Sergio Porras's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards Reviews: 23
8.4Avg. Review Rating

Captain Midnight #0

Jun 20, 2013

It’s honestly hard for me to give a bad review, but when it comes to comics then you have to give it your all. I'm sure that he creative team did the best they could or else Captain Midnight wouldn't have been released but when it’s all said and done, I think that most people will agree with me that this shouldn't last more than a few issues. Just because I didn't like it doesn't mean that you shouldn't give it a try. Reviews are only a tool not a decision maker.

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Clone #6

Apr 24, 2013

Although Clone #1 sold out and went into a second printing, the series has probably seen its numbers drop a bit because you can walk in to just about any comic shop and find back issues for issues 2-5. With that being said, make sure you pick up these issues because the epic cliffhanger that wraps this issue up is going to set up one hell of a story for issue #7 and on.

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Clone #7

May 30, 2013

If you love a comic that's in full stride then Clone is most definitely the book for you. There's so much going on that there are no signs of slowing down. It’s a book that is worth investing all your hard earned dollars in and will one day be a respected part of your personal collection. If you're just now looking to jump on then you've started at the wrong issue. Clone #7 can only be truly appreciated if you've read the first six issues, there's not even a recap page. My advice to you would be to pick up Clone vol.1, which came out this week as well (review for first volume here) then pick up this and last issue. Now sit back, read the damn series, and wait for news of the inevitable television series or summer blockbuster!

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Clone #8

Jul 2, 2013

In the end I was a little upset that there wasn't a whole lot that happened in this issue and you're left with more questions than answers but I'm starting to pick up on the pattern that the story is developed. Issue did a good job of not moving too far in the story, which usually frustrates me because I can tend to be a little impatient, but leaves enough room for expansion in the current story arc so I'm looking forward to issue #9.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Werewolves: The Hunger #1

May 23, 2013

Well there's no question as to if I will be finishing this series and jumping on board for a few of the other Zenescope titles. I'm very excited to see what becomes of the special testing that is going to be done on Charlotte after she was bitten by the werewolf. I hope that the story dives deeper into Roman's hunt and by the end I hope to see a resolution for his vengeful journey. It's going to be a challenge to wrap up a story in just three issues but it's clear that the creative team has a vision and shouldn't have any problems ending the series on a strong note.

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Hoax Hunters #9

Apr 17, 2013

After two previous story arcs this turned out to be a really fun and enjoyable read that is perfect as a stand-alone issue. If you've been on the fence about this series or just looking for something new to add to your weekly pull list, then this would be a great jumping on point because it’s set up more as a zero issue or a one shot. Unless you are planning on reading Hoax Hunters Case Files #1, the first annual of the series, then you really don't want to miss out since Image has not announced a release date for issue #10.

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Hoax Hunters: Case Files #1

Jun 26, 2013

As much as I love Hoax Hunters I would have to say that the creative team really went above and beyond by creating a special that has a little something for everyone no matter what comics you may be into and most importantly if you read Hoax Hunters or not. It looks like the intention here is to gain new readers to the series as opposed to pleasing the already solid fan base. If you're buying this issue because you're already a loyal reader of Hoax Hunters then you're in for a real treat, If you're buying this issue just to see what it’s all about make sure that you keep an open mind and understand that this is meant to be fun and you shouldn't base what this issue offers on what the actual series is about. If anything else Hoax Hunter's - Case Files #1 will be something great to discuss amongst the comic shop crowd or maybe even on an online forum… or the comments below!

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Star Wars (2013) #4

Apr 10, 2013

This was definitely a "leading up to" sort of issue because everything, with the exception of Luke hearing Ben's voice warning him about Leia, was very predictable and it ended with not being able to see what Leia and her crew were staring at, which I assume is going to be a huge squadron that has come to take them out. The art held up like it has in the three previous issues but there were a lot of close up panels that didn't give away too much detail of what was going on which bummed me out because when I think of Star Wars I envision wide panels or even several full pages of art work but I suspect that was a way of keeping the story close to the chest for what is to come on issue #5. I've never ventured out into the "extended universe" but I'm very excited to see where the story takes us as we get closer to the end of this arc and beyond that.

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Star Wars (2013) #5

May 8, 2013

Since the series is at issue five I have to assume that we're building up to a conclusion to the ark hopefully with the next issue. There's a ton of potential in the story so I'm going to have to be a little more patient and not expect some epic climax in every issue. With the introduction of Boba Fett, Brian Wood has tapped into every fanboys inner core and will leave us waiting in agony for a whole month to see what kind of bad assery he gets himself into. If you're just a casual fan of Star Wars and want to open up your pull list for other titles then finish out this arc and buy future trades but if you're a fan like me then hold on tight, be patient, and if the story is heading in a direction that you don't approve of then feel free to drop it like third period French.

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Suicide Risk #2

Jun 7, 2013

It's hard to say that this is going to be a long running series only two issues in but Mike Carey definitely has something great going here and as long as the momentum can stay strong I can see Suicide Risk being around for a long while. The comic book industry has been in need of a stand up indie super hero series that has more of a relatable element to it and this seems to be the solution to that problem.

