The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1
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The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1

Writer: David Gallaher Artist: Rob Liefeld Publisher: Archie Comics Release Date: June 30, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 5
5.8Critic Rating
3.0User Rating

THE SHIELD IS BACK! America's first patriotic superhero, The Shield, has persevered through countless challenges and always manages to come out on top! But what happens when forces beyond anyone's control threaten The Shield's legacy of fighting for truth and justice? Follow Joe Higgins as The Shield (and get ready for some surprises!) in this new one-shot comic featuring art by Rob Liefeld and a story by David Gallaher.

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Jun 30, 2021

    The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1 promises a lot and delivers on just enough to be good starting point. Rob Liefeld's story and art introduces the new reader while not overwhelming. This overall approach allows the reader to focus on one character and one concept while at the same time understanding there's a lot of history behind these characters. It's a good entry point for readers unfamiliar with any version and a fun bit of nostalgia for those with some level of previous knowledge. Let's all go out and buy this so Archie Comics will continue the series! Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Megan Peters Jun 30, 2021

    The straightforward issue packs some weighty action, and its sparse dialogue will have fans flipping pages rather quickly. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Jul 2, 2021

    The whole book goes in one big circle and that's pretty much it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Lotusland Comics - Hank Rea Jun 29, 2021

    'The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield' attempts to set off another launch of Archie's Golden Age super team with mixed results. This one-shot reads like a preview highlighting various characters who are considered The Shield seemingly pitting them against one another for reasons unbeknownst to the reader. It opens up a larger mystery as Gallaher does his best to salvage the issue. Liefeld's art is classic Liefeld providing plenty of bone-crushing action. It's too early to say if this relaunch is worth the commitment until more issues arrive on time and without the behind-the-scenes drama. So far, The Mighty Crusaders are off to a shaky start lacking clarity and context. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Graphic Policy - Josh Rathbun Jul 2, 2021

    Im not looking to take shots on someone in the industry but I just dont feel like The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield is a great comic or really good use of Liefeld's art. I do think The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield ends up recycling a lot of his poses and typical artistic foibles. Archie Comics just doesnt stick to anything thats not the Archie digests and I would not be surprised if this newest launch just disappears. I guess you can just enjoy The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield while it lasts but I doubt this is going to last long at all. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Multiversity Comics - Henry Finn Jul 5, 2021

    This books feels like an impression of a 50s comic book company doing an impression of a 90s comic book. Read Full Review

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