Nathan Braudrick's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Bounding Into Comics Reviews: 60
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Cold Spots #1 is a fantastic first entry into what will surely wind up being a satisfyingly scary, mystery thriller. Fans of Cullen Bunn's other work in the horror genre should feel supremely confident in diving into this icy tale of the supernatural and those who have never heard of him should try it out anyway. With beautifully haunting artwork from Mark Torres and an incredibly unnerving ambiance, Cold Spots is a title to be excited about for mystery and horror fans alike!

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Boys and girls — this is why we love comics. The first issue of FARMHAND is one of the most delightful surprises I've had in a long time. The horror fan in me loves the idea, the father/husband in me loves the family dynamic, and the kid in me loves the hilarity of it all. This is a fantastic first issue to what I hope is a long running series. Get this one as soon as you can!

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Farmhand continues to impress me with issue#2. It's a story that manages to balance several different genres without every feeling bloated. The characters are multi-layered and interesting and the new wrinkles in the story lay the groundwork for the deepening mystery that will most likely carry the story forward. It's a surprising thing that one comic can manage to be so many things and execute them all so well, but Farmhand defies expectations by being a near perfect amalgamation of horror, sci-fi, drama, mystery, and comedy. Easily one of the best new books of the year!

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I probably don't need to say this, but I really, REALLY liked this first issue of The Weatherman. I imagined I would when I saw who wrote it, but it exceeded my expectations. It's exciting, hilarious, heart-breaking, and action packed. I know for a fact that it's not for everybody (and really, what is?) but I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this to anyone who enjoys running the gamut of emotions while reading your comics. You'll be laughing one minute and gasping the next, but you'll be enjoying yourself the entire time.

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Bone Parish caught me off guard and I am very glad that it did. What could have been another run-of-the-mill drug and family drama has the added benefit of being infused with a healthy dose of supernatural and creepy terror that puts this book in a category with very few others.

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Bridgit Connell, who is admirably handling both the writing as well as the artwork on Brother Nash, is doing an amazing job of translating a crazy story to the page and keeping it all cohesive and easy to understand when in lesser hands, it could easily go off the rails. Brother Nash is easily one of my favorite new comics of the year. It's horrifying, exciting, fast-paced, and hilarious. The fact that the whole thing is wrapped in the trappings of traditional Native American folklore makes the whole ride a wild, but extremely satisfying comic book. This one gets HIGH reccomendations!

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In case you couldn't tell, I love this first issue of Charlie's Angels. There's no pretense here, no agenda pushing, no political slant being shoved onto us; just fun, escapist entertainment. The stuff comic books were built on. This first issue is everything I didn't even realize I wanted and now I can't wait to see what Layman, Eisma, and Celeste have for us next. Now". Where did I put my bellbottoms?

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I love this new Charlie's Angels series and issue #3 is the best one yet! If you love cheesy, 70's action shows, or if you've never watched anything that was made before the 2000's, you should find something to enjoy here.

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The first issue of Dark Horse's She Could Fly was nothing like what I had expected. To be honest, I wasn't at all sure what it was that I expected, but it sure as heck wasn't this. What sounds like the title for another super hero book is actually a much more down to earth look at the lives of some regular people who are dealing with extra ordinary problems. It's a refreshingly unique title that sets up an intriguing premise and does it all while maintaining an impressive level of distinction from any particular genre. It's horrifying, hilarious and heart-breaking and it all comes together in a satisfyingly cohesive way. Every character is written to near perfection and their places in the narrative have me extremely interested in their plight. I cannot wait to see what develops next!

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Hero Tomorrow Comics' ongoing series, Tap Dance Killer, gets off to a promising start. We're introduced to some fun new heroes (or anti-heroes, rather) and are dropped into an over-the-top world filled with nefarious crime bosses, strange curses, supernatural powers, and a healthy dose of vaudeville style antics along the way. The tone is put squarely on fun and there's so much, from the art style to the fourth-wall breaking narration that hearken back to the classic days of comic book entertainment. Some pacing issues aside, Tap Dance Killer #1 is a fantastic start to what will hopefully be a long running series.

