Kevin October's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Crusaders, Geekery Magazine Reviews: 33
9.0Avg. Review Rating

With all the hardcore art and story you could want, this comic is a wonderful combination of three movie mega powers in comic book form.

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A lot happens in this first issue. It was quite awesome as story and plan unfold. With the Netflix success of these characters I'm glad to see a comic to match. It will be epic to see them on the small screen. I do enjoy a team up and a villain that is bound to give the hero's trouble that will only make them stronger in the end. This is a fun team to watch in comic book form and I can't wait to see them on Netflix as well. Until then I'm quite satisfied with the ride we have until then. Defenders #1 gets five out of five stars.

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Cyborg 13 is a great pick this week simply because it's always on a great track of action and story balance. For a guy who's struggling to figure out if he's still human and still has his soul, I would say that this book has plenty of it. Just watching him interact with the others that he's close too, you can just tell this tin man has plenty of heart. I would be watching the next few issues of Cyborg because I think we are going to learn some interesting new things about him. Perhaps in the future we can see a Cyborg and the Robot Men Rebirth style. Ah an android can dream can't he? Cyborg #13 get four out of five stars. Stay tuned readers!

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Something about a zombie story gets my blood pumping and a good one really keeps me on the edge of my seat. Pestilence #2 did exactly that. The artwork woven in beautifully with the story kept my attention and I reread this comic many time already. I really enjoyed it and will be throwing it in my monthly box as I can't wait for issue three. This is going to be a fun ride. I can tell already.

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So much good stuff in Spawn and whether caught up or just catching up you can always just dive in this universe and be met with an action packed awesome story. I just read the Satan Saga Wars and it was unbelievable. Spawn battling his way through endless demons in hell to get to Wanda was just a great arc and I couldn't put the books down. It's the previous arc before this one and It's worth the backlog. It explains also why Spawn isn't at full power. The art is phenomenal as Spawn rages through hell. It's truly Spawn unleashed. But we see this new and old Spawn now. He's somewhat human and practically growing a new Spawn suit from the bits and pieces he has left. This arc is pure build up and I can't wait to see what in store next! Spawn 274 gets five out of five stars!

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This comic's story is pretty deep. I liked the pace that's set for the reader and I like the vibrant colors. It's not overly violent so it's great for the kiddos. It's got a story anyone can get behind as Princess Misty goes through some tough beginning trials to her opening adventure.

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With an interesting cliffhanger at the end of the comic, Courtney and the town of Hillsbrough has a lot more story to tell. Ted Naifeh has drawn open the curtain on this show and I believe young readers will really like this story. It has a lot of relatable issues teenagers might share with the characters in this book. Fitting in, finding friends, learning dark magic, and taking advantage of others than learning a lesson the hard way. With mysteries being set up for upcoming issues I'm sure Courtney will be at the helm of the storm. The comic has good character development and a nice mild haunting to it. It will be interesting to see how this world of magic and lore will unfold.

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I really enjoyed this book a lot. Millar hits the bullseye again. He never misses. The universe wants that man to write comics and I'm glad he does so. Reborn issue six closed out the arc beautifully and left me wanting much much more. There does appear to be the possibility of more. Once again I tip my hat to you Mr. Millar for giving us another incredible, hard-hitting, fast paced, yet wonderfully told tale. Reborn #6 gets a definite five out of five stars.

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Thanos #7 is a well paced update on the down fall of Thanos. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to see what's next. The issue leaves off on an interesting cliff hanger that I think will grasp readers if this is their jumping on point. Like I said earlier, there isn't much dialogue but the panels do excellent work on telling you exactly what's going on in Thanos's mind. Where will the titan go next? What adventures await this new mortal Thanos? It's a whole new ball game with this character and I can't wait to see where it goes.

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Closing out the issue is a tale called "The Last Kaiju". Written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing. With art done by David Lafuente, the team creates all the giant monster explosive action you could want. With Wonder Woman thrown in the middle. But the story has a more meaningful message as once again we are reminded that Wonder Woman is, yes a total badass but it's her compassion and love for life that truly wins the day and not the edge of her sword. That's what makes Wonder Woman Annual so great. It has all the goodies of action and well drawn colored panels but we get to see the most important thing about Wonder Woman. Her always caring heart.

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With so much action and brilliant art and colors to supply it to your eyeballs, Spider-Gwen delivers the goods on so many levels. With a fast paced alternate universe storyline, Latour handles this like a car he's been driving since grade school. The panel work is creative and the motion action sequences are different but so appealing to look at. It's a feast for your eyes and a highly addicting story for the biggest or smallest Marvel fan. It's different and refreshing to read about. Spider-Gwen #20 gets five out of five stars!

