Matt Eurice's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards Reviews: 22
7.3Avg. Review Rating

47 Ronin #3

Mar 6, 2013

If you’ve ever been a fan of old Japanese samurai movies or even just have a bit of interest in them, I would recommend picking this one up. It may be a bit too serious for some comic fans out there and perhaps not enough action, but you won’t hear those complaints coming from my direction. This series is telling a story, a traditional story that is about more than just samurai’s kicking ass; a story that is about Japanese values and heritage. I would say you owe it to yourself to give this one a shot. For god sakes, get a little bit of culture in your lives!

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Amala's Blade #0

Feb 27, 2013

You want to know if you should buy this book? I am. Even if I have to get a digital copy, this is the kind of book I’ll go buy off the shelf to support the people that made it. I want more and if you read it, I’m betting you will too. Here’s to hoping this miniseries becomes a full series, because it really deserves it and there are so many directions to go in with the world that Horton and Dialynas have created. So many great stories could be told and there’s so much left that Dialynas could create with his art.

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Aquaman (2011) #16

Feb 21, 2013

Overall, I’d give it 4 stars out of 5. Is that a bit bias? Probably, but I’ve really grown to love this run, and I’m really hoping Johns can keep it up with the fantastic writing. Pelletier has impressed me with his artwork as well and besides the inclusion of the Justice League, I wouldn’t change a damn thing about this series.

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Aquaman (2011) #17

Feb 28, 2013

If you aren’t already reading the series, I probably wouldn’t pick this issue up. If you are, it doesn’t really matter what I say, you’re going to buy it anyway. This is a transition between arcs and it definitely pisses me off that no more info was given about Vulko’s betrayal, but it does a decent job setting up the next arc. Hopefully Aquaman stops brooding and mans up a little bit in the next book, I don’t want to see him whining about his place in the world. I want him not giving a shit what other people think, being a real leader and not taking shit from Murk and kicking ass like he has been doing through this entire run. Don’t change what’s working, especially with a character who hasn’t worked for many writers in the past.

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Bloodshot (2012) #9

Mar 13, 2013

Overall, another solid issue from the Bloodshot series. There isn’t anything extremely special about this issue, other than the expected development of the psiot children and Bloodshot now working together and the unexpected development of Mellissa’s death. If you’ve been reading the series pick this one up, if not, I’d say either wait until next issue or pick up a few back issues and start from there. Either way, I still recommend checking out this series as soon as you can, it’s pretty different and definitely a lot of fun.

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Fairy Quest: Outlaws #2

Mar 7, 2013

If you aren't reading this one, start. There isn't much else I can say, other than the series is basically a combination of George Orwell's 1984 and classic fairytales. The story is a labor of love for both the writer and the artist and it really deserves to be read. I really hope there's enough interest in the story for them to do more than a few issues and it was a great pickup by Boom in my opinion. I'm personally dying to read more, and I'm very interested in seeing Jenkins re-imagine some other classic fairy tales.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Madness of Wonderland #1

Feb 27, 2013

To be honest, I want to like this book. It does have some good things going for it, but once again, I’m compelled to compare it to an episode of NCIS. Even if I know what’s going to happen, think its crap and really want to change the channel, I won’t just because I want to see what happens. Hopefully with the slow buildup, the second part in the series will rapidly pick up and explain some of the things that were made to seem very important, but never explained at all. This issue served to get my interest, but unless the series picks up soon, that isn’t going to last very long at all.

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Judge Dredd: Year One #1

Mar 21, 2013

This isn’t a book you’re going to be raving about all year, that’s for sure, but it’s solid and it’s entertaining. If you’re a big Dredd fan you should probably ignore my opinion and check out the book on your own, but if you’re anything like me and haven’t spent time with the character I wouldn’t stress about missing this one. I’ll probably check out the next issue out of curiosity with regards to the story, but I probably won’t stay with it long if things don’t improve. Mostly because I’m not sure that this title is really my thing.

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Legend Of The Shadow Clan #2

Mar 6, 2013

If you’ve got any interest in a serious ninja series, I would certainly recommend picking this one up. It seems that it’s going to be a slow build up, but the foundation for this series is already very strong. There is a lot of room to come up with some awesome stuff in the world that Wohl has established and I’d be willing to be there’s going to be a lot of action in the next issue or so. So far, this book is definitely doing a great job of separating its self from most of the generic ninja genre.

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Savage Skullkickers #1

Mar 28, 2013

This issue is pretty damn good and this series is already starting to grow on me. Most comic book writers take themselves way too seriously and it’s clear that Zub isn’t like that. Honestly, quality humor is surprisingly hard to find in comic books and so far Zub is hitting the nail on the head. The thing is this issue isn’t quite as good as Uncanny Skullkickers. There isn’t anything specific that’s wrong with it necessarily, but it just didn’t seem quite as funny or well done as the last one. It’s still great, don’t get me wrong, but I was definitely more in love with the first. Honestly, the biggest problem is that the dwarf wasn’t floating dead in the water for another whole issue, it still would have been funny as shit to see. Regardless, definitely pick both up; it’s a good time to get on board with this series.