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Beyonders #1 is one heck of an introduction to what promises to be a fun and exciting mystery adventure. Equal parts X-Files, Gravity Falls and any number of action movies, Beyonders wears its inspirations squarely on its sleeve while also blazing its own trail. There was a lot going on in this first issue and some extra explanation would have cleared a few things up, but I don't know how much more fun I could have had with this introductory issue. Aftershock Comics has something very fun and very exciting on their hands, so you should make sure to put it in yours.

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The sign of a well-done mystery story is that it leaves the reader hungry for more clues and itching to see the resolution. All the stellar artwork and colorful panels won't carry the weight if the mystery itself is not engaging. Fortunately, Blackwood #1 fires on all cylinders in that regard. Evan Dorkin and Veronica Fish have succeeded in getting things off to a fantastic start from the bottom up and I, for one, can't wait to see this mystery through to its end.

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With more insight into the mystic folklore of the series, as well as some of the cynicism giving way to optimism, Coyotes #5 is my favorite issue of this series thus far. While I miss a few of the characters from the first four issues, I enjoyed seeing some new faces and beginning what looks like what will be a fun trip around the country on an awesome (albeit wonderfully unrealistic) train. Although the violent vengeance is still presence, there's a palatable theme of forgiveness that is woven throughout this issue and I can't wait to see how this new take on the universe evolves the story telling process.

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There are a lot of elements at play in MCMLXXV and a lot of genre mashups, but the book has it's own unique voice, even while bothering so many tropes from well known genres. The entire issue reminded me of a movie I would have loved to have watched on the Syfy channel late at night, or even better, would have rented off the dusty shelves of the horror section of my boyhood VHS rental store. It is a nostalgic trip that manages to make itself feel incredibly new, while also being wonderfully familiar. The final pages left me wanting more and wondering what kind of tone this book will ultimately settle on, but whatever that happens to be, Joe Casey and Ian MacEwan have my attention.

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If you are a fan of Spawn, Witchblade, fantasy, or just good comics in general, you should get this book, as well as the rest. Holguin and Haberlin have something special on their hands and as a result, so do we. Issue #2 wasn't quite as great as #1, but it's still better than most of the other comic I've read over the past few months. Do yourself a favor: Seek this series out.

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Project Superpowers #1 is the kind of issue that makes me regret not having been familiar with this property before now. It's nice being introduced to a large cast of characters and feel as if they already have a rich history backing them up and yet, not feeling like you're missing out on anything. Credit for that goes to the creative team behind this book and they have done a great job of putting it together. I do wish we could have gotten to know some of the characters better and there were, at some points, just too many introductions too close together. However, the fact that I was left wanting more from them means the writers and artists have done their job well. Very well, in fact.

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Son of Hitler is nothing like what I was expecting. Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting, but I know it wasn't this. Despite that, I was pleasantly surprised as I found it to be a character-driven thriller that kept me constantly guessing what was going to happen next. On top of that, it's an emotional gut-punch of a book that forces you to care about characters, even when you cannot condone their actions. It takes you down some dark alleys and consistently surprises you with some of the turns that it takes, but the ride never ceases to be engaging and compelling.

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Tap Dance Killer is a great reminder that comics can and should be pure fun for the reader and after two issues, it has accomplished that and then some. No one should hesitate to seek this title out!

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Two issues in, and The Last Siege continues to impress. The mystery of the characters, their motives, their backgrounds, etc. is what moves this story forward and hooks the reader into wanting to pick up the next issue as soon as possible. The world it is all set in, while not as explored as much as I would like, is also draped in mystery which adds another element of intrigue. The creative team is requiring us to be patient, but I have every reason to believe it will be worth it. All of that combined with a startling revelation on the last page makes The Last Siege #2 definitely worth your time.

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After a bit of a drop off in issue #2, The Weather Man comes roaring back with a fantastic third issue! With a welcome return to the hilarity and a fun series of action sequences, Nathan and Cross' story is really beginning to shape itself into something we can all be excited about. Add in the beautiful (albeit occasionally confusing) art and a great interplay between our two leads, and it's clear that the creative team is firing on all cylinders. Jody LeHuep has an uncanny knack in creating unbelievably zany universes and filling them with hilarity and heart break in equal measure. If that sounds good to you, then tune into The Weather Man.