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Suicide Risk #3

Jul 4, 2013

Suicide Risk has really started creating quite a name for itself among the superhero genre which is incredible to see since its coming from an independent publisher. The story is really starting to take off so I recommend picking up all three issues if they're still available at your local comic shop, if not then you can always find them via Comixology and other digital formats. There's plenty more that I could have written for this issue but its a read it for yourself issue and I think you'll understand why in the last few pages.

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Ten Grand #2

Jun 5, 2013

The bottom line is that Ten Grand is a great story and I feel sorry for those of you that are going to wait for the trade or even worse have decided to pass on it all together. There seems to be a little of something in it for everyone. It's a horror book, that tells a love story, which mashes up as a crime thriller, that forces you to walk the moral line of what is right and what we are supposed to perceive as right. Issue two has expanded the dark world of Joe Fitzgerald and now is the time to start reading before the story hits its full stride.

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The End Times of Bram and Ben #4

Apr 25, 2013

If you've read any of my past reviews then you know that I usually go into a lot more detail of each issue that I review. With the End Times of Bram and Ben #4 I made it my goal to hook you in by just recapping a few pages; as a matter of fact I only covered 7 pages of this epic 26 page conclusion. It's going to be sad to see this series end but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the incredibly tasteful ending that is clearly an opening for a follow up series.

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Thief of Thieves #13

Apr 17, 2013

When all is said and done this was a strong ending to the second arc and for the first time in several issues, I’m excited to pick up where the story left off. Although I went into this issue with the mindset that it might be my last, I’m really glad that I read it because it reinstated my faith in the story.

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Thief of Thieves #14

May 30, 2013

This issue had everything that the last few issues have been lacking. There was no more stand still and it looks like they're finally going to start moving the story along. At first I was a little disappointed that there wasn't any action in this issue, but after I really gave it some thought, I stared appreciating the writing style and realized that the creative team was able to produce a fantastic story and left you wanting more without having to blow something up or let the bullets fly.

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Thief of Thieves #15

Jul 3, 2013

If you're still hanging in there, then good for you; you're clearly much more patient than I am. As of right now this series is back on the chopping block for me until the creative team can pull together and write something fresh. I refuse to give this series more than a 3, and that's only because I love the art, until they can produce better story telling without having to dance around this idea of a great story.

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Think Tank #7

May 15, 2013

Immediately after reading this issue I went onto Image's website to see when issue #8 will be hitting comic stores, but unfortunately as of right now the date is still TBD. If this is a series that you may have been hearing about recently then I suggest you go and pick up the first volume in trade that is available now because I'm sure volume two should be coming out soon. As a matter of fact if you visit and go all the way to the bottom right of the screen, there's a link so you can read the first issue for free, so you really have no excuse for not diving into and ultimately following this series. If the story confuses you too much then at the very least you will see some kick ass art!

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Think Tank #8

Jun 27, 2013

Do yourself a favor and open up your mind, and pull list, and pick up Think Tank. There about to enter the "Outbreak" story arc which if you look at the trend of the book it's going to be very hard hitting and a great read. Think Tank is indie comics at its best, storytelling and art alike; you will always get a five star book each and every month.

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Thumbprint #1

Jun 12, 2013

Thumbprint was a good read but would be better as a graphic novel. I believe it is a mini-series with just a few issues but it’s not something that many people will be looking forward to over the next few months but will probably do well as a collected edition especially people who are fans of his dad, Stephen King, who are looking to see if the apple falls far from the tree. If you didn't preorder it then don't feel too bad, but when the trade comes out then make sure you pick it up because it is a good story and I can already tell that it’s probably going to have all sorts of crazy twists and turns.

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Wild Blue Yonder #1

Jun 19, 2013

It’s not fair to say that Wild Blue Yonder has flown under the radar just because I didn't know anything about it, but even after doing some research on the book after reading it I can say that its hasn't received the proper solicitation that it deserves and I hope that comic fans won’t write it off just because it hasn't been hyped up. For those of you who take the leap on something new then kudos, I don't think that you'll be the least bit disappointed. For the rest of you who will pick it up and put it back down after flipping through a few of the pages, then you'll be sorry when you miss out on the ground floor of what’s sure to be an amazing story from a creative team that has really given it everything they have.

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X #1

May 8, 2013

This is going to be a series that you're not going to want to miss, especially if you like brutal, action packed stories, with art work in the vein of many of you favorite (or most hated), 90’s titles. I can already see where the relationship with X and Leigh is headed so it does fall shy of a perfect score, at least in my book, just based on its predictability. It was still an awesome read and I'm excited to see what Swierczynski takes his epic story to.

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X #2

Jun 12, 2013

It’s understandable that X isn't for everyone and it’s definitely not your dad’s superhero, but the book has a lot to offer. If you're into gore, mystery, or a good crime thriller than X has all of your bases covered. Swierczynski is one hell of a story teller and although I can’t say that this is even in the top 10 of best comics that I've ever read it deserves an honorable mention just based on entertainment value alone.

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X #3

Jul 10, 2013

I'm really sold on this sick and twisted world of X. Every issue a small string of the metaphorical sweater is pulled and a little more revealing X and the city of Arcadia's secrets. At a $2.99 price tag readers shouldn't be skipping out on this interesting, blood bath of a read.

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