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With plenty of laughs and fun art scenes full of the crazy characters, Rick and Morty #26 is the perfect book on the shelf if you're looking for a good laugh. Comic file pull box full of serious, violent stories? Need something to pull you out of the void of all that suspenseful, crazed adventure? Then go over to the Oni Press books and pick this one up. Even your other comics will be cracking a smile through super punches. Not only will you have some out loud laughs, but you will also learn a valuable lesson on lawn care that I can only of agreed on since I was old enough to push a mower. You won't need to backtrack or back issue with this one either folks. Unless you want to. It's just great awesome funny fun. Rick and Morty #26 gets five out of five stars!

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That is this comic. A creative, colorful, gritty, mysterious comic book. It's great for an annual, answers some questions and is a nice treat from Marvel. It will be great for newer fans who perhaps have just seen the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie and will want to dive into the comic world. If you're a long time reader you won't want to miss this one either. It's quite an interesting tale. You'll start out with questions and end up building a time machine to the next comic release. Which one you ask? All of them. I reckon Star-Lord annual #1 gets five out of five stars!

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In a comic series that provides a different story every month with different plot and characters, Grimm Tales of Terror sounds like a fun and challenging project for the creating team. Also to be suspenseful and eerie must make it even more challenging. I like this issue and if its sitting next to you know that it is a whole story in one issue. It doesnt involve a back issue commitment unless you like the style and get hooked. Read, enjoy, eye the shadows suspiciously and dont read before bed time. Grimm Tales of Terror #5 gets four out of five stars.

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If you're into Judge Dredd then you will like getting on this book now because it's only on issue two. If you're not a fan of Judge Dredd then know that you'll probably not get hooked by this story. I for one am not a big Judge Dredd fan. He has to be a tough character to write about. Looks fun to draw with plenty of violence to keep any artist and colorist busy for weeks. This is a new spin on Dredd so if you're curious then you should check it out. Just don't lose your skeleton over it. Judge Dredd issue two gets three out of five stars.

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There's so much for you to look at and get lost in wonder with this storyline. It's a breath of fresh air and each new issue that comes out is another refreshing breath. With a fast paced story mixed with clever and quick background stories of character discoveries, this comic has been simply just a fun entertaining ride. I mean issue six was a "choose your own adventure" like style that has you flipping through the pages to save your favorite characters and decisions. The art is amazing and super busy. It's very fun and great to look at. It's candy for your eyeballs. Such creative panel work and color work. I liked this book a lot and can not wait for the next issue. Don't let this one slip you by readers.

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If it pulled me into a character that I've heard of but never read before and got me instantly hooked, just think what it will do for you. It's a busy comic that will keep you turning those pages at a nice slow pace to really take in what this book really is. It's history. It's a perfected art of being on shelves almost forty years. It's a craft that Erik Larsen has honed over so much time. What more can we ask for as readers?

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Blossom goes through a wild time in the wild west as she saves the day Powerpuff style. Saves a train, stops a robbery and maybe names the town of Townsville accidentally of course. I hope we see the notorious robber Sliced Bread in future issues as he was only mentioned through posters and conversations. Written on an autographed wanted poster "To my number one fan, give me all your money." Must be a nice guy. It's small things like this that made the cartoon great. It's good to see the Powerpuff Girls still fighting bad guys, giant monsters and evil confusing villains. Sugar, spice and four out of five stars!

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The backdrops in this comic are stunning as well as a fast pace action that keeps those pretty pages turning. Punisher number 12 keeps our favorite vigilante doing what he does best. Guns blazing? Check. Knife fight? Check? Bad guy going down? Read and see readers. If you're a fan of the Punisher you won't be disappointed. Punisher #12 gets four out of five stars!

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This story is a great cluster of insanity. There's so much going on but it's balanced perfectly. You easily get swept up in the story. If you're a fan of Frank Miller's Sin City then this comic is perfect for your eager and twisted hands. Brian Azzarello delivers one hell of a story here. If this is your jumping on point I would highly suggest you go back and read the previous five issues. You'll wish it was a previous ten issues. With an artwork to match this twisted excellent tale Brian Azzarello and Juan Doe give us a comic book that makes me appreciate having patience and looking forward to picking it up every month. American Monster number six gets five out of five stars!

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If you're looking for a chill but fun read than Little Guardians issue two is what you need to put in your hands. Its a fun mixture of colors, action, and light comedy. Although I am looking forward to see what Subira is capable of and how Cho will interact Subira and Idem. Will they be friends? Will they be rivals? Questions already shroud me as I want to know more about Subira and how she will get her destiny back on track. Although she was in this issue very little, hopefully we will see much more of her in the next issue which Im sure we will. Should be a fun discovering ride. A good follow-up to the first issue and a fast unfolding into a fun simple world full of very colorful characters and art.