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While I haven't loved everything from IDW's Disney line, I was pleasantly surprised with Uncle Scrooge #38.The essence of the characters in this issue are intact, and that is the biggest hurdle that these comics tend to trip up on. I loved Scrooge's interactions with everyone he came across and I could have easily seen this as an episode of the DuckTales TV show, although I'm sure Huey, Dewy, and Louie would have found a way to get in on the action. Uncle Scrooge has a long history in comic books.Uncle Scrooge #38 from IDW does his legacy service in a way that makes sure kids as well as adult will find plenty to like.

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Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men #1 is a charming and engaging beginning to a new magical mystery. There's a lot of charm and wit in the writing, but there's also an underlying darkness to the world and that is what will bring me back for issue #2. The world feels fully realized, the dogs are full of personality and are fleshed out characters, and the mystery is interesting, if not yet quite fully realized. If you're a fan of mystery, magic and mastiffs, then Beasts of Burden may be worth your time!

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While not as gripping an introductory issue as the past two, this is still an excellent issue and a compelling setup to what will surely be another epic story arc. Peter Milligan has more than proved his mastery of the Britannia universe and even with a slower start, I have no reason to think that this storyline won't be just as good. In exchange for the crazy horror and visceral violence, we get a closer look at Antonius' abilities as a detective as well as his growing, yet turbulent relationship with his son. If you've never read any of the Britannia books, definitely read the other two stories first, then pick this one up quick!

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Issue #3 of Garfield: Homecoming is the best issue yet in this four issue mini-series. With a bevy of genuinely funny jokes and an absolutely spot-on interpretation of Garfield himself, fans should be quite pleased with what Scott Nickel and Kaboom! have served up. The art won't appeal to everyone; it only occasionally appeals to me, but the writing is good enough to keep you coming back for the final issue. You want to see how Garfield gets out of trouble, don't you? Five bucks says it has something to do with food.

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Save for the last few pages, not a whole lot really happens in this story, resulting in a bit of a slower issue this time around. That's completely fine though, as we finally get a little bit of insight into the black barn and even though we don't really get any explanations, baby steps are sufficient when the story is this good. Lemire and Sorrentino have a horrific thing of beauty on their hands here and now that we're four issues in, I sincerely hope that we're just getting started!

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Metaphase is a comic book that has its heart firmly in the right place. It's very refreshing to read about a character who, while having a particular handicap, is not defined by it. The entire story is a fun, breezy trip through a family-friendly universe and the only real downfalls is that there is just not enough of it to do the characters justice.

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Mighty Mite #1 comes out of the gate swinging and whether or not you've ever heard of this obscure little guy, you're bound to have a good time with this comic. Hilarious and charming, D.C. Johnson has done a superb job of reinventing this forgotten hero for a new era. I would like to see a little more consistency in the artwork and a little more meat on the bone when it comes to the narrative, but this first issue is a promising sign of things to come!

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Suffice to say, I was strongly and pleasantly surprised by StarCraft: Scavengers #1. While I was expecting a sci-fi heavy space story with lots of alien battles and flights through the stars, I instead got a claustrophobic, character-driven journey through an Alien inspired derelict ship full of haunted house style horrors. There is no need to be familiar with the video game franchise to gain maximum enjoyment out of this story, and that might just be writer Jody Houser's greatest achievement. It's a wide-open welcome mat for anyone who enjoys a good space scare and with the strong characterization coupled with some great artwork, Dark Horse comics has a winner on their hands!

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Stellar #2 takes everything that made the first issue so good and builds upon it. It's a surprisingly quick read with almost non-stop action, but the creative team of Joseph Keatinge and Bret Blevins strike an impressive balance between frantic action and genuine emotional impact. With some compelling insights into Stellar's backstory as well as the introduction of a truly terrifying villain, the future looks bright for this series going forward and you shouldn't hesitate to jump on now!

