put a smile on your face. Lucifer is one of the best products being put out right now. It is easily my favorite book in my pull list. It is refreshing to see the team put so much care and effort into a book they are clearly passionate about. I have been saying it from the start that this a book everyone should be reading. To put it simply, this booking is f*@#ing awesome!

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John Constantine looks like he may play a role in the coming issues, making this book a must add to your pull-list. Lucifer, as well as other Sandman Universe titles, are a big step-away from superhero comics. The books provide a more mystical and cryptic tone, rather than the lighthearted vibes you get with other DC and Marvel properties. I am claiming Lucifer to be one of, if not the best, books I am reading on the shelves right now, and I have not budged on that statement. Lucifer is a exceptional series and it seems to be getting even better with each issue.

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Though, for the time being, they did a great job with Wonder Woman #82. I am hopeful we will get more of Diana's personal life in their run. It is constantly exciting when a new creative team comes on a book and I am waiting to see what they bring to the character. If Wonder Woman #82 is a sign of things to come, then I believe the book is in solid hands.

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I have been enjoying most of the Sandman Universe titles Vertigo is putting out, but Lucifer is far the best. Fans of horror, mythology, or religion will find this book enjoyable. Lucifer #13 put an end to the first storyline of Dan Watters' run. However, many more adventures lie ahead for our favorite Devil and I can't wait to read them.

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Whether it's the Norse underworld or the DC Universe Martian underworld, it has been great. The war between Hell and Heaven is on the horizon and it is exciting to think about what will come next with the team. Lucifer #12 is definitely worth picking up and adding to your pull list.

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