dmburns81's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: IGN Reviews: 7
7.4Avg. Review Rating

If the ending of Comeback or The Secret History of D.B. Cooper left you wanting more time travel/espionage/historical figures set in fantastical worlds, then Theremin will definitely scratch that itch. For 99 cents you owe it to yourself to try this series out, and while you're at it check out some other Monkeybrain comics on the Comixology store. Quality stories at a reasonable price every month? It's as if they're actually listening to fans---and that's a concept we should all get behind.

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In short, buy Where is Jake Ellis? Maybe the creators will continue to make great stories with these characters, or maybe we only have 2 more issues to enjoy, but either way you're supporting a really well-done creator-owned comic.

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Cullen Bunn is one of the rising stars right now in the business. His other creator-owned Oni work,The Sixth Gun,is being made into a TV show for NBC right now, he's writing Venom and The Fearless Defendersfor Marvel, and he still finds time to create a new series like this one. Again, Bunn is walking a tightrope but he seems to be doing it with the grace of an old pro. I may not know the motivations for these characters yet, or how long the ghouls have been raiding Rikard's village, but I definitely want to see what Bunn and Jones reveal to us next month---and you should too.

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Way's opening arc ends next issue. If there's any justice in the world, this book will be cancelled soon after and a new Punisher book will replace it. I wonder what Jay Faerber is up to. Nathan Edmondson? Anyone?

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While Willingham continues to juggle many balls in this series, he sticks most of the landings. If you've been reading the previous 125 issues, you probably trust Willingham's storytelling abillities by now. And if you haven't read the previous issues---what's your problem??

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I'm not sure what happens in the next, and final, installment of Change. I'll be there to find out though---and you should be too. This is the comic to hand to your friends who think comics are all tights and boobs. This is the comic to hand to your friends who don't have 'time' to read anything besides Henry Miller or Albert Camus. This is the comic to hand to anyone who wonders why you stare at pictures and word balloons all day so you can tell them, "because when done correctly they do THIS!"

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Red Team could become a good comic but it is off to a bit of a slow start. While nothing is "bad" about it, you'd be better served by spending $4 on two downloaded episodes of The Wire. Cermak's art is serviceable, but again, nothing got me excited for next month's installment---not a good sign in a first issue.

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