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Two issues in and Sword Daughter is definitely trending in the right direction. I continue to be impressed by the strong father/daughter dynamic on display here, which helps it to feel more personal to me. Personalities are also beginning to become fleshed out as we get a side story that allowed our heroes to reach beyond their own needs in an effort to help others and stop a killer. It may seem a little early to deviate from the main path, but when the story is this entertaining and the artwork is this good, that's hardly something worth complaining about.

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Even if it is not completely successful in bringing back the creeping terror of the original film, Aliens: Dust to Dust is shaping up to be a fun ride and one of, if not THE best Alien inspired comic stories to come along in many years. We are now half-way done with the four-issue series, so time is running out for us to really become engaged with these characters, so I do hope Gabriel Hardman can pull it together in compelling and terrifying fashion. If issue #2 didn't, on the whole, convince me that he can, the final page left me quite optimistic that he will.

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Things are looking up! I was a little let down after the first issue, but issue #2 came roaring back and offered a fun and frantic look into the ongoing Covenant battle from both the surface, and underground. I'd like to see a little more focus on Chief himself and maybe some more characterization for the rest of the Spartans, but on a whole this was a highly entertaining issue that reassured me that this title is indeed in good hands!

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I hope that this Halo tale is picked up in another run down the line as I don't feel that we got a full story here. The ending was emotional and exciting, but it also felt as if it was laying ground for a new story and hopefully, some resolution. As it is though, Halo: Collateral Damagedid an admirable job of bringing the expansive Covenant War to a smaller location and using the claustrophobic elements to great effect. Issue #3 was an appropriate swan song for this run in terms of both action and emotional resonance. I'd like to see more, but if I don't, I'll still be happy that I've read these issues.

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Things end just as confusingly as it began, with another trek back to modern day with absolutely no explanation as to who the people were supposed to be. It may be a setup for a sequel series and if so, I'm completely on board, but until then, I'll have to remain confused. That aside, however, this mini-series managed to go above and beyond in every conceivable aspect. The characters, artwork, dialogue, composition, pacing (until the final issue) is all top-notch! Medieval Spawn and Witchbladedoesn't completely stick the landing, but I've enjoyed the flight so much that I can handle a bumpy descent.

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While not quite as impactful as the first issue, StarCraft: Scavengers #2 does an excellent job of maintaining the space-horror themed tone, even if it loses a bit of the impact as the pace of the story picks up considerably.

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I am not typically a sci-fi fan. I have no love for things like Star Wars or Dr. Who or anything like that. It is a testament to the talent behind the first issue of Stellar that I am fully on board with a story from a genre that I typically actively avoid. The story had me intrigued, the characters had me charmed and I am anxiously awaiting to see what happens next. You should be too.

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Any time I see comics, movies, TV shows, etc. that are placed in high fantasy settings, I automatically begin looking for signs of the fantastic like magic, dragons, wizards, and the like. So far, writer Landry Q. Walker has kept The Last Siege grounded in reality and eschewed the Lord of the Rings style fantasy. That's a hard sell to someone like me who loves all the dragons and elves that I can get. It says something impressive about a story that can extract all those things and still suck me in the way this one did. The writing, art, and tone all hit home for me and everything came together in an extremely satisfying way. It wasn't perfect, but I immediately wanted more, and THAT's good story telling!

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Perhaps it's the dreaded Sophomore Slump, but I just didn't love this issue of The Weather Man as much as I did the first one. However, that's not to say that it's not still a great book, because it is. Issue #2 is much more story-driven and spends most of its time in exposition, all the while maintaining a roller-coaster ride in terms of tone. It's a much darker, far less humorous issue, but it still does a fantastic job of world building and characterization. The Weather Man remains one of my favorite comics of the year and I am (im)patiently awaiting issue #3!

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Dark Horse's Frozen #1 is off to a good start here. While I wonder how engaging it will be for the younger set, I found myself engaged more than I thought I would be and I actually want to find out what happens next. There's a lot of groundwork being laid in this first issue and as such, it's not a terribly exciting issue, but I'm sure things will pick up in subsequent issues. The story is whimsical, yet mature and the artwork is simply stunning. I also like that there was almost no use of that weird little snowman. I don't know what his deal is, but he seems like he'd be annoying.

