Michael Nunneley's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: BGCP Reviews: 32
9.2Avg. Review Rating

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Overall, Secret Origins #1 is a good read. DC's creative staff of Secret Origins #1 pack a lot of information into a small package but not so much that it is overwhelming. In fact, much of the various stories' greatest points about the characters are written between the lines. But this is not the end. Check back with us here at the Big Glasgow Comic Page each week for the next installment. And don't forget to like and follow us on Twitter/ Facebook for regular updates and news on comics, news, reviews, commentary and all things generally nerd-worthy.

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Overall Red Team: Double Tap, Center Mass #3 was good. The artwork and lettering was great. Garth Ennis' story was decent as well. My only real complaints about the book was the lack of a third act in the story. It has great build up with both the plot and the characters. But, by the time something really exciting starts to happen, the comic was over. This series obviously needs to be read as a whole and not as individual issues.

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Over all I enjoyed Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Original #1. I definitely want to read the next issue to see where they go with this story. I would also recommend this title to any fan of the show. I think however that part of my enjoyment came from my familiarity with the show. Seeing the characters in a different light was both fun and entertaining. But I'm not sure that someone unfamiliar with the show will get the same amount of enjoyment from it. There are references made that an unacquainted reader will not understand. For instance, Jax's relationship with Tara is mentioned and commented on. This would only make sense to a fan of the show.Thank you for reading our latest review of Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Originals #1. We here at the BGCP appreciate your viewership. Check back with us weekly for our latest reviews. And be sure to like us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates on all things comics.

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This was a great finally to the Mega-City Zero storyline. All the plot threads that have been building through this run finally get wrapped up.

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Thank you for reading the BGCP's latest review ofLucas Stand #2. Don't forget to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates on all things nerdy and geeky. And check back with us each week for the latest reviews.

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This was a good read and it fills in some holes left by the Star Trek film. We get to see the fate of Ambassador Spock and what happens to the two lone survivors of Nero's ship and with the left over Red Matter that Nero used to destroy Vulcan. I would recommend this to any fan of Star Trek trying to understand the newly developing Star Trek universe.

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The writing of The Backstagers #1 of 8 by co-creator James Tynion IV was friendly and inviting. A real, fun-for-all-ages story that utilizes good pacing and relatable characters. The story has no need of pointing out who the villains are. You automatically don't like them from their first panel appearance. And the heroes of the story are easily recognizable as well. You automatically love them. This may sound easy, but it's not. James Tynion IV showed his skill and imagination in this title.

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Thanks for reading our latest review of Earth 2: Society Annual #1. We at the BGCP appreciate your viewership. Check back with us weekly for the latest reviews. Or you can like and follow us on our Facebook page or on our Twitter account of the same name for regular updates on all things comics.

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In Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Original #3 Jax is forced to answer for his big mouth and inexperience from issue #2. As punishment he is taken off club business and is forced to work on the line at the club's dildo factory. Jax hates it but his mom talks him into sticking to it. Meanwhile Clay is getting some negative feedback for agreeing to take the drugs instead of cash on their last deal. What makes it worse is that SAMCRO doesn't even know where the drugs came from. But they're in the middle of it now and they are stuck going through it.

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Star Trek: Waypoint #1's final story, Daylily, by artist / writer Sandra Lanz was interesting. The art was good and I loved the bold color choices. UHura finds herself separated from her landing party and forced to find shelter from a storm. She comes across a strange and unusual creature. The meeting is reminiscent of Princess Leia meeting the Ewok, Wicket, on Endor. It was fun and humorous. Great job for such a short story.

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I fully recommend this book. It is an intriguing and unique concept. If you like fringe-science and surreal worlds then this comic is for you.

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Thanks for reading my review of Star Trek: Boldly Go #1. We here at BigGlasgowComic.com appreciate your viewership. Check back with us daily for the latest news, reviews and events. Or, give us a like and a follow on Facebook (Big Glasgow Comic Page) and/or Twitter (@BigGlasgowComic) for regular updates on all of our posts.

