Aquaman #17

Event\Storyline: Throne of Atlantis Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Art Thibert, Paul Pelletier Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 27, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 16
7.7Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

A startling epilogue to THRONE OF ATLANTIS! With the secrets of Atlantis revealed, Aquaman is confronted by a horrible myth from Atlantis's past thats connected to his own. Plus: Mera confronts a longtime enemy.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Feb 27, 2013

    The Aquaman fanboy in me is super-happy with this issue. I feel like we're really getting back to Aquaman's roots... the ocean. I loved this issue front to back, and frankly, this is the direction I was hoping for after Throne of Atlantis. The writing and art are always top notch here.This is a quick read though. You'll get through it pretty quickly. However, you will ignore that once you see that Aquaman forgot to shave... I did.Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Feb 28, 2013

    Quite simply, this issue is perfection and this title continues to satisfy in every way. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Feb 27, 2013

    With nowhere to turn to, Aquaman seeks out consolation in the sea life he has sworn to protect. You've got to hand it to artist Paul Pelletier for giving a whale an expression so sorrowful that you just want to pet it. Where Pelletier really outdoes himself is the awesomely powerful double splash page where Aquaman reinforces his true purpose for living. The page is masterful in its composition and holds back just enough to create the somber yet striking mood the moment called for. It's just begging to be made into an Aquaman poster. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 28, 2013

    With the wrap-up and the set-up that Johns pours into "Aquaman"#17, this feels much more like a zero issue, and both sets the table and preps adventures to come while addressing all aspects of the character. Johns provides glimpses into the bureaucracy that Aquaman is faced with now that he has assumed the role of Atlantis' leader. We also see the character's dedication to fighting for what is right, regardless of others' perceptions. Aquaman takes a call from Cyborg, illustrating the Justice League connections and addresses the Atlantean army and their desire for a strong leader. The crux of this issue, however, is how Aquaman addresses Amanda Waller's question, "Who are you fighting for?" That answer defines this Aquaman. I'm excited to see where Johns takes the King of the Seven Seas from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Feb 27, 2013

    Aquaman is back in my good books this month as it has left the world of cross overs and the DCU at-large, behind for the time being. We are going to see a more character focused conflict in the coming issues and it is well known that it is those types of stories that Johns is known for. Bring on the aqua-goodness! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Mar 6, 2013

    But the devil, they say, is in the details, and it's the little moments that make this a good comic. When Aquaman apologizes to the lone survivor of the whaling incident, well, it's kinda heartbreaking. Paul Pelletier deserves a lot of the credit for that, rendering close-ups of the whale's eyes in a soulful, mournful way. And when Aquaman addresses his "kingdom," well, go ahead and make a joke about him being "the guy who talks to fish" all you want, but that's an incredibly powerful moment, and one that will stay with me for a while. The man who may wield the most political power in the entire DC Universe is also this incredibly lonely character who will never be fully accepted by those who live above or below the ocean's surface. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Mar 1, 2013

    A solid start to a new arc, with our hero set for some interesting new challenges, both on a political level and on an adventure level. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 2, 2013

    This is a solid issue that gives us a glimpse into Aquaman's new status quo as King of Atlantis. I kind of wish we'd seen a bit more, like perhaps him actually visiting Atlantis, but it seems he's more of a hands-on king. Plus Johns does a nice job of introducing us to new characters who will no doubt play a larger role as the series goes on. It's disappointing to not see Aquaman and Mera together, since her reasons for not joining him haven't exactly been explained (unless it was in previous issues several months ago), but it's clear Johns plans to keep her in the book. Hopefully those two crazy kids get back together soon. Though would someone please tell me if Mera has always had her chest and cleavage exposed like that or if it's just a recent change. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Thomas J. Angelo Mar 3, 2013

    This issue of Aquaman is an easy recommendation for those who have read Aquaman in the past, were introduced to the character during the Justice League crossover, or just want to know more about the hero in general. It is best described as a "set-up" issue, as many events seem to be foreshadowed in its pages. It's a good read with fantastic art and well-worth your time. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Mar 1, 2013

    Now, Ill be honest. Im a little biased every single time Amanda Waller makes an appearance, especially when shes being bitchy and manipulative, so the fact that she acts like Aquamans friend to his face and then immediately arrests Mera when he returns to his new post as King of Atlantis makes me giddy. I mean, come on. The Wall putting people in their place, whether directly or indirectly, in their own book? Whats not to love? So even though not a lot happens in this issue, we are given hints that Orm might be executed, Atlantis might be on the United Nations collective shit list, and Aquaman might be growing a king beard. And you know what? Thats enough for me. Ill be sticking with this title and Johns for as long as theyll have me as their reader. And Ill gladly report, recap, and review their efforts for all of you out there. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Jason Motes Mar 2, 2013

    This was a transitional issue, but it was loaded with nice character bits, cool follow-up to the past storyline and the introduction of new plots and characters. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Feb 28, 2013

    Aquaman is one of the most consistently well-written series that DC has to offer. Let's hope that, once Geoff Johns leaves, it remains that way. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Matt Eurice Feb 28, 2013

    If you aren’t already reading the series, I probably wouldn’t pick this issue up. If you are, it doesn’t really matter what I say, you’re going to buy it anyway. This is a transition between arcs and it definitely pisses me off that no more info was given about Vulko’s betrayal, but it does a decent job setting up the next arc. Hopefully Aquaman stops brooding and mans up a little bit in the next book, I don’t want to see him whining about his place in the world. I want him not giving a shit what other people think, being a real leader and not taking shit from Murk and kicking ass like he has been doing through this entire run. Don’t change what’s working, especially with a character who hasn’t worked for many writers in the past. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 28, 2013

    Definitely an epilogue, but I feel like Johns has bigger fish to fry than this minnow of a chapter. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Mar 4, 2013

    After being impressed by Geoff Johns work during the Throne of Atlantis crossover I came into Aquaman #17 very excited to see what comes next. Unfortunately, this issue turned into a big disappointment as Johns keeps the story above ground instead of exploring the dynamic underwater world of Atlantis. Aquaman is a series that has a lot of untapped potential given how unknown the underwater world of the DC Universe is. Even with Johns portrayal of Aquaman and Mera being spot on and Pelletier's strong artwork Aquaman #17 was just a failure in capturing my imagination. Because of the lack of exploration in Atlantis this comic just felt like another comic being published by DC and nothing more. Read Full Review

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