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I am genuinely interested in finding out what happens next. I want to find out if Homer and Hel's father is alright and I want to find out what is going on with the huge hook at the end of the story. What I'm afraid of, though, is that most of the subsequent issues will focus on the character's arguments and disagreements rather than the mystery and adventure. That's a pitfall for far too many comics these days and one that I do not enjoy. If the main thrust of the upcoming issues is the adventure, then this first issue of The Lost City Explorers will be a necessary bump in the road towards a more exciting destination.

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In a world where every other day we are getting another crazy genre mash-up, Robots Versus Princesses stands out as a work in which the creators take the material seriously and strive to produce a quality product. For the most part, they have succeeded. The idea is sound and on a surface level, the payoff is worth it. It does end up being a little too rushed though, and the artwork is sometimes distractingly inconsistent. With only three issues left, I worry that it'll be over before we have a chance to really become invested in the world, but whatever the outcome may be, the characters are charming enough to prove that we should, at the least, enjoy the ride.

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While several of the different elements ofStellar #3 don't quite hit a home run with me, the total package is greater than the sum of its parts. Bret Blevins' artwork continues to improve with every issue and I especially enjoyed some of the creature design here. Stellar herself is still a compelling heroine and her plight is captivating enough to bring readers back for more. We're halfway through this story of hers and I hope that the next three issues slow down a little bit and allow us to savor this interesting space tale as much as it deserves to be.

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Small gripes aside, The first issue of Sword Daughter does an admirable job of sinking its hooks into the reader. I am genuinely interested to find out what the Forty Swords are up to, how Elsbeth managed to care for her father for a decade, why she smacked him in the face with a rock, and why in the world she only speaks in symbols. Sword Daughter #1 may have not been everything I had wanted it to be, but it sure gives me a lot of hope for the future of this series.

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A marked improvement over issue #1, Unnatural #2improves in many areas while still hanging on to some of the things that weigh the story down. The narrative is becoming more and more interesting, the mystery is deepening, and the characters are certainly growing on me. I wish the social and political agenda were given a bit more nuance and subtlety and I wish it weren't so sexualixed, but I know that I'm probably in the minority in both of those camps. As it stands though, I give Unnatural #2 points for subverting my expectations and being much more enjoyable than I feared. Let's just hope issue #3 continues the upward trend.

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Ultimately, it's hard to pin down exactly what I think about Hot Lunch Special #1. I love the ludicrous idea to craft a serious crime story around some vending machine suppliers, but although the writing and artwork was top-notch, something about the story just didn't click completely with me. Perhaps it's the fact that there were just so many characters, plot lines, flashbacks, etc. that the book just didn't have time to sufficiently gel in my mind. If that's the case, however, subsequent issues should amend that to some extent. With a decent setup, great artwork, and a shocking cliffhanger, I am, if nothing else, interested in seeing how this one plays out.

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It's so hard putting a grade on an anthology series. I loved some of it, and was ambivalent towards much of it as well. I love what the book represents and even though it seemed a little scattershot in the way it was presented and put together, there was enough here I found engaging that I am genuinely looking forward to picking up the next issue in a couple of months. You should too.

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The Incredibles probably has at least as many adult fans as it does kid fans by now. With that being said, I wish there was something just a tad weightier or more substantial here. I would have preferred the book as one continuous story as the characters and universe are certainly strong enough to warrant it. As it is though, Incredibles 2 #1 is breezy fun that requires very little thought or commitment to enjoy the stories that it's telling. It's obviously crafted with a younger audience in mind and to that end, it succeeds admirably.

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Crowded #1offers up an interesting premise in a cliched genre and for that, it deserves some credit. Ultimately though, I couldn't connect with the characters and thus, couldn't care all that much about what happens to them. This may be remedied in future issues but thus far, issue #1 is all we have. I'm also a little confused about the universe. It's obviously present day Los Angeles, but what has happened to the world? Is murder legal now? Are there any cops left? Again, these question may resolve themselves in the coming months, but for now, I remain optimistically skeptical.