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Thanks for reading our latest review of James Bond 007 #9. We at the BGCP appreciate your viewership. Check back with us weekly for the latest reviews. Or like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates on all things comics.

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The writing of Army of Darkness/Xena: Warrior Princess #2 by Scott Lobdell was really good. But, one expects this type of quality from a writer as talented as Scott Lobdell (Red Hood and the Outlaws, Teen Titans, Superboy). His dialogue is hilarious and flows very well. Lobdell's narrative was good as well. I particularly loved his comparison of love and an empire. The story itself was very fun to read, though not much happens. I loved the characters, especially Ash Williams, who is like a really badass version of the Tick.

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To add to the utter chaos around the globe are the Kindred. A mysterious and unexplained race that is attacking the Justice League. Who are they? What do they want? What is the connection with all of this? It is unclear. But it doesn't look good. This is the the moment we've all feared. The moment when such a great threat threatens the Earth that even the Justice League can't stop it. What will Earth do when even beings as powerful as the Justice League are overwhelmed?Thank you for reading the BGCP's latest review of Justice League Rebirth #1. Check back with us daily for news, reviews and commentary on all things comics. And be sure to like us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates on all things of a geeky and nerdy nature.

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Thanks for reading my review of The Great Divide #2. We here at BigGlasgowComic.com appreciate your viewership. Check back with us daily for the latest news, reviews and events from the BGCP. Or, give us a like and a follow on Facebook (Big Glasgow Comic Page) and Twitter (@BigGlasgowComic) for the latest updates on all of our posts and upcoming events. We are the source for all things comics.

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Lazarus is a great series and Lazarus #22 was a good issue. The Cull has started and I get the impression things are about to snowball into a chaotic mess. So don't miss out. Be sure to check back next month for Lazarus #23: The Cull: Part Two. The Carlyle counterattack begins and a Lazarus falls. Be sure to like us and follow us here at BGCP on Facebook/ Twitter to get regular updates on all things of a nerdy and/or comic book nature.

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Thank you for reading my review of Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Original #2. We at the BGCP appreciate your viewership. Check back with us weekly at BigGlasgowComic.com for the latest reviews. Or like and follow us on Facebook (Big Glasgow Comic Page) and Twitter (@BigGlasgowComic) for regular updates on all things comics and of a geeky or nerdy nature.

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Thanks for reading our latest review of Star Trek #59.Be sure to check back with us here at the BGCP webpage for all your latest reviews. And don't forget to like us and follow us on Facebook, Youtube and Twitter for regular updates on all things comics. We have podcasts, interviews, news, reviews and columns on cosplay, events, comics and videos.

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The story of Star Trek Boldly Go #3 by Mike Johnson is top shelf work. I'm really enjoying this series. The dialogue is perfect, even funny at times just like the television shows and movies. I love that Johnson is taking a beloved enemy like the Borg (my favorite next to the Klingons) and making them fresh and new.

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Thanks for reading my review of The Great Divide #4. We at BigGlasgowComic.com appreciate your viewership. Check back with us daily for the latest news, reviews and upcoming events. Or, give us a like and a follow on Facebook (Big Glasgow Comic Page) and/or Twitter (@BigGlasgowComic) for regular updates on all of our posts.

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Agents Mulder and Scully are given a missing persons case involving an old friend. Eric Hosteen, a Native American from New Mexico. A character X-Files fans will recognize from season 3 of the TV show. Eric's son, Albert "Al" Hosteen, likes to wander in the desert as his father once did. But he always comes home. Thus, when he didn't come back, his father went looking for him. But Eric Hosteen could not find his son. Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are the only FBI agents that Eric Hosteen trusts. He needs their help to find his son. But there is more going on than anyone has bargained for. Agent Mulder might just get the big, complex conspiracy theory he is looking for.Thanks for reading our latest review of X-Files Annual 2016. We here at the Big Glasgow Comic Page appreciate your viewership. Check back with us daily for the latest events, news, reviews and columns on all things comics. Be sure to like us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates.