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Sledgehammer '44 #1

Mar 13, 2013

The biggest problem I see with Sledgehammer 44 is that it’s only a two issue miniseries. Mignola has hit a homerun with this character and he needs to do more than two issues with him. It’s really hard to create an original character, especially superheroes and they fail all the time. Sledgehammer however, could be the start of something special; I could personally see him as a character with staying power, capable of having a monthly series. Hopefully Mignola does something more with him, but in the meantime, I would buy this and the next issue and just be happy that Sledgehammer exists. Now please, give me issue two, because I’m dying to find out if and how Sledgehammer and his team survive.

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Sledgehammer '44 #2

Apr 11, 2013

If you aren’t reading this, you’re missing out. Mignola and Arcudi have got something special here and this is a book that is more than worth the sticker price. The only bad thing about this issue that it’s the end of the two issue run and that’s all we have for now.

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Snow Angel One Shot #1

Apr 4, 2013

If you have young kids, get the book, they'll probably really enjoy it, but if you don't, steer clear. That's really all I have to say about this one, because I spent half the issue trying to figure out what the hell I was reading.

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Star Wars (2013) #3

Mar 14, 2013

I’ll make this very simple for anyone out there interested in this series. If you’re a big Star Wars fan, buy this shit now. IF you like the movies a lot like me, but haven’t done shit else related to it, pick up an issue and see if it tickles your fancy. Rather watch Star Trek? Forget about this one, and let it go, it isn’t going to sell you on the Star Wars franchise.

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Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2 #1

Mar 21, 2013

Should you read it? If you're a die-hard Star Wars fan then yeah, you should definitely give this title a shot. If you aren't, then there are probably better titles to spend your money on, but I guess it really couldn't hurt to check it out and see if it interests you. I was really surprised at just how much story was in this issue, the writer really seemed to get a lot into this i, which really helped me to get into the story. I'll check out #2 next month and see where the series goes from here.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #20

Mar 21, 2013

I know I went a bit long on this one, but seeing as it's my first review on a title I plan on following, I hope you'll forgive me. I really like this series and despite the ups and downs in the art, the storyline and writing have been top-notch from the start. This is one of the more entertaining titles for me. If you haven't been reading it, you probably wouldn't want to start with this issue, but I would recommend picking up the next as I believe it will be more like an individual title, featuring pencils by Eastman himself. Needless to say, I'm going to be all over that issue, so check back here for the review next month!

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The Fearless Defenders #1

Feb 21, 2013

This is a book I will keep buying. It made a great first book; it got my interest, effectively introduced the characters and left me very curious about whom the doom maidens are. For a first issue and in comparison to a lot of the new marvel books, it was great. I like the direction it’s heading, and I’m very eager to see if Bunn can continue to sell every character as well as he sold the first two. It really has a lot of potentially with a bit of growth in the artist, as long as it avoids more out of place sexual situations.

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The Fearless Defenders #2

Mar 14, 2013

If you aren’t very particular when it comes to art, buy this book now. Otherwise, at least give it a chance. The art isn’t bad enough to make this to be a bad title, and I personally think the writing makes up for the shortcomings of the artist. This is probably one of the best titles Marvel is kicking out right now, and it’s a book based on all female heroes, which is a big surprise. Marvel usually blows when it comes to the ladies, and it looks like this book is trying to change that. Definitely worth the price point for me and it’ll stay on my pull list until either Bunn drops from the book or Marvel finds some way to make me hate it.

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The Hypernaturals #9

Mar 7, 2013

Really this book is just a Sci-fi superhero book, finally done right. The series continues to deliver and develop this already interesting world even further; it’s great to see this level of consistency. If you haven’t gotten started on this series yet, I really suggest you do until it gets too far in, since it has a lot history and back story in these first nine issues alone. I just started reading it this week, but I can tell you I’ll be reading it for the foreseeable future and Sublime might just be my favorite villain in a long, long time.

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The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #2

Mar 14, 2013

If you've never had the chance to check this character out, I'd really recommend doing so with this series. It's compelling and entertaining, and if you have the spare dough burning a hole in your pocket, this would be a pretty good series to put it towards. I will say, I'm very interested in reading the next issue, and you probably will be too if you give this miniseries a chance.

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TMNT Villain Microseries #1

Apr 19, 2013

This is a book for Turtles fan's plain and simple and if you aren't interested in learning more about Krang you can probably pass this one up. For hardcore Turtles fan's though it's a must buy and if you've ever wanted to know what the hell was going on with the Brain in the robot, stop by your local comic shop and pick this one up, you'll at least be entertained when Krang rides in on his mounted lizard.

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Wild Rover and The Sacrifice One-Shot #1

Mar 20, 2013

I would say that any reader who has had to deal with addiction in their life or knows someone who has dealt with addiction in their life should pick this title up. It is a very serious story, but a very good one, with very good art. It’s certainly very different and something that I would buy, especially to support this one-shot in becoming a possible ongoing or miniseries. There could be some potential problems if it does become an ongoing, but it could be done and for now, this one-shot hits the nail right on the head. If you are at all interested in the concept, give it a chance because the execution is damn near flawless and I don’t like tossing that term around. This is a comic that goes beyond the medium and is more than just a story for a book.

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