Wielding the secret knowledge of the future, Amon and his lover, Canto, near their ultimate goal of possessing the remaining cases. As the pair gain significant ground, Caspar faces a desperate choice: should they make a stand despite their weakened numbers, or escape to the one place they can truly hide from danger?
Daniele Di Nicuolo crafts some beautiful and dynamic visuals on every page of this issue. The art is beautifully done, compelling and visually stunning. Read Full Review
As the latest arc of Seven Secrets moves at a blistering pace, it remains visually delightful and narratively impactful. It is a book that is designed to be devoured in true serial form and can also be inspected from a dozen different angles to find new appreciations of the craftsmanship put into the series. This series remains at the top of my pull when it circles around, and I don't foresee that changing any time soon. Read Full Review
Seven Secrets #14 reminded me of why Tom Taylor's books are always at the top of my pull list. Each story that he tells is amazing and at the same time, each one is unique in itself. Seven Secrets is another great series from Boom! Studios and each new issue seem to use the previous ones to leap to an even greater sense of enjoyment on my part. I can honestly say that this is my favorite ongoing book, and one of the only competitors it has is another book that is also from Taylor. Read Full Review
While the artwork is gorgeous in the book's latter half, sometimes the rain effect makes it a bit difficult to make out everything that's happening. Otherwise, Seven Secrets once again delivers, and more answers can't get here soon enough. Read Full Review
Seven Secrets #14 is a quick-moving issue with more action between the two secret sects consumed with protecting or acquiring the seven secrets. It doesn't delve into just what Caspar is, or where his unusual power comes from (did he acquire it while growing up in the other dimension, or was it something he was born with?), but we do see him gain more control over it heading into our cliffhanger. Realizing more of their dwindling number are in danger, our small group of heroes is once again too late to make a save but they do arrive just in time for another case to be opened, and perhaps see the precipitating even of Caspar's death? Read Full Review