Richard Dessler's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Read Comic Books Reviews: 24
7.6Avg. Review Rating

Overall, Justice League of America was a solid start to this new series. I'm sure the members of the team were chosen to be in the book just as carefully by Johns as Waller chose them to be on the team. Pairing fan favorites like Green Arrow and Manhunter with relative unknowns like Katana and Vibe seems like a great choice since it should give the book enough star power to stay afloat while introducing readers to a bunch of new characters. It comes highly recommended I can guarantee you'll stick around for a few more issues once you've made it to the cliffhanger at the end, and with Geoff Johns' track record, you owe him a few issues of any new series he writes.

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Easily the best book currently coming from IDW, Locke and Key is racing towards the series conclusion in just four short months. The best part about this is that there is not a single safe character. Unlike Batman or Daredevil, it's completely a possibility that Tyler could die while fighting a demon, or that any of the friends might be killed, or the older Locke kids might even kill a possessed Bode to stop him from unleashing the demons. No one is safe, and that is why I am very excited to see the ending of Locke and Key, even though I will miss it incredibly.

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Wonder Woman has been one of the most entertaining titles to emerge from the New 52 release and I can't imagine it'll take a dip in quality any time soon. Azzarello had an amazing idea to “fix” Wonder Woman and he is succeeding admirably with each passing month. With his words being supported by an outstanding artist and a solid back up, it's truly a perfect time to be a Wonder Woman fan.

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As if the consistency of the past year for this title isn't enough, Lemire provides us with another excellent cliff hanger to bring us back next month. Death of magic is shaping up to be another excellent arc in what is one of the most under appreciated titles from the New 52. GIving the action and developments we got in issue 16, I can't wait to see next month has in store for us from Lemire and company.

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It's hard to get excited over a cancelled book, and Fialkov seems to be suffering from the same malaise. Its a sad fate for what has been one of the most consistent series from the New 52. I'm sad to see it go, but at the same time, I'm somewhat thankful that I don't have to read about Flash in the cross over that was planned for the next arc.

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If you're not a die-hard fan of the Legend of Zelda, you can definitely skip this book. But, if you're like myself and you have a sweet Triforce tattoo, you definitely want it. There is no other video game series deserving of the treatment the Legend of Zelda is getting. We didn't celebrate Mario's birthday this way, and I'll bet you didn't even know that Metroid's 25th anniversary has already passed us by. Link stands above all other gaming icons, and I can't wait for the 50th anniversary to be even bigger!

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Issue 15 gave us a lot of questions. Jordan and Sinestro are definitely dead and trapped in the Black Power ring, but will they be absent from the title completely? Is Simon Baz Earth's Green Lantern now? What about the other Malthusians (Guardians) trapped in the prison? The only way to know for sure is to pick up Green Lantern 17 in February, and be sure to pick up the Green Lantern Corps Annual next week to see the conclusion to Rise of the Third Army.

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Between Gillen's stellar bibliography and an outstanding first issue, I've instantly been hooked. I can only recommend that you all follow Kate Bishop's advice when she said, "Everyone should try it." If you should follow that profound, sage-like advice, may I suggest picking up the sweet Brian Lee O'Malley variant cover? More Scott Pilgrim is never a bad thing! I'd also highly recommend listening to Be My Baby by the Ronettes while reading this issue. Noh-Varr knows how to pick a good tune!

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All in all, Demon Knights 16 proves to be a great beginning to a new story. Hopefully it'll be as excellent a tale as the last arc and as full of exciting twists and turns, unlikely friends and foes, and shocking betrayals and beheadings. And, hey Venditti, as a personal favor to me, maybe you could even find a home for some of the other I, Vampire characters, too?

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This comic has caused an emotional response that has only been hit by books like Sage of the Swamp Thing and Y: The Last Man. I have no doubt that once this series is all said and done, it will be regarded as IDW's best series and should find a home in most comic reader's top ten lists of the year, and possibly of all time. Thankfully, we'll know for sure in five months….wait, aw, dammit!

