The Savage Dawn begins! Following recent events in the SUPERMAN ANNUAL, Superman is becoming increasingly desperate to regain his powers! The situation is dire, as he must rescue his fellow Justice Leaguers and save the lives of the soldiers facing Vandal Savage!
Action Comics has been the best book in this whole truth debacle and this issue may be the best one. Superman has his powers back and while it may kill him, he's doing it for the greater good. Vandal Savage is proving to be a great villain and I finally can say that I'm looking forward to the next issue of this crossover. If the other creative teams can keep the ball rolling we won't have to wait until April to fall in love with Superman again. This issue was a step in the right direction. Read Full Review
Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder have Superman on the path to redemption in this action-packed adventure. Read Full Review
All in all, not a bad book, but it could use some tightening up. Read Full Review
This issue contains plenty of the same problems that have been present over the last six months of this title, but it also manages to tell a simple battle story in a vibrant and sweeping style that is perfectly befitting of ideal Superman stories. Read Full Review
The characters all feel fairly individual and the colouring is nice and if I come across as a bit middling about this comic it's because I am. It's about as average as it gets. Read Full Review
Is all of the Truth and all the arcs in the books supposed to all be tied into Savage? And how am I supposed to rectify all these plots into something cohesive? Thank goodness Kuder was on art for the bulk of the book. The visuals are the only thing that propped this book up. Because it seems like things are happening fast and loose so this thing can come to an end. Read Full Review
I like that the threads are all coming together.