Animal Pound #5

Writer: Tom King Artist: Peter Gross Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: September 4, 2024 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 0 User Reviews: 5
N/ACritic Rating
2.7User Rating

+ Pull List

What happens when dogs become too powerful, changing the rules in their favor, and systematically consuming every non-dog in sight?

As some animals do what they think they must to survive, democracy is more at stake than ever, and it may not survive.

Will anyone?

    No critic ratings have been found for this issue.

  • 6.5
    DDJamesB Sep 5, 2024

    Very wordy. Lots of exposition. It had moments that interested me and the ending was sad. Just said a lot to get very little.

  • 4.0
    Jawnyblaze Sep 9, 2024

    It started out really good, but the past couple issues devolved into a blatant copying of drumpf. I'm all for dragging that person through the mud, but this was neither harsh enough nor well written enough at the end to be entertaining. All the effort was put into making the comparison crystal clear and not enough effort was put into making the story remain interesting. There was no subtlety, no real plot, just the fat pos dancing and making a fool of himself all the way back into human control while the two heroes lose their mind/health, one getting euthanized and the other just wasting away. Complete downer of an ending that strikes too close to reality to be entertaining.

  • 1.0
    Happywifelife Sep 24, 2024

    Horrible... just horrible. Not even makes any sense. So bad. :(

  • 1.0
    Bi1lyPilgrim Sep 6, 2024

    This series shifted hard from the political disintegration of an idealistic animal society to an absurd thinly veiled criticism of trump. The totalitarian leader is made to sound like trump, which is fucking absurd. He should have stuck with the original premise instead of going current day on us

  • 1.0
    myconius Sep 5, 2024

    This is utter dog sh*t!!!

    (pun intended)

    Stay away from this Poor Wannabe Animal Farm.

    Orwell was a master. King is just a booger eater.

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