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Having missed out on all of 90′s comics, this is my first exposure to the Valiant universe and while everything released has been awesome, I feel that Shadowman will stand head and shoulders above every other title once it gets a few more issues under it's belt. With great characters, an interesting plot, and very beautiful pages, this is quickly turning into a can't miss title!

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I know just having the word "vampire" in the title might scare some away, but trust me on this, this series is doing everything it can to redeem vampires and you'll be getting more enjoyment out of it than practically every other series in all of comics right now. Issue thirteen was a great jumping on point for an incredible series that I can't recommend enough. Solid writing and art are in every issue of the book, and it rarely disappoints on any level.

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Overall, Godstorm #2 is an enjoyable issue, however it doesn't do much to advance the overall plot. With this only being a four issue mini, I'm worried that the remaining two will suffer because they'll need to do so much with so little space.

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Long time fans will definitely find this comic as a welcome addition to the My LIttle Pony franchise as it continues to take over the world, and people unfamiliar with the license might find something that can change their mind. Though, most people have already brushed this entire franchise off without even giving it a chance.

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With Black Mirror and Court of Owls finished, and Death of the Family in full swing, Snyder is cementing his place on the list of the best Batman writers of all time. I have no doubt that when all is said and done, Death of the Family will easily stand up to, and maybe even surpass books like Killing Joke.

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Fans of Borderlands will surely leave this book disappointed. The only saving grace is that we've made it through the least interesting character of the bunch, so it can only go up from here when we get to characters with an actual personality.

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For two years now, I've recommended Locke and Key to everyone that has come to me looking for a good horror comic, or just an excellent comic in general. I do have to stress that this is NOT a jumping on point of the series. If you plan on reading this, then you absolutely need to read everything that has come before it. At the end of the series, it will be a total of 36 issues in a set of six trades, but it will be six trades you will be proud to own and will recommend to anyone that's looking to get into comics.

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A common criticism about the Green Lantern is that it's event after event after event and people are feeling fatigued by all of the status-quo-smashing crossovers. However, with issue 14, Johns may just be delivering both an excellent character study with Simon Baz and aworld-changing story that I would go so far as to classify as a horror story with the Third Army constantly lurking in the background, ever growing in size. As I've said every month for roughly eight years now, I can't wait for the next issue of GL"NOW TELL ME WHO THE FIRST LANTERN IS!

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This issue lacks a lot of the action goes with this tale and focuses more on introducing us to the different characters setting up the story.Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but with this being a five issue mini-series, the story needs to pick up quickly or else the remaining issues will feel rushed.I believe that the first six pre-flashback pages would have been better spent later in the book telling the actual story and ending the book with Asano's trial.However,Anyone who is into history or Japanese culture should be entertain by this series, even with this flawed but promising opening issue.

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I, Vampire might be the most underrated DC book on the market and is definitely one of my most anticipated books each month. Seriously though, everyone buy this book. If it's cancelled, I'm holding you all responsible.

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This book has few, if any, redeeming qualities. As a huge fan of horror movies, the Hellraiser series included, I can't help but feel that this book is a bastardization of a series that stopped being relevant decades ago.

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As difficult as it's been at times, I'm definitely a fan of this franchise and I'll admit that get a little enjoyment out of this issue. However, if you aren't a fan of the franchise, then this book will probably go right over your head.

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All forms of media have been saturated with zombies for years now and if you're going to add a new comic to a flooded market, it needs to be something special. However, this is not Walking Dead, and it is not Marvel Zombies. It's not even Marvel Zombies 4.

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My biggest complaint with this book is the clichd cliff hanger it leaves us with. I've always felt that the best way to get people to come back to a new series the following month is to start with a solid first issue. Thankfully, the Grants do just that and I'll definitely be picking up issue two.

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