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I really enjoyed this comic. It obviously had a great team working on it. The art and story fit together like a glove. The art portrayed the horror, mayhem and macabre story of WolfCop in a brilliant and collaborative way. The story is fun and entertaining. I would definitely recommend this title. It's well worth the money for any horror fan and definitely not for children or the faint of heart. Its no holds barred action and violence is a unique and pleasant surprise in the world of comics. I look forward to the next issue.

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All-in-all it was a good comic and a fun read. DC Comics have been doing great with Rebirth and this title is no exception. Cyborg: Rebirth #1 is definitely worth a read and a pick up if you're a DC Comics fan. Thanks for reading my review of Cyborg: Rebirth #1. We at the BGCP appreciate your viewership. Check back with us weekly for new reviews. Or like and follow us on Facebook (Big Glasgow Comic Page) and Twitter (@BigGlasgowComic) for regular updates on news, reviews, events and commentary on all things comics.

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Thank you for reading my latest review of Green Lantern Corps: Recharge. We here at the BGCP appreciate your viewership. Check back with us weekly at Big GlasgowComic.com for other reviews like this as well as reviews of current comics. Be sure to like us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates on all things comics.

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On their adventure, Iggy, Lolo's sister, died, and this has devastated Lolo. So much so that she kills one of the citizens of, The Refuge, the grammar-obsessed community that has taken them in. For this they have isolated her in a cell. But that doesn't last long as Judge Dredd needs her help to deal with Dark Judge cultists and has her released. The Dark Judge cultists are experimenting on kidnapped babies in order to bring an end to this virus. The mothers of these children are not happy about it and are demanding that Judge Dredd enforce the Law. But instead he is working with the cultists to find a resolution.Thank you for reading our review of Judge Dredd #9. We at the BGCP appreciate your viewership. Check back with us weekly for our most recent reviews on comics. Or like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates on all things comics.

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The story of The Great Divide #1 is great. It is the perfect conglomeration of horror, humor and action in an apocalyptic setting. All of this while maintaining good world and character building. You really get this wonderful sense of dread in the world, and the characters flush out nicely. I found the whole story to be intriguing and refreshing. I'll Be adding this book to my pull-list. I can't wait to read the next issue to see where this awesome story goes. I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be a movie or a TV series in the future.

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Dan Jurgens' work here on Batman Beyond: Rebirth looks to be more of the same great work we've come to expect. His story is gripping and very entertaining. Plus, the end of this book has one hell of a cliffhanger that will leave the reader sitting there with their mouths hanging open. Then, once they have recovered, dying to read issue #2. That was my reaction anyways.

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Green Hornet: Reign of the Demon #1 takes place in Chicago. A city that lives in infamy for its political corruption and dirty, greedy cops. And while the Green Hornet is no hero, he and Kato are all that stands in the way between Chicago, it's gangsters and the innocent. Recently Green Hornet and Kato took down the Cerelli family. They did it one piece at a time, but Cerelli is gone nonetheless. But a new boss has arisen. Yet another masked criminal kingpin hiding his identity named Demone, aka The Demon. And according to Green Hornet, there's only enough room for one masked criminal in Chicago.

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Thank you for reading my review of Star Trek: Boldly Go #4. We at BigGlasgowComic.com appreciate your viewership. Check back with us daily for the latest news, reviews and upcoming events. Or, give us a like and a follow on Facebook (Big Glasgow Comic Page) and/or Twitter (@BigGlasgowComic) for regular updates on all of our posts.

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In Star Trek: Boldly Go #2 Captain Kirk, First Officer Sulu and the USS Endeavour track the Borg and discover that they are headed to Romulus. If the USS Endeavour crosses the Neutral Zone and into Romulan space, the Romulans will take it as an act of war. Regardless of the consequences, Captain Kirk will not abandon the remaining crew of the USS Concord that is aboard the Borg ship. Meanwhile Spock, taking a temporary break from his sabbatical on New Vulcan, solicites a Vulcan battleship from the High Council. He promises to return so that he may continue the founding of the New Vulcan Science Academy. But he must help his friends in their time of need. A show of Spock's sense of duty to both New Vulcan and his friends.

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