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This story could really take off over the next few issues and if it does, I'll be happy to be along for the ride. As it sits now though, I don't feel like the first issue did enough to sink its hooks into the reader. The last few pages were captivating and I do want to find out what in the world happened, but I also had a hard time connecting with the characters and in a book that relies so heavily on the reader's desire to do so, that could be a problem.

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The word that comes to mind when trying to surmise this first issue of Shanghai Redis "potential." There is an awful lot of it in this issue, but it just doesn't quite reach any of the heights that it clearly sets for itself. Revenge tales are always engaging when done right, but you have to be able to identify with and root for the protagonist and I don't feel like this first issue did a very good job of bringing the readers to that point. That being said, there is a lot to be hopeful about here and now that Molly/Jack finally made their way to their hometown of Portland, perhaps subsequent issues will make good on what is, admittedly, an intriguing premise.

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As much as it bothers me, I am having a hard time becoming a fan of IDW's Walt Disney Showcase series. I have a great love for these characters and the world they live in, but every issue I've read seems as if the creators are using the characters to tell a story, but any one character could be swapped with another without anyone really noticing. Besides Scrooge, characters are visually recognizable only. There are enough jokes and cameos to keep the issue from being a total wash, but Disney fans will be better served to look elsewhere for their comic book entertainment.

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While I am not the biggest Halo fan in the world, my 15-year-old son actually does really enjoy this series and has played all the titles thus far. He was excited to read this comic, but he came away disappointed. Among other things, he said that it was boring and that he didn't remember all the scientists and commanding officers in the UNSC being female. He remarked that it seemed to be familiar characters placed in an alternate Halo universe. If you're alright with that, then you might like this series, but it's not for me or my son, who is probably the target audience for this title anyway.

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When it's all said and done, however, this story is, sadly, just largely forgettable. As soon as I was done reading it, I had a hard time recalling what had just happened in the book, and that's never a good thing. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that the story is just far too familiar to really jump out and grab you.

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There's so much I liked about this story and I so wanted to love it, but unfortunately, I just couldn't. I'm glad that the writers and artist told the story they wanted the way they wanted, but I just felt a little let down by the conclusion and as a result, the story on a whole. I loved the haunted cabin idea, I loved the deep-south setting, I loved the monster design, and I loved the entire setup. Unfortunately, I just didn't love the execution. In no way is it terrible, but it's also not great.

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For what it's worth though, one of Goofy's videos on his Mousebook page is entitled “Crimes of Passion.” I REALLY want to know what the heck that is.

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I don't know what to think about this book. Everything about it tells me I wouldn't enjoy it, and there certainly is a lot that I do NOT like. I don't care for how sexualized it is and I don't agree with its social ideology, but more than that, I don't like how that ideology is presented. That being said, however, strictly from a character and story standpoint, I am more interested in finding out what happens than I expected to be. While this first issue isn't a high recommend, subsequent issue may prove to be.

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Not a terrible first issue, but certainly not great either. It has the unfortunate distinction of hovering right there in the "OK" region of comics that run the risk of being forgotten too quickly. I hope that in subsequent issues Vampirella's stable of supernatural powers find a way of benefiting her more than they did in this issue and that she's able to tangle with a threat bigger and more substantial than something the NYPD could probably just deal with.

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Once again, I'm left wondering who this comic run of Nancy Drew is for. I was hoping the mystery would sink its teeth into me in this issue, but there really is nothing here to drum up any interest. It seems that the entire existence of a mystery is in place as an excuse to consistently remind us all of how hip and millennial these new renditions of classic characters are. It does a great job of highlighting the creator's overly-transparent social views, but so far… that's about it.

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OK, well, I'm just not too sure who this book is for. Old school fans of the classic Nancy Drew stories aren't likely to be attracted to it because it just doesn't resemble any of those tried-and-true tales. Younger people who haven't ever heard of those stories aren't likely to pick it up either because for them, the name holds no sway. This new Nancy Drew just falls, sadly, into that realm of rebooted characters that fail to retain any of the appeal of its origins while also not bringing anything compelling to the table. We've got diversity, we've got inclusion, but what we don't got is much of a story.

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To be honest, you're better off playing Tomb Raider: Dark Angel on your old PS2. For what it's worth, that's a terrible game, but you'd still be better off.

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