Keith OneShot's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Corps Reviews: 20
7.7Avg. Review Rating

Overall, I think this was a fun and action packed chapter in the Supergirl saga that does a good job at pushing the story further just enough to keep me hooked in for the ride and had an ending that has me worried for Kara and left me waiting to know what happens next. I also like that Kara has someone new to travel with, and I'm interested to learn more about him and his motivations and to see if maybe there is something between these two that will develop down the way.

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Heroes in Crisis is an excellent read that is well worth picking up and reading, and it will make you want to solve the mystery, seek out answers and connect with the heroes we all love on a new and personal level.

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Overall I really enjoyed this book, and I definitely think it's worth picking up. It was great seeing Batman, Jim Gordon and Two Face clear the air and decide that their current missions have set them on a path that requires the 3 to work together once more as they used to do back when Harvey was the district attorney.

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Overall I liked what was being presented here. The highlights for me were Grodd's bloody conquest of Gorilla City and seeing how Alfred is dealing with being brought back to life by the Lazarus Pits. It was quite emotional, and I felt both happy and sad for Alfred. It makes me wonder how this will affect Bruce in the next issue and final issue of the Injustice 2 series. I can't wait to see how writer Tom Taylor ends the series.

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Overall I'd say if you've been following Deathstroke throughout his Rebirth run, then this is definitely a must pickup issue and is worth following along to see where the terminators journey through Arkham goes from here and to find out if Deathstroke really is crazy or if it's all in his head.

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Overall as sad as I am after reading this book and seeing one of my favorite heroes dead, I find myself needing to know more, to continue this quest and find out the answers we all need to know, Why did this happened, and who was responsible. I find myself left with more questions than answers, giving me a reason to press forward, and isn't that what ever book one in a new event series supposed to do? I think so and I'm excited to read book 2 when it releases.

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Overall I can't say enough about how much I loved just looking at this book, there are several pages and panel's that are so breathtaking with detail that I desire to make posters ...

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Overall I like where the story is going, and I also want to find more answers myself about the mysterious Circle Cabal, the secrets of Rogal Zaar's axe, and who else played a hand in Krypton's destruction. I think the artwork in this issue is very beautiful and I'm also very curious to see if Kara brought along any other cute, cool, new suits with her on this cosmic space quest.

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By including more characters from the established DC Comics Universe, I feel that's helping to make these new heroes feel like they are slowly becoming apart of that universe, which I feel is a smart move, because it not only helps build these new characters, but it also offers a chance for a character like the signal to shine bright, if even only for a single issue.

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Much like the Tom King issue of Batman and Elmer Fudd "Pway for Me" which was a break out hit last year during this crossover event, I found myself laughing so much while reading Daffy's dialogue. Much in the same way I enjoyed how Elmer Fudd speaks, this becomes even more humorous when you take into account that Daffy is dealing with The Joker.

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Ultimately I feel like Batman Kings of Fear is a great throwback style book that will give younger or newer readers a brief taste of what Batman stories were during the 80's and 90's, as well as offering older and longtime readers a chance to jump back into the storytelling and artistic styling of the type of comics they grew up reading themselves.

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I have to say that writer Marguerite Bennett seems to truly have a great love and understanding of what makes Batwoman so great, and she has left me wanting more, yearning to see what may have come next, or even what might. As the message of this story arc says, don't worry about the future, don't dwell on the what if's or what could have beens, focus only on the here and the now, the present, and make that as beautiful and worthwhile as you can.

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With excellent artwork and solid storytelling, what we have here is truly something special that I definitely recommend picking up. So much so that I already find myself wanting to read the next issue right now. Luckily for us Supergirl fans, the next issue comes out in only one month as opposed to the four month break between Issue #20 and this issue #21, and that makes me happier than a flying dog wearing a red cape.

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As for this book and the rest of New Age of Heroes books, I'm still uncertain what the final fate will be for these characters and their overall impact on the greater DC Comics landscape which will fall into obscurity or might become an unexpected breakout success. Only time will tell, but that's a chapter for another day.

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As a person who watched Batman Beyond the animated series when it originally aired, it felt great to finally see the pay off of Matt McGinnis helping his older brother out as the new Robin Beyond. I liked the concept of a 2 brother combo being the dynamic in the duo as much as I enjoyed seeing Matt as Robin. I do hope that over time they grow or redesign the new Robin suit to flesh it out a bit more, but in the end I'm glad to see him there fighting alongside Batman.

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Ultimately I think that Beach Blanket Bad Guys is worth the pick up and read, as you get 10 entertaining stories, written and drawn by both veteran and upcoming talent, spread across 80 colorful pages. Some stories do stick out stronger than others, but I feel like there's enough here to pique anyone's killer instinct. Some of the stand out stories to me include, the crime syndicate in "Independence", Giganta in "Giganta Strong", and Black Manta in "Icy Embrace".

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This issue of Batwoman was my first experience reading the character in her solo run, and I'm very happy that I did because what I found was a strong, beautiful and confident woman, a positive role model for the LGBTQ community, a well crafted mystery written with love for the characters and artwork that ties the bow all together.

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I felt like this issue does a good job at setting up a new mystery and motivation that will interest fans of the series and with the introduction of new powers and character growth on full display, we learned that there's still a few more angles to see Sideways.

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Ultimately I think the best part of this issue is the artwork, especially the pencil and ink work of colorist Arif Prianto. I liked the artwork's dark and detailed aesthetic, the expressive facial reactions, and brutal fight scenes. Without reading the first three issues I was a bit lost, but that's totally a fault of my own, so I'd suggest starting with issue one of the series if you're looking to read this story through. The shocking twist ending is enough for me to want to read the next issue, even if only just to answer a question raised at the story's end.

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Ultimately I'm intrigued by this story enough that I want to see where it's going as a series. I like how they're using some of the fun, wacky and way out there concepts from Dark Nights Metal in a new way. I think the artwork throughout the book is very well done: consistent and doesn't abuse the use of splash panels.

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