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Adventure Time always delivers the goods. If you want to relax and smile then this book has always been for you. It never gets old as they are always dipping into the character pool to keep us up to date with characters they don't use all the time, which is a great thing for a story to do. Adventure Time #14 gets five out of five stars.

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With epic attention to detail in characters and scenery design, this book is more than enough for your visual palate. Bubblegun is yet another title Ill be jumping on the space bus to follow. If you enjoy a wild space crew full of colorful gun wielding babes, excellent attention to detail and out of this world covers then this comic is for you. Hopefully like the segwaying ending of this comic, I'll be segwaying into BubbleGun #2!

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This issue was a great way to move the character and the story along Grimm Fairy Tales fashion. Leaving plenty of room for friendships and enemies. The ending on this one especially caught my eye and left me with a bigger question which I guess hopefully will get answered in the next story arc. I really enjoy ZeneScopes eye for artists as they always supply their books with fresh detailed art and colors that explode off the page. (see train fight scene in this book). Robyn has come a long way in a few short years and like an arrow zipping between her bow, there's no stopping her.

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I wanted to spoil this whole comic in this review but I actually went back and read it again in the middle of writing this and knew in my comic heart that I couldn't do it. The whole League of Shadows arc has been gripping. I wanted to, in overly exciting fanboy mode, go through each panel of this comic and tell you between deep breaths how dope this book is. Hopefully you've been reading along with the Detective Comics storyline and hopefully you've already gotten in your Batmobile or Batcopter and are now speeding your way to the comic book store. Detective Comics #956 gets five stars out of five stars!!

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Random goodness with a stale side of potatoes would be the best way to describe Gwenpool. It delivers the goods but you do get served the same dish over and over again. If you like wild zany fun then this comic is for you. Don't get me wrong if this comic was sitting on a table to read I would pick it up and have some laughs. It's never short on that. Gwenpool is a total fangirl who I love and wouldn't want her to change but it would be nice to see her in some other kind of situation other than wild impromptu rides. Which may be the angle of this book and I'm totally in the wrong here. Gwenpool gets three out of five stars.

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Ever since the Rebirth launch, Action Comics has delivered the much deserved title. A rich fast paced story with characters new and old. It's been a pure fun ride and I'm glad to see it shows no sign of slowing down. The art is always a punch to the eye that will leave you with a twinkle in it soon after you turn that last page. Action Comics gets five out of five stars.

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Uncanny Avengers gets five out of five stars. This whole line gets five stars from me. It's old school Marvel action fun meets new Marvel action fun. You won't be disappointed.

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With plenty of comedy and quick remarks and comebacks this comic doesn't disappoint the kid in us all who is in love with the Ghostbusters. There tons of easter eggs as well for your hunting eye pleasure. I don't even own a funko pop but enjoyed this Ghostbuster one shot for a quick comic fix. Five out of five stars for fun!

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The art and by Eli Powell is basic and the colors by Jordan Boyd really help out. Its grungy and perfect for this story of a primal gritty future that is a possible outcome of humanity. I believe this story has a great interpretation of through evolution mankind will take on a more earlier primitive nature as we reach out to the stars. This story definitely caught my attention. Will it get yours? Four out of five stars.

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After some juggle the deadly virus canister and Tempest makes a reappearance, Stone gets the canister back into his hands once again. Whats happens next is too good to ruin but makes for a heck of an ending and cliffhanger. The action doesn't look like it's going to slow down in this series folks. Spider-Man 2099 #23 gets a four out of five stars and five out of five web sling shots. Thwip!!

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This comic reads fast. Jordan keeps the action at a nice rolling down hill pace as we all come along for the ride. Ibrahim Moustafa keeps the action alive by drawing out Jordan's vision of this book wonderfully. The violence has an eerie gore to it that just goes hand in hand with the written story. If you enjoy fast paced action, this comic just punched itself into your life. I for one am glad I wondered into this movie/comic and will be back for more. Pass the popcorn. Savage things number 3 gets five out of five stars and plenty of "F" bombs to spare!

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Issue review of epicness we might see in the next issue or upcoming issues: Possible Harry Osborne lizard venom mix monster (must see) Spider-Gwen venom suit (must see also) Wolverine battling the Hand and Spider-Gwen (I want it all!) This issue gets five out of five stars just for setting up some unpredictable greatness that will leave all of our comic hearts full and all of our Spider-Man wallets empty. As Gwen would say it, clown town curly fries! Keep'em coming!

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