Masters of the Universe: Revelation #1

Writer: Kevin Smith, Rob David, Tim Sheridan Artist: Mindy Lee Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: July 7, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 5
7.6Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

This is the official comic book prequel to the upcoming Netflix television show written by Executive Producers Kevin Smith and Rob David and episode writer Tim Sheridan and featuring art by Mindy Lee (Crimson Lotus).
Following a vicious Orlax attack on his father King Randor, He-Man learns the creature is linked to the origin of the sword of power. To save Randor and put an end to the chaos He-Man embarks on an epic journey that pits him against his longtime foes Skeletor and Evil-Lyn, and sees Teela take the reins of a powerful legacy.
The official prequel to the upcoming Netflix show!

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Lucas Fashina Jul 13, 2021

    A lot of 1st appearances here, that I would not be surprised if they somehow make it into the Netflix Series. To make it better this issue has two covers. One of which is a CVR B by Mike Mignola. The Cover A is by Stjepan Sejic. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    The Super Powered Fancast - Timala Elliott Jul 7, 2021

    The artwork in this issue is very detailed and filled with brilliant colors. Stylistically, everything is modern and youthful. And the color palate changes to match the various tones and situations. The panels are visually appealing and I was fully transported into the world of the story. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Multiversity Comics - Alexander Manzo Jul 12, 2021

    This is an issue that anyone that has either a vested interest in He-Man or curious about the new remake coming should check out. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Watch - Jimmy Hayes Jul 7, 2021

    A great start to what I believe will be a VERY important series in the Masters of the Universe mythos. Forget what's come before, THIS is the new cannon, following along the road laid out in the original cartoon series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Jul 3, 2021

    Ultimately though, if you're in any way excited about the Netflix show, this should be considered an essential purchase. While it doesn't really give anything away about what to expect on July 23rd, it does provide some additional background and historical information that may prove to be invaluable when the show goes live. At any rate, more He-Man comics are always a good thing, and while this one doesn't exactly try to reinvent the wheel, it does make for an enjoyable appetizer for the main course to come. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - Ronnie Gorham Jul 7, 2021

    As a big-time Kevin Smith fan, I was hoping for a lot more action sequences and punchy, humorous dialogue, but here they're both lacking. Still, it is He-Man, so like many readers, I'm here for the long haul to see where this is headed. Hopefully, the book picks up steam moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Adam Barnhardt Jul 7, 2021

    A little too much time is spent on the world-building here and not enough on character and story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    BGCP - Michael Lennox Jul 8, 2021

    From watching documentaries on them, MOTU fans can be quite unforgiving, so it will be interesting to see how the response to the comic and series on Netflix. Smith's passion for the show and the original Filmation and Mattel figures is an interesting combination. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Jul 2, 2021

    All in all, only the most die-hard of He-Man fans need give this book a look-see. Newcomers will be completely lost, assuming they aren't bored by the lack of action. The nicest thing that can be said about this book is that it definitely feels like a He-Man story, so those who feared that Orko would be trying to sell dime-bags purely because of Kevin Smith's involvement can rest easy. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    ZorEl Jul 7, 2021

    Amazing start to this adventure. The art by Mindy Lee feels very much Motu, even with the updated designs.

    Out of the gates we have an adventure going. The classic setup that we expect from a Motu story is there, but it also promises to take us deeper down the lore rabbit hole.

    There are many characters and concepts in this first issue, and they are leaving many events implicit in the storytelling. This is not really a comic book for the casual tourist, this is for the fans of the IP.

    Deducting a half point for the flow in the storytelling that could have benefitted from extending this story with another issue rather than pushing through the story too fast.

  • 9.0
    cincyfan Jul 19, 2021

    It's been ages since I've read or seen anything he-man however I love Kevin Smith so I had to pick this up. I felt this was a fantastic start and am really looking forward to the next issue. The writing and artwork were both great this did a great job of laying the groundwork for a deep and exciting story

  • 4.5

    If what's coming to Netflix is anything like this I am very unimpressed. The art is decent, but the plot is dull and very slow. He-Man's trip through time was dreadfully uninteresting and King Grayskull and the young He-Ro's new looks are almost as terrible as the one Teela's going to undergo later. And speaking of bad looks what's with those freaky eyes on Orko? Yeesh. He looks creepy. Stop changing the characters from what we know fellas. If they want to be unique with their designing then they need to make new characters (Then we can collect the figures of those new characters).
    With this I was reminded of a 2002 series story blended the lame DC version than anything I grew up with. In fact I felt 0.0000% nostalgia from this. I reme more

  • 8.0
    Jason The Dude Jul 29, 2021

  • 5.5
    RedRonin Jul 7, 2021

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