Prometheus: Life and Death #1

Event\Storyline: Life and Death Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Andrea Mutti Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: June 8, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 3
6.8Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Colonial Marines have commandeered a mysterious alien ship-wresting it from the savage Predators who also wanted it. But now the owner of the vessel has awakened, and the marines find themselves trapped in space with an angry god!

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Jun 9, 2016

    There is something oddly mechanical in the appearance in about the Prometheus, almost more like an advanced cyborg than an alien. Artist Andrea Mutti is clearly influenced by H.R. Giger's artwork in the original Alien films. Each page manages to balance an action packed story, and superb artwork, to deliver. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Chad Waller Jun 7, 2016

    Solid and fun. This went from a gung-ho marines vs. aliens story to a survival horror affair, and it did so pretty seamlessly. Thats cool. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jun 8, 2016

    Prometheus: Life And Death #1 came with the same intensity as you hoped it would. You don't title this “Trapped With an Angry God” and not show that God's wrath the way it did when it first awoke. The stakes have never been higher for them to get the job done because in space no one can hear you scream. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jun 15, 2016

    For any fan of Aliens, Predator, or Prometheus, this series is a must-read. It is set in a certain time, so it helps to have watched the movies, but you don’t need to in order to understand the premise. This is going to be a great sci-fi series; these Marines are bound to get into some trouble with this god-like creature walking around, and I can’t wait to see how they handle it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams May 13, 2016

    Ultimately then, Prometheus: Life and Death adds a truly intriguing slant to the enigmatic, god-like Engineers while managing to balance tense horror, frantic action and character-based drama incredibly effectively. As I've said before, Dark Horse Comics seem to be able to do no wrong with these franchises, and you can most definitely count me in for the rest of this event. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 10, 2016

    I didn't continue to purchase the recent Predator series after its inital issue because of the visuals and I'm feeling somewhat the same on this series. However, because I'm interested in learning more about the Engineers, I may continue to purchase this. The story is fine, but the visuals should have been stronger. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 8, 2016

    The Prometheus element of the Fire and Stone event last year was one of the more problematic elements for me as it just didn't click. With the opening installment here in Life and Death, things feel like they're more grounded and accessible and not quite the same level of weirdly crazy that we had before. It also doesn't hurt that this series has the fantastic Andrea Mutti on board for the artwork. Mutti's layouts are quite good, especially some of the ways the movement throughout the ship and connections are made, but it's the character artwork that I like the most. I think his is the first interpretation of the Engineer that just doesn't look terrible to me. With some solid ship layouts both alien and human in the mix and a lot of potential for what's to come, Mutti's definitely a strong choice for this book and has me hopeful for some big action sequences in the installments ahead. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Aaron Reese Jun 10, 2016

    It’s fine. Issue #1 does its job. The marines shoot stuff. The alien kills people. In stories about Predators, Aliens and...whatever the things in Prometheus are called, that's about all one should expect. Abnett is experienced enough with cosmic storytelling to add a few nice flourishes, but, for the most part, this is exactly what you’d expect from the latest in this genre. Nothing more. Nothing less. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Jacques Cloete May 18, 2016

    As expected of the first issue in a series, Prometheus: Life and Death #1's ending slingshots (you'll laugh at that one after you've read the comic) the characters into unknown territory which is both thrilling and frightening. I am much more invested in the characters and the story this time around, which I expect might have been the plan all along. If Predator was the Terminator for this Life and Death saga, Prometheus is Judgement Day. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 9, 2016

    Mutti's art is generally adept at capturing the Alien and Prometheus aesthetic, though the murky coloring gives the issue an overly dull and washed-out feel. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Adam Frey Jun 7, 2016

    Prometheus: Life & Death may be fun for readers looking to fill the void before the nextAlien film (and this entire 17-part series should wrap up just in time for the movie, so maybe they'll connect). Thus far, it doesn't seem to be so compelling that it's a "must read" story, though. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Bounding Into Comics - Donald Edmonds Jun 8, 2016

    Dan Abnett does much to give service to an already established universe in Aliens and Predator, however he does little to develop the characters to make this comic stand on its own. If no one was familiar with the movie titles, Prometheus: Life and Death #1 would be a confusing read, and the reader wouldn't be compelled to pick up another issue. Andrea Mutti does more to pay homage to the movie titles in his art style and does much to redeem the work compared to previous titles in the Life and Death series. The biggest problem is while the characters are well drawn, there is hardly any characterization. And without characterization the characters serve as little more than just random piles of meat for the antagonist to slice up. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I want more than just the story about how some steaks stumbled upon a meat slicer. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Outright Geekery - Trevor Brown May 13, 2016

    With these comic books based that are based on past and current movies they all have it's pros and cons. It is always nice to see the expanded universe of a movie played out in books. New characters introduced and we all know the dangers that they will face. The cons though are always lurking in the back, if and when a new movie comes out, will it include these side adventures and award the readers who see the movie with that knowledge or will it simply erase these stories and leave us with that could have been feeling? With this series, there are twelve more issues to go to see if that is what we get at the end if we will want that feeling of could have been or grateful that it was all but a dream. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Jun 13, 2016

    A shame because the 'Fire And Stone' story cycle from 2014 ended up being pretty good and this follow offers nothing new. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Chris Smith Jun 2, 2016

    The issue ends with the Xenotech craft blasting off into space, perhaps with the Engineer at the helm. Ever since 2012's Prometheus film when Dr. Shaw launches off in search of the Engineer homeworld fans have wondered what happens next? So far this first issue was just action and very little plot. It's possible that writer Dan Abnett could be taking us on a journey larger than Aliens or Predator, but if this first issue is any indication it seems unlikely. If you like the franchise, pick up this book for a fun read, otherwise, you're better off buying some more original sci-fi comics. Read Full Review

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