Sam King's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards Reviews: 41
6.0Avg. Review Rating

As usual, DuckTales delivers fun for a young audience. While I think it would be neat for the stories to branch into a longer arc at some point, it seems like the episodic stories might be more convenient and beneficial to young readers overall. The issues succeed at adding more fun, which is particularly good for waiting in between weeks for new episodes as the first season appears to be nearing its end soon. Kids will get their fill and be able to double enjoy one of their favorite shows, while still getting quality family tones included that aren't overly preachy.

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Overall, this a light, fun comic. It is perfect for young readers who are fans of the show. It would make for enjoyment between episodes or when a TV is not immediately available. While not revolutionary to the genre in of itself, it is still a solid release for this week and would be a great addition to Disney comic fans collections for those who still enjoy watching Disney Channel animated series. For the intended audience it is great, but for casual comic readers who aren't into Disney, this one wouldn't be a must read by any means. It serves its initial purpose, but does not go above and beyond.

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Overall, I was really excited to read this comic series and loved that it tried something different than average comics, although I wish it had done more. While the space is limited, there was definitely room to push the story and characters further during discussions and matches.

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This is a great story to enjoy with a family, particularly those who enjoy fantasy. The book is well drawn and each land has fun, imaginative challenges that are distinct from those in previous lands visited by Farlaine. The title character has also grown significantly since the first book, without losing the core of who he is, which makes the journey more enjoyable and satisfying. While this book isn't inherently revolutionary, it does mark a shift in Farlaine's development that is worth noting.

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This is a more avant-garde kind of TMNT that is worth checking out based on reader curiosity and guts of the writers alone.

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This definitely isn't the strongest opening to a new series, but we will see where it goes.

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Overall, this is a good issue. I don't think it is the most amazing read of the last couple weeks, but it is enjoyable. World of Tank fans should like that we are getting into actual tank battles and the human element, while toned down, is still present for those just wanting a good story with all the needed pieces. This one did take me a secondary reading for full enjoyment and to catch onto a few more details, to fully grasp everything going on. I hope the next one is better. I want more tanks and to see how the tactical setups at the end of this issue turn out in the next.

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The art is the same as it has been since issue #1, mirroring the animated series. While it is still good and the kids will still enjoy it, I think this is the weakest issue to date. I think this is one that will be hit or miss, depending on a person's enjoyment of the show and story preferences. If you really like the characters and don't mind some ebb and flow, this will be fine. If you are solely there for the adventure and expect the same high energy the show has provided, the first story will be highly lacking. If you can get passed it, or don't mind a little change of pace from the norm (or you just like seeing Scrooge more than the kids), this one is perfectly fine. If your kids are reading it and they mainly want Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby adventuring, skip it.

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It isn't the best comic you could pick up this week, but if you have been following the story from the beginning, I feel like this is a good turn for the series to take.

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Overall, I found this issue to be more enjoyable than the previous one. There was a bit more going on, but it was also more balanced and quick moving than last time.

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This story gripped me, and I can honestly say I'm psyched to see what comes next. I hope it doesn't end up letting me down.

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Ultimately, this one just ends up being another generic revenge story, with an unsatisfying ending. If you just like western themes, then the price isn't bad, but this comic is not the next best futuristic western story. Issue #2 was the best one, setting us up for lots of excitement that just didn't get delivered in act 3.

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This isn't one of the better books this week, but it is too soon to say if the series will be interesting or not. The artworks fine, but it is nothing overly special. There is nothing that truly sets this apart from any other title apart from that it focuses on pro wrestling, but we have WWE official titles that do that too, with more flair and popularity due to branding. This series is going to need something really special to make its mark amongst other comic titles and make it stand out. Hopefully, the next issue does that.

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So far, this series is showing a lot of promise, and I am excited to see where the new cliffhanger takes us. The last cliffhanger had a good payoff, so hopefully, the next one will be just as good, if not better! The quality of this story so far makes it the best title I've read from Alterna. I think it is definitely worth picking up. The price is low, and the story quality is great, making it a very good value!

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Good art, a solid idea, and an action-filled opening make for a strong start for the series. I will definitely be waiting to see where this one goes.

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Overall, this story is a republishing so that some fans will know it and others won't. The story is definitely more mature in some ways from the currently popular iterations of the characters and story, but it is interesting for sure.

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This story has a lot of promise. It has been a little while since I have read about dragons in modern time (if I ever have, as I can't recall any comics or stories immediately off the top of my head). I like the idea, and the initial issue did a good job in getting things rolling. This is one of the better first issues I have seen in a while, so I'm excited about that.

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Dark Frontier #1 is a good starting issue, but it does set up a lot of questions and does not provide a direct plotline, to begin with. I'm sure with another issue it will be a lot easier to tell what the main character objectives are. Hopefully, we also more interaction with Max because he was presented immediately, but not used or shown very much in the second half of the comic. I'm hoping that there's a second issue and that things clear up. If the art just balances the black and white composition a bit more, transitions between things are smooth, and the story starts providing some structural plot direction, it should end up being a damn good time. The rockiness of the story in this issue, however, forces me to pull it down in rating a notch. It is a good issue, but it needed tightening up just a bit.

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Dodge City #3 is progressing the story steadily while being more enjoyable than the last one due to the upped stakes. There are fewer flashbacks and relaxed dialogue, but there is still plenty of emotional tension and individual expression occurring. The art is still as bright and adorable as ever. It isn't groundbreaking, but it matches the tone and story very well. Hopefully, the next issue keeps the ante rising and the emotional tension balanced with some action because that is where the characters really shine and seem their most vulnerable, yet powerful.

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Overall, this is a fun story with a strong female lead. I liked Flavie and found her relatable and interesting. She has some quirks, but you can understand why she approaches life the way that she does. The characters are fun and distinct, the story is definitely different from anything I've read before, and the art is enjoyable. If they end up doing a volume two, I would love to read it and see where things go from where this one leaves off.

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I really liked this graphic novel and think it has a valid message for readers to leave with about how you go through life and interact with others. It also shows that sometimes there are misunderstandings or people just don't really get what others are always going through. Sometimes offering help isn't enough or people aren't comfortable enough to engage with those offering help. The silver lining is that sometimes it can be overcome, despite how bleak it may seem. I would recommend this title and hope that it sparks some discussion among the target audience, which I'm thinking is around middle school age.

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I definitely need more than what this issue gave, but it still has me intrigued enough to stick around and find out.

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This would be a good one to read as a family unit just for fun. It won't stimulate your mind much, but it is fun and light. Sometimes that is all you need.

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Lots of reds in this issue and lots of blood. If all of that is your cup of tea, go crazy. I enjoyed the ending and am actually pretty satisfied with having read the series.

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Generally, I think this is a decent start and I would read at least one more issue. I'm pretty curious about the crown and what it is capable of. The one thing that will really drive me crazy should it continue is the way that Ali speaks. He is incredibly casual and has weird phrasing, but not in a charming way that some thief characters have in other stories. If this improves then I think this series could be a pretty fun time. It isn't the best comic ever, but it could be fun.

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Overall, I think this one has some glimmers of potential that weren't fully realized.

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The story inside is worth checking out even if it leaves some questioning of particular plot elements. The shifts and reveals are intriguing, and I had a pretty good time reading it. I don't think it will be the graphic novel of the year, but it was a good read.

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Heavy Vinyl is not the worst comic series you could read. The art is nice and cute, with pleasant shades of color. It is crisp, clean, and even the style feels softly feminine with a tinge of edge here and again. Is it groundbreaking art? No, but again, it is cute and satisfying enough. The story needs some work and tightening up to really get a feeling of suspense going. Would I read it again? Sure. If I wanted something cute and light. Will it be a masterpiece as the years go by that everyone just HAS to read? No way. If you're interested and you want something light that leaves the door open for potentially more issues to come (despite there being no announcements of this thus far), then this will get the job done. It is cute, it is girly but with edge, and it lets you pass the time happily enough.

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Overall, I would say that Aliens fans need to check this one out. Issue #1 is off to a solid start, and I am looking forward to finishing this one out. I just hope that the next issues keep the things that I liked going and don't drop off on quality in terms of the story or choose one color scheme and wreck it like the previous miniseries. This one is just in time for Alien day tomorrow! Happy Alien Day everyone!

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This first issue piqued my interest enough for me to want to see what happens in the next, but I get the feeling that the characters are what will make or break the next issues. The story concept itself is solid enough to be entertaining for a while. If the characters don't get overdone or are at least balanced enough in how their "negative" traits are presented, then this could be a very good time in the long run. I need another issue to really form a solid opinion of this story because potential will only get a comic so far if it is not realized.

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I enjoyed this issue and I hope that the next issue is just as strong. This one makes me want to see what the other comic series Dark Horse published within the same franchise is like. It seems as though you could pick up either one and not have to necessarily have much background information, although it will definitely help create deeper understanding of what is presented. For military history fans I definitely recommend it and I think even casual comic readers could pick this up and find it interesting. While there is a certain niche it is directed toward, I think it can break that barrier well enough at this point. We will see if this holds true by the end of the series.

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Overall, this series was lackluster. I wanted more and there wasn't enough horror. Slappy wasn't his glorious creepy self and the author just didn't seem to have the guts to give kids the horror they deserve and probably even crave. They're kids, not babies, it's okay to creep them out. As a child, I could've read this at night and not been the least bit affected, which really tells you everything. Reading Goosebumps at night should increase fear levels. I read it at night and was positively bored, so I can only imagine the disappointment young me would've experienced. Some kids might like it, but I would just suggest buying an actual Horrorland series book by R. L. Stine. Leave the work to the expert.

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Check this one out if you simply have to for peace of mind. If you don't, just wait for the trade or maybe even see if your local library is willing to get it when it eventually comes out and see if it improves over the course of its run. This isn't one I'd keep on a pull list and anxiously anticipate. It needs serious improvement.

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I really just want to take the opportunity to highlight this series for people interested in seeing another viewpoint of characters that many of us have seen for many decades in just a few styles.

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The bottom line is that this one just needed some more editing to nail things out and give them a glossy finish. The writer can clearly tell a story, but they just need to finesse the way they go about it.

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If slice of life style comics with an unconventional sporty twist added in sounds like your idea of a good time, I think this series is worth checking out at this point. It is supposed to be a 6-issue story, so hopefully we get some more dodgeball action and things heat up more in the next issue. That will be the halfway mark and I really want all this set up to start moving into action. It seems we have all the basic components for things to start hitting fans. This is a solid issue and the series is definitely something different, but so far it doesn't have anything that feels revolutionizing or makes it an absolute MUST read. It is a good time though.

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The stories are definitely entertaining, but overall there does not appear to be an active arc going on through this comic series. It doesn't add much to the show, so it feels like bonus material.

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Overall, the story has improved, but the pacing feels kind of stunted. For the price though, this is a pretty dang good deal. The art is solid; a couple of characters are worth rooting for with one potential badass who gets increasingly badass as the story goes and a girl who is instantly badass as soon as she enters. I almost wish this was her story instead because I really like her. This review should really be subtitled "in which the word badass is repeatedly used" because that's the most fitting word for what Lily is and what Slade the Blade was in his past and has the potential to be should the writers turn him loose at just the right moment. Issue #2 is an improvement, but two months is a while to wait so let's hope the wait is worth it.

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Overall, this is a good start to the series and it does a lot to get progress going. There is plenty of clear conflict for both main characters, there is a lot of wonderful artwork to enjoy, and the story seems to be heading in an enjoyable direction so far.

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At the end of the day, this is a kids' comic and I think kids who have been exposed to the show are going to enjoy it. As a more "old school" fan, this hit a few marks of the show that I liked and it didn't hit others the way I would have liked, but it was still entertaining for the amount of time I would spend with it. It isn't one I would rush to buy, but I might read it once or twice just for kicks. It isn't revolutionary or exemplary among kids' comics, but it is at least cute and fun. As a big Reptar fan I just wanted a bit more cartoony destruction and killer art like is shown on the variant cover when the comic was announced. Do not go in expecting anything like the variant cover, because that is not really what this story is going for. It isn't classic Reptar. This is Rugrats character versions of Reptar; it is the way they think he might be.

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Overall, I think this is a very solid start to the story. It is handled well and creates an interesting premise. Police officers and amateur officers in shady areas are nothing new, but this story adds a new dimension that I've yet to see when it comes